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  1. J

    How do you show you have options?

    She is not interested, and you aren't going to turn this around. Even if you start acting ****y, etc. on your next date with her, she will interpret it as you "trying" to act that way to win her approval. The frame for this one has been cemented; you need her more than she needs you. Move on...
  2. J

    When SHE chases YOU! [Text Game Enclosed]

    The reason those women got so riled up about his texting manners is because this approach WOULD work on them, and there would be nothing they could do about it. An integral part of text game is not replying to every message sent. The old model of text game- which was to send witty texts and...
  3. J

    Avoiding pursuit burnout?

    First off, remember that it's a numbers game. It doesn't matter whether any particular woman finds you attractive or not, because there are so many of them. It's almost useless to try to find a "reason" for any individual rejection, because one woman's rejection is nonsensical and has no...
  4. J

    Good move or bad?

    Welcome to the forum! As you probably know, the advice we give here is based on the principle that you "buy"--not "build" a relationship. You probably have already observed the fact that people (with very few exceptions) do NOT change; as such, you should treat any flaws in your significant...
  5. J

    Acting disinterested in a girl!

    If her IL is truly low, no amount of game will turn that around. You will just be two disinterested people, hanging out. It's important to accept that you can't win them all---that's the whole idea behind the "abundance" mentality. Trying to "convert" a disinterested girl is something guys...
  6. J

    Fictional question

    #1 is in a far better position than #2. Building wealth is all well and good, but if your goal is attracting women, it's far better to lead a balanced life. We are social animals; if you are starved socially, all kinds of negative things happen. Guys like #2 will often rationalize that...
  7. J

    "If someone better came along, ide leave you"

    My take? I think she was playing a game to try and gain the upper hand. She wouldn't bring up the "what are we?" conversation if she just saw you as a stopgap. When girls treat a guy as a second-stringer, they act aloof. They don't talk about "where things are going." I think her...
  8. J

    The Claw

    Seems legit to me. Of course, the wildcard in this type of thing is whether or not the woman is open to meeting a strange guy. If she had reacted negatively to his initial approach, he obviously wouldn't have "clawed" her in. She demonstrated compliance and probably gave at least a smile...
  9. J

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Did she agree to go out with you as a result of the last phone call? It sounds as though she has low interest- and it probably has nothing to do with you, either. Sometimes, you catch girls at a time where all they desire is validation. If this was an internet date, that is almost...
  10. J

    How should I deal with lower interest and other guys trying to game my girl?

    The important part is that you're intelligent and can remain objective enough to see where you made mistakes. Many guys simply refuse to believe that the advice on this forum applies to THEIR particular situation (although they will readily acknowledge it applies to *everybody else*). You're...
  11. J

    How should I deal with lower interest and other guys trying to game my girl?

    Go no contact for a few days. When she contacts you, tell her you want to go to lunch and talk about some things that have been on your mind. Then, break up with her gently by telling her that you're both young and that you don't want to get serious with anyone at this point in your life...
  12. J

    when she says 'you should go see other girls'

    This is where you flip the script on her and cancel on her last minute without an explanation. You're on the wrong path if she's telling you to see other girls. First of all, she shouldn't be "telling" you what to do. It sounds as though she is calling the shots, which is instant death...
  13. J

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    I probably wouldn't respond at all. I feel like boring "courtship" exchanges like this one suck the intimacy out of any encounter and cement the "traditional dating" frame, which no longer works. Similarly, when a girl asks you to text her when you get home... don't do it.
  14. J

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Wrong. Waiting to set up a date maintains intrigue; setting another date right away kills intrigue. A girl will NOT put you on the back burner for being mysterious; she WILL, however, if she knows you're already angling for a relationship with her after one date. Think about it honestly...
  15. J

    So many excuses she gives, how to respond?

    Go no contact. If she pulls back, you need to pull back MORE. If she had sufficient interest in you, she would get back to you in a timely fashion. She didn't, so you need to "punish" her by ignoring her. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you text her again to ask her out!
  16. J

    No response from a girl.....

    This one is done. You didn't build enough rapport to insult her not once, but twice. I would actually apologize for this, because it wasn't a case of her "testing" you by getting angry. But, rest assured, this pickup is over for now. Treat it as a learning experience and move on.
  17. J

    Sex Report - Same Night Lay (First time meet)

    Come on man, you know better than that. You think she only acted that easy for you? Odds are, you're fine, but you need to wrap it up EVERY TIME with girls like this. No excuses- it's just not worth the risk.
  18. J

    why is it bad to say 'its ok dont worry, good luck and have a great week if she says

    Usually, it means her interest isn't there. The only non-needy response to this is no response. Just assume she isn't going to contact you and make other plans- if she actually comes through, you can take it from there. NEVER make a flaky girl a priority- this will turn them off. Saying...
  19. J

    A Reminder that Game STILL isn't Mainstream
  20. J

    New Deicide Approach and Lifestyle Journal

    You're doing a great job. Be sure to keep in mind that cold approach pickup is freakin HARD. Even if you're getting blown out constantly, you're still doing better than most guys, who have no idea how to approach a strange woman. I'd still like to see you go out with a friend- I think...