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  1. J

    It's been 6 months of celibacy. My Mentality.

    I think that it's easy to forget that game is a luxury. Sure, it is important for us to get laid, but it is not a necessity in order to live. I'm a business owner myself, and I've experienced a similar shift in priorities since things began to pick up. Sadly, it is impossible to...
  2. J


    No Contact is the ONLY magic bullet in game. If a problem CAN be fixed, it's often your best tool. Trying to talk your way through a girl's low interest level will lower it further. Insulting a girl or telling her off will lower it further. Ignoring a girl cuts off the stream of...
  3. J

    Sexual texing - how to keep tension high??

    Don't do this. If she WANTS to do this, SHE will initiate it. Otherwise, it's just too risky and may come across as needy or weird. Give her the gift of missing you and let your absence increase her interest level.
  4. J

    "Im down to hang out but strictly plutonic"

    For future reference, NEVER suggest wine and a movie at your place for a first date. Instead, make the date for a venue walking distance from your place, and then invite her to stop by for just a minute, if things are going well. Also give the disclaimer that she can't stay long, since you...
  5. J

    Gf and I talked.

    Assuming you went ahead and saw her tonight... You need to disappear for a few days, while she's vulnerable- even if she apologized and "patched things up." The no contact trick was only a temporary fix- she WILL try to end it again, unless you start raising her interest level. Ignore her...
  6. J

    Gf says "let's stop here"

    ^This. Regardless of the reason for this behavior, your response should be the same: Pull back and go about your daily life until she contacts you and admits that she was wrong. Leaving issues like this unresolved in her mind is the best way to get her to think about you obsessively...
  7. J

    Is `the game' up in 2012?

    Even if women KNOW you're running game, it STILL works most of the time. Same way that if a girl talks about another guy, with the intention of making you jealous, it usually works to some degree-- even though you know her intention. "Game" is NOT about "tricking" girls into bed. It's about...
  8. J

    Are sexually aggressive, but unattractive, men considered "creepy"?

    Social calibration matters more than looks when it comes to "creepiness." If you're a good looking guy that orbits and stares at girls instead of talking to them, you'll still be considered creepy. At any rate, being called "creepy" should mean nothing to you- unless you really ARE acting...
  9. J

    On the brink of cheating

    Exactly. There are plenty of women that are NOT aggressive or domineering, and they typically require less "alpha"-ness to keep them in check. Of course, masculine women (such as the OP's wife) tend to couple with AFCs- probably because an alpha male wouldn't put up with their sh!t. This woman...
  10. J

    Help me choose between 2 women

    The sure bet is always a better deal than the wildcard in the long run. Remember, if you were to date Girl #2 for a couple of years, you'd get bored of her, just the same. We are programmed to find the novelty of encountering a new woman exciting- this does not mean it is in our best...
  11. J

    Why some girls JUST tease?

    Pull back. Give her mixed signals until she stops being a tease.
  12. J

    What to say when a girl cancels?

    ^This. It is AMAZING how effective silence is in these situations. This is one of those things that guys with a ton of options do instinctively- they don't give closure when a girl flakes, they just move on to the next. Even replying with "ok" has a negative effect on a girl's...
  13. J

    Being the rebound guy.

    If you want this to last, you're going to have to go hot and cold on her. Have days when you don't return her calls/texts, become suddenly unavailable, etc. She may try to push for you to become exclusive- do not accept this for a few months- until you can be sure that you are more than an ego...
  14. J

    tried to play it cool and she called me out on it saying trying to make her jealous

    Thing is, even if she suspects that you're trying to make her jealous, it will STILL have the effect of raising her IL. Game is funny that way. Don't admit to it, though.
  15. J

    Low Interest or Unsure of me?

    Her interest is low, but that's nothing to be worried about. Most girls do not develop high interest right away. So how do you raise her IL? Your main tools are push/pull (paying attention to her sometimes, then selectively ignoring her), jealousy (start showing interest in other women...
  16. J

    "Betches Love This" blog

    Anyone hear of this? This is actually an interesting read, because it corroborates the importance of game from a female perspective. The blog is meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but the author(s) are quite self-aware, and I wouldn't be surprised if this functioned as a female "game" blog for...
  17. J

    How do you act like a challenge and not be needy during cold approaches?

    First off, understand that you are still young and probably won't be getting truly remarkable results for awhile. If cold approaching is making you feel bad about yourself, you shouldn't do it. You absolutely HAVE to view it as a game, and not as something that reflects on you in any way...
  18. J

    Ex has my balls in a vise...

    Yes..I've kind of abandoned the idea of referring to "quality women" because such a distinction gets a bad rap on this board. However, I think we can all agree that some women are more feminine than others.
  19. J

    Which text message to send

    Don't text her. She's leaving for a month... you aren't going to keep things "ticking," you're going to fall into the friendzone for seeming needy. Drop her a line when she gets back, instead. Those two examples sound like some of the early "text game" models- lame canned material that...
  20. J

    Ex has my balls in a vise...

    This one is pretty simple- work overtime and pay her back as fast as possible...then never speak to her again. She sounds like a headcase, and would certainly have made your life miserable had you remained with her. A truly feminine woman would NOT stoop to the level of insults and power grabs...