I would really appreciate any input you have.
Been seeing 20yr HB8/9, texted regularly then met 5 times in 2/3 weeks, had sex on first date. Everything going very well although all the way through she has been playing hard to get games via text - but these fall apart once I meet her and she quickly reveals high Attraction which quickly leads to sex 9 (although not very enthusiastic - but this could just be down to lack of experience).
She has flown to stay with her parents for 12 days - I know attraction is almost at a peak at the moment - she gave me a call the evening of when she landed to say hi! Didnt have much to say cause I was caught off guard. How do I keep attraction high while she's away? I was thinking I should text her and maybe lead things towards sexual texts to raise sexual tension for the return? How would I do this over text? If done properly I feel I could steer things towards phone sex/skype sex? Any exp anyone?
Been seeing 20yr HB8/9, texted regularly then met 5 times in 2/3 weeks, had sex on first date. Everything going very well although all the way through she has been playing hard to get games via text - but these fall apart once I meet her and she quickly reveals high Attraction which quickly leads to sex 9 (although not very enthusiastic - but this could just be down to lack of experience).
She has flown to stay with her parents for 12 days - I know attraction is almost at a peak at the moment - she gave me a call the evening of when she landed to say hi! Didnt have much to say cause I was caught off guard. How do I keep attraction high while she's away? I was thinking I should text her and maybe lead things towards sexual texts to raise sexual tension for the return? How would I do this over text? If done properly I feel I could steer things towards phone sex/skype sex? Any exp anyone?
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