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  1. T

    Don't Want To Lose Female Friend

    OpenMind had a good idea there--it wasn't letting her dictate things at all. Asking her like that and then shutting the hell up puts the "justify yourself" pressure on her (where it should be after that display from her) and keeps the guy from stupidly getting into a discussion and giving her...
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    Big trouble

    I heard of some women extorting $$$ out of guys for an abortion (several guys--you just had to have been in bed with her..) I saw this once actually--it didn't work since 3 of the guys lived in the same building and compared letters (LOL) Then I've heard of some women who did go to bed with...
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    let her know what a selfish cow I've realised she is? or leave it and walk away?

    Why is it up to you to punish her? She's a manipulative and mean-spirited bytch. Fine. She'll get people around her who allow themselves to be treated that way. But your one-itis falling for her is probably your own fault. Sure, you're blaming her (we wouldn't be seeing that heat on...
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    Back it up a little bit and then progress back towards where you want to be. Work on those a little older, a little lower down the 1-10 scale--whatever. Start getting success there and then start heading back up the charts again.
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    how can you tell if a girl............

    That's called her period. Or you're big. (Congratulations! And maybe she's a "size queen" and goes for that kind of artillery piece...) Or there's too much friction and pounding (ease up cowboy!) Or she's a virgin (yeah, right.) Basically--because of many things, you can't use the...
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    girlfriend hanging out with ex

    In a word: REBOUND 5 yrs him. Ended 2 months ago. 2 months you, started 2 months ago. I normally would agree with most of the stuff up above if this was a regular BF-GF thing. But this is a rebound thing--she's rebounding and you're the 1st rebound. She'll probably go back to him...
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    how can you tell if a girl............

    Why does it matter?
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    What did she just say?

    Don't talk to her about it! Next time she brings that up, look in her eyes, smile, and then turn and walk away. Or just kiss her. No talking. ;)
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    Whar is she taling about?!

    Bond was hardly posting anything stupid or retarded, dude, there's more than sarcasm that's eluding you here. Xblitz and Bond pretty much covered it and even broke it down.
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    Lay Report: Too tight ass

    Hug close Gotta love that one. "I bye-bye closed the chick" Ice Cold--you ****!--I just spewed beer on the computer reading that...! Ouch.
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    girl with high IL,Bf, likes drugs,she hates drugs,If i tell, will he become underdog?

    I think she wants you to steal her from him. I suppose you can make it easier by taking her out and having fun. Don't hang around the freaking ranch working and waiting for her to show up--go out and do something and take her along! And don't rat out the BF. That's her problem. When she...
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    Whar is she taling about?!

    rotflmao :D :D :p :rolleyes:
  13. T

    REBORN DJ comes eye to eye with one-itis

    She's messed up emotionally and so are you around her. This isn't about proving how strong you are or how far you've come---she's poison, and that's the "space" you get sucked into around her. You affect her--got it? She doesn't pull all that crap (drama) if you didn't. But she's...
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    Huge AFC starting to scare me away

    Hey, what's that web service that sends an anonomous e-mail to someone who needs to be told something embarrassing but no one wants to do it direct? Maybe 32swf needs to do that about 6 months after she has to let him go. Anyway, 32---any update?
  15. T

    Calling out a flake on her behaviour?

    Now THAT^^^ is the best way for you to let her know her behavior is unacceptable and put her in her place. No words need be used--beautiful. Actually--when you see her at X-mas--with someone else on your arm--be very friendly and glad to see her.
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    REBORN DJ comes eye to eye with one-itis

    Why do you want to speak to her? What is it you want to say to her, or what is it you want to get from her? I do not think it is a good idea.
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    Studying the Female Anatomy....

    Enough with the set-up, escalate it and ask her out.
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    Huge AFC starting to scare me away

    Sounds like he doesn't know how to play yet--and probably won't get it right until a few more GFs down the road. Rather--when you dump him, you can do him a favor and direct him to some material (DYD, Doc, here, Copeland etc--whatever, any one of them will help him)--THEN it will take a few GFs...
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    Anti-Dump's Machine (Part IV: Embrace ACTION, Woman's Weak Spot)

    Uneven in spots (as was Henry James), but she did reach out quite a bit in it, IMO (as did Mr. James.) And I I liked the Gillian Anderson movie of it, too--more than I thought I would. Yet, what was that Jane Austen quote--?? <Tesuque gets out the cleaver and begins butchering the quote...
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    How do I let a female friend know i'm interested?

    Just ask for a date. She'll know. If you send signals on top of her signals, you'll both be standing there broadcasting and nothing will get done. She's waiting for you to make a move. Do so or move on.