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  1. M

    Pimps need other pimps

    This post is all-over... sorry fela's :( Real players of, Why? Why are you a player? I don't know what I am... I refuse to be labeled by slanted terms. I am Anthony <insert last name ;)>, I am healthy, I am smart, I am athletic, I will be successful... just watch me. Why...
  2. M

    HS isnt all about girls, how to study?

    Pay attention in class. ALWAYS have a notebook out taking notes. Every day go over your notes after school [one time through skimming is all you usually need], then do your HW.
  3. M

    screw the fundamentals

    Lol, are you trying to tell me when you read "Be A Man" by pook for the first time you went out and approached 100 women? Hah, I didn't think so. You went out and approached because you felt you knew how... because of tecknique posts. And from your experiences you formulated your own mindset...
  4. M

    Self image and self talk PLEASE advise

    All the mindset in the world won't get those voices out of your head. Tormenting, arent they? Heh, isn't it worse when you actually believe them? Kind of pathetic, actually. The only way to get those voices to shut up, is to prove them wrong. Walk up, say hi, and go with the flow of the...
  5. M

    Should i tell her or not? (TRICKY) Hehe

    I believe it exists. I mean, come now... for all you guys who meet tons of women, haven't you ever just met someone and felt it deep inside?
  6. M

    How do you interpret it when a woman fails to show value, socially or sexually?

    If I am on my game, and I just had a choco-penutbutter frapalatte [:D] and I meet a sexy woman, the convo will be fun. Thats the kind of person I am [with enough energy], a party looking for a place to happen. I've never met a woman who was interested in me and boring, it just doesn't happen.
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    Be the Righteous

    I wholeheartedly agree, this is a wonderful post Jester, thank you. However, there are always nessesary evils.
  8. M

    What qualities do you look for in a girl?

    I'm a bastard... ignore my previous post, all I go for is looks, lol.
  9. M

    Female Wingman?

    I'd be worried with a female wingman... I'm a good looking fela and I wouldn't want to hurt the girl winging. Thats why I don't have female friends, girls are usually attracted to me and any time I spend with them can be construde as attraction. I've been called @ 2 in the morning by crying...
  10. M

    screw the fundamentals

    I hate mindset posts. They are inane and they lack a basic understanding of the human mind. But not this post. This post was sexy, I like it. Don't think your a king, treat yourself like a king. However... grabyournutscrashandburn-style approaching will teach you JUST as much about...
  11. M

    Music? What's the big deal?

    Music is beautiful... through sound we can express and relate powerful [and often deep] feelings and emotions easily. THATS the big deal. I listen to every concievable genere of music, and I truely believe it makes me a more worldly, cultured, and expressive/animated person. Falcon -...
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    Popular girls are usually above average. Really sexy people often don't have many friends because people are really jealous of them. The 2 hottest girls in school last year were friends, and they hung out with 2 other girls... and nobody else talked to them. Popular girls, on the other hand...
  13. M

    Bitterness of the Unpopular

    Any of you losers who think dressing different and listening to different music is what makes kids popular need to take a big moment [my new fav ketch phrase, btw] to understand the world around you.
  14. M

    What qualities do you look for in a girl?

    She needs to be at leased a 7.5 for looks She needs to dress herself well [stylish, not a pollock] She needs to be confident in herself She needs to be able to entertain me [hold up convo/have fun/ect]
  15. M

    Two Questions

    Homecoming is different at every school. At some schools [like my old school in the city] its a HUGE deal where people get fairly dressed up and go to a football game then a dance and usually an after party. However, at my new school its just a regular dance, and there aren't many parties...
  16. M

    Wiggers in Highschool

    No, you need to take a big moment to understand the english language. ****** is a canned term for african slaves, or as some whites back in those times would like to say "Stupid Blacks." If you are a respectable person, of any color/race/smell then no harm done... you are just a respectable...
  17. M

    It's a game...

    Great post! Give without expectation... that way, whatever you recieve has that much more spice.
  18. M

    The ABC's of a True Don Juan

    DJ's do lie cheat and steal... thats the ****ing point. Besides that, your post was brilliant.
  19. M

    Master DJs, could YOU pull this chick?

    I loved the theme, but it was poorly thrown together. In the beginning especially the sentences didn't flow together... "Their arms feel like their reaching out for me" should be "I feel their arms reaching out for me" Little changes in syntax would REALLY breathe some life into this...
  20. M

    High School Myth

    Uhhhh no If you play sports it gives girls an oppening line... if they have material to use then ther eis a greater probability of them approaching you... therefore you post is retarted... tahnk you, I'll be here all week.