We live in a world full of evil, a world with morals who few actually abide by. As DJs, we are priveleged to information the rest of the world will never know and as we all should know, information is power. The test of a DJ is what he uses that power for. For righteousness or for evil, acting totally out of greed and self indulgence or for the benefit of the rest of the world as well as himself.
Absolute power leads to absolute corruption.
I'm sure some of you have heard this before, it is as true as it comes, but i doubt many of you have had it explained before.
Those with power have much less to fear than those without power. Fear is what keeps much of the human population from degredating into a primitive animal-like nature. Fear of god, fear of law, fear of what others might think.
If you take away all that, i guarantee you atleast 50% of humans go back to the stone-age and do some of the sickest **** you could imagine. And i know some of you reading this right now are thinking you would too.
A better example of this might be, what would you do if you were invisible? If no one could see you, no one could prosecute you, what would you do? That pushes the percentage up to about 75% i'd say, and thats a low estimate.
There are those out there tho who would not sink into this pit of depravity. They are the righteous, the ones who have morals and who stand up for their morality. Im not religious, but i identify with christianity for the principles they fight to uphold. The only problem with that is that they base on fear of god and so that is where christianity will utimately fail. They will fail because people, even now, are beginning to lose their fear of god, and that will start to be trouble.
The solution? Happiness and Fun, Thats what is all about people.
This simple little emotion is what world peace could ultimately come from. If everyone was happy, would there be any wars? If everyone was busy getting some killer overhead waves at the ocean, or tearing up the snow on the mountain, would there be any crime?
So i implore you, before you take any action, first consider whether your action will make the world a happier place or will it just be a catalyst for more anger and hate.
Before you give the finger to someone who pissed you off driving, first consider if doing that will actually cause anything good to happen.
Control your anger people, control yourselves, dont give into instinct to anger like some ape. Be the righteous, there is no reason not to.
Absolute power leads to absolute corruption.
I'm sure some of you have heard this before, it is as true as it comes, but i doubt many of you have had it explained before.
Those with power have much less to fear than those without power. Fear is what keeps much of the human population from degredating into a primitive animal-like nature. Fear of god, fear of law, fear of what others might think.
If you take away all that, i guarantee you atleast 50% of humans go back to the stone-age and do some of the sickest **** you could imagine. And i know some of you reading this right now are thinking you would too.
A better example of this might be, what would you do if you were invisible? If no one could see you, no one could prosecute you, what would you do? That pushes the percentage up to about 75% i'd say, and thats a low estimate.
There are those out there tho who would not sink into this pit of depravity. They are the righteous, the ones who have morals and who stand up for their morality. Im not religious, but i identify with christianity for the principles they fight to uphold. The only problem with that is that they base on fear of god and so that is where christianity will utimately fail. They will fail because people, even now, are beginning to lose their fear of god, and that will start to be trouble.
The solution? Happiness and Fun, Thats what is all about people.
This simple little emotion is what world peace could ultimately come from. If everyone was happy, would there be any wars? If everyone was busy getting some killer overhead waves at the ocean, or tearing up the snow on the mountain, would there be any crime?
So i implore you, before you take any action, first consider whether your action will make the world a happier place or will it just be a catalyst for more anger and hate.
Before you give the finger to someone who pissed you off driving, first consider if doing that will actually cause anything good to happen.
Control your anger people, control yourselves, dont give into instinct to anger like some ape. Be the righteous, there is no reason not to.