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Pimps need other pimps

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Apr 3, 2003
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*****This thread is for Real Players Only****All the rest do not read or respond on this thread.*******

There is an old saying "pimps need the company of other pimps" because only someone else who's into the "game" or the "life" can understand.

Players need the company of other players to talk to about what's going on and their successes, what used to be called "wolf sessions" (bragging) in the old days... and to just shoot the breeze.

Some of you players may find it hard to be in the company of AFC's. I have been called a dogg, master dogg, and worse names by AFC friends. I have learned to leave those kind of people out of my life. They just don't understand. The world has been pulled over" (their) eyes. They are blinded by societal stigma's of the way things should be between men and women.

Most of that crap was introduced by women's rights in the last century. I believe it started back in the 1800's and grew to it's ultimate explosion in the 60's with womens lib.

Now the game has been reversed and we have to cater to women...the wool has been pulled over our eye's.

If you have buddies you need to introduce them to this site and others like it. I have read alot of posts where guys had afc friends and my question has always been why? why aren't those friends here learning? why is that poster holding the knowledge secret away from their freinds? ego! they wanna be the ones who get all the women so their buddies will admire them.

Now your lonely cause you have nobody to talk to about this "izm"...

This site does need a bragging section where players can let it out...and the only people who read it will go there to see what other players are accomplishing.

That way we can get rid of those posters who get offended and get their pink panties all in a bunch cause somebody is wolfing about how he caught this girl or that one.

In this section this site needs to have space so the real players can post their pictures (non xrated) and emails type convo's for other real players to read.

I use the term real player since there are a lot of types on this board. You have those who come here to uhh "better myself" and you have those who come here to "learn to get a girlfriend" and you have those who love the "game" having lots of women in their lives.

By allowing the real players a ranting section, we can speak to others like us without the interference of other types of posters.
I have seen alot of non-players indulge in hateration on real players just cause they aren't into the "game" ...watch the responses to this post and you will see them come outta the carpet....like roaches when the lights turn on.

Anyone wanna second this motion from the real players stand?
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Apr 3, 2003
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I just read the Robert Bly post


and took this from it to support part of my statements above:

"Then during the '60s, another sort of male appeared the waste and anguish of the Vietnam war made men question what an adult male really is. And the women's movement encouraged men to actually look at women, forcing them to become conscious of certain things that the '80's male tended to avoid. As men began to look at women and their concerns, some men began to see their feminine side and pay attention to it. That process continues to this day, arid I would say that most young males are involved in it to some extent."

Like I was saying the game has been reversed


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
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Hey, I'm not hating on anyone's game. Just sometimes it seems like some folks here slip over into the darkside of misogyny and bitterness in trying to get revenge and humiliate some chick or all chicks.

Tapping into their primal drives is fine. I'm even cool with NLP (if it works.) I just don't like to see anyone, man or woman, reduced to groveling. If you get some chick in that position, you've probably gone too far over to the dark side of the force.

Just remember that they are still human beings, irrational and nutty as they are, and they deserve some minimal level of human respect.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
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older people

i recommend you guys to talk to an older uncle or cousin who is good with women. My 40 year old brother used to be a pimp and i just started talking with him everyday, and i wonder why i didn't talk to him earlier


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2001
Reaction score
No Doubt!

Finally, a true pimp (like myself)! It's cool to know there are other player/pimps like my self. Player, we really do need a place where all the the true pimps and players can come to rant and rave about the "game" and their successes. You're right, most of these wimps out here really have no clue as to what is really going on with these chicks. It's rare that you find one that has mastered the game. I, myself, am still in the the mastery stage. Well, like I said, we do need a place for the real players and pimps. I say we start one ourselves. I got all the computer skills we will need (web design/programming). We just need to come together on it if you are interested. If you or anyone else reading this post is interested you can email me at pimpnhard@myself.com.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
The fact is that the social conditioning, aka brainwashing that these AFC types have been raised with prevents them from believing that DJism actualy works. One has to look for the truth on their own, we all found our way here through our own means. They can too when they are ready to be enlightened.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
I have noticed, especially with guys like Pook and Player_Supreme, that many subjects brought up either by them, or in reference to them, are grossly misunderstood. These misunderstandings always revolve around to important things in every Man's existence, namely, WOMEN and LIFE.

WOMEN includes things like sex, girl-hunting, dating, etc. This is an important part of life that every Man should take control of, and structure it to his own liking. Guys who sleep/date many attractive women could be said to have this problem firmly under control. Women are the reason that most guys are even at this website in the first place. Most guy's love lives, when they first came here, was a mess.

LIFE includes things like money, job, education, knowledge, and character. Going to college and finishing with good grades would be considered part of life; as would starting a successful business. Those are examples of having your life firmly under control. However, this is not the ostensible reason that most fell upon this site, but it does have bearing, as I will point out in a moment.

This website was created with the WOMEN part of life in mind, and revolves around the WOMEN part of life. In fact, I believe the original Don Juan was first developed to be a demonistic enemy of God, only later to be changed into a more sympothetic character, mindful of the dichotomy between that which is supposed to bring happiness and contentment and that which actually does.

We all know that women can (and do!) take alot of time out of a Man's life. If not one woman, then possibly two or three, or maybe four! Once the doors to Pleasure Palace are opened, the flood of moist and tasty women is enough to dround even the most Ambitious of Men. Keeping this in mind, a few people have been so kind as to point this out to the knowlege hungry males (still sore from plucking out Cupid's arrow from thier still bleeding hearts) that frequent this website.

If we listen, we can hear the echoes of a quiet, yet steady, foreboding:

"A Don Juan is about MORE than women!"

"Focus on yourself, not the girls."

"Self-growth may cease, when consistent p*ssy is realized."

"A man is a warrior, and women are the relaxation."

"Self-improvement will get you no women, but it makes it MUCH EASIER to obtain them."

The jist of these statments is NOT to say that women should be excluded from the life of a "Don Juan", (heaven forbid!) but to warn those who make p*ssy hunting the ONLY priority in thier lives to take heed, and keep an eye on where thier LIFE is going. Advice to remember that there are TWO important parts (women and life) that should be equally pursued for true happiness.

Oh, to be sure, there are misunderstandings. Some people (with a secret fear of having to conquer the WOMEN portion of thier lives) take these words to mean that they should not pursue women, and only put effort into thier lives. As if, by some heavenly edict, beautiful women will fall like mana from the sky when they finally bring thier life goals into fruitition!

Through this new lens, they see fit, not ONLY to criticize and condemn those who keep company with more women than just one-at-a-time, but to call it a WEAKNESS to do so! Rest assured that there are many "players" who are weak, but does that make the Universal true? Who deserves to be judged based on the worst of thier kind?

In fact, they only belie thier own ignorance when they rally against "players" simply for the fact that the "players" do certain things to get women.

What is this ignorance?

It is ignorance of the GOAL.

Okay then, but what is this GOAL?


How to reach this ethereal goal is a subject of an unending discussion that will continue throughout time, and exist whenever and wherever there is despair to be found; indeed, the discussion and enactment of the philosophies distilled from it may even be the source of all unhappiness to begin with!

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." -- Camus

Sadly, many people do not realize that by forcing strange "philosophies" or philosophical "moralities" or moral "codes" on thier own behavior IS the very thing that keeps them from being content in thier own skin!

The world does not consist of Law and Reason, the world consits of Passion and Art.

I think I read in one of his posts that Player_Supreme wakes up with an ear to ear smile everyday, has a great job (owns a buisness or something maybe), and loves his life. Although most of the posts he makes are geared toward women, what is the main focus (but not the ONLY focus) of this forum?

Yet people judge, and condemn him in thier minds, totally forgetting that the SPIRIT of the law that they condemn him by (being a player) makes an allowance for the "player" who already has his life in pristine order!

These misunderstandings, however, are to be expected. Indeed, it is to be continued until the Confused Boys roaming around this site become Men and learn to bring the burden of decsicion full on upon themselves. It is the natural way of things, and an issue that humanity has always had to deal with: the Letter of the law vs. the Spirit of the law. Understanding is not in the mind but the soul. You have to deal first hand with all the moral issues, and philosophys that you have only read and talked about in order to really understand them.

God is not in the rules, but in the EXCEPTIONS.

Knowing that a person is a "player" is NOT enough to condemn them by any means. What is wrong with the man-wh0re lies NOT in the realm of morality, but in the realm of practicality. Indeed, Oscar Wilde states:

"Any preoccupation with ideas of what is right or wrong in conduct shows an arrested intellectual development."

I find this to be very, very true.

Women are only bad to the extent that they infringe upon your life. If you have a great life, how can you be looked down upon for having many women?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by icepick

I agree with you completely regarding all of your statements regarding happiness. i also agree and believe that until you find happiness, who are you to dictate how another finds happiness? who are you to say that your way is the right way, and someone else's is the wrong way, if you have not reached the goal yourself.

but i think that you also have misunderstood why many here do not "like" PS. there are other men on here who are "players", but the thing here is that PS seems to have a hatred of women. the way he approaches them (preying, hunting, tricking, ect) and the way he refers to them (b!tches, hos, wh0res, ect) points to a big blinking light that says HATE.

i think that many people find this offensive, the same way one might find a person who hates black people offensive. sure, preying and hunting black people may be the path to happiness for some people (such as the KKK), and maybe they enjoy refering to them in such derogatory terms, but who is really going to support that "path to happiness" or that "message of enlightenment"?

hatred never leads to ANYTHING good. so perhaps happiness should not be the goal in this case? or perhaps happiness is just a mask for something much more sinsiter in this case. in an earlier post i made, Demon attacked my philosophy of happiness. we didn't get into a debate, but perhaps i now have an understanding of a point he was making.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo New York baby!
This post is all-over... sorry fela's :(

Real players of SS.com,

Why? Why are you a player?

I don't know what I am... I refuse to be labeled by slanted terms. I am Anthony <insert last name ;)>, I am healthy, I am smart, I am athletic, I will be successful... just watch me.

Why then, whenever I post a FR, does the article carry a tale of negativity reeking of AFC's, RAFC's, girlfriend seekers, and pimp-flamers? Why is it I can approach 10 women in a day and get 5 numbers, give a detailed explanation and be shunned by ‘men’ preaching mindset and self-improvement?

Because humans are social creatures, and society tells men how to be women.

The purpose of a family unit is to raise children. Why then, do people insist upon exclusive relationships without any intent of having children? Go ahead, find a girlfriend... let your hypocrisy be your damnation. But don't think for a second I'll be dragged down with you.

Supreme... I've tried to show my friends these forums. They just don't accept it, they think its disgusting and would rather swing blindly into the wind. I talk over AIM with a few great DJ's, and it keeps me sane. Having a forum would be great. I'd love my own corner to scribble out FR's and read the words of others like me... I say bring it on!

Icepic... doing well at life is all well and good. In fact, I just posted a few tips for how to study and get better grades in the HS forum. But I rue the day I burry my head in a textbook and don’t glace at a cute skirt walking bye. Reproduction is the reason we are all here, it IS the big picture. Being good at soccer, running a profitable business, having lots of great friends, are all steps on the path to happiness and fulfillment. But simple genetics dictates nothing is as satisfying as the touch of a woman.

I totally agree, being a player is nothing to be ashamed about. For some men, that is their source of happiness. Some will say that’s shallow, but fulfillment is fulfillment, weather or not you step on all the stones to get there. Pity those who don’t know enough of themselves to understand their neighbor.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2001
Reaction score
I agree a fourm is needed.

I was looking for a place the following post. but none seam appropriate.

Misery likes company;
I see it in the face of AFC’s more than ever now that I started my transition toward becoming a player.

Some of my former buddies or partners keep telling me I should not be reaching for the stars until I get rich loose weight move to a new location, ext, ext, ext, and whatever. They cannot be my true friend true friend don’t try to hold you back?

Yet they sit around and complain about their wife’s how they treat them like sh*t. or cry when they are watching the kids and the wife getting plugged a player, Thug , DJ or some one with some sense.

These emasculated friends are afraid to stand up to there woman and are upset with me for making a change.

I say fine, like the woman they act like. I next them. I’m not mad at them I have grown and need new peers.

This is my difficult part;
Being older most of my old partners are that were True Pimps are now in lock down, or Moved out of the area. It’s difficult to hook up with a down player to learn the game. A lot of the younger cats are too busy serving or 2’sec from being in lockdown.

Where is some one learning to spit game to find some mature player / pimp ready to impart some knowledge?
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PimpNHard
No Doubt!

Finally, a true pimp (like myself)! It's cool to know there are other player/pimps like my self. Player, we really do need a place where all the the true pimps and players can come to rant and rave about the "game" and their successes. You're right, most of these wimps out here really have no clue as to what is really going on with these chicks. It's rare that you find one that has mastered the game. I, myself, am still in the the mastery stage. Well, like I said, we do need a place for the real players and pimps. I say we start one ourselves. I got all the computer skills we will need (web design/programming). We just need to come together on it if you are interested. If you or anyone else reading this post is interested you can email me at pimpnhard@myself.com.
Yo I'm going to holla at ya. expect an email from SactownnPimp@aol.com
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Well I've read some of the posts on this thread and like I said or warned they come outta the carpet like roaches. If you aren't in agreement with what I say...shut the f*uck up and don't waste thread space.

I am looking for who the real players are...not some symp assed...don't make them grovel or get ahead in my life type of dude....or a "if your happy and you know it clap ya hands" type of dude...please shut up...please shut up...

This thread is for Real Players ONLY! The rest of ya's shut ya yappers and quit talking out the side of ya knecks....
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
How to tell If your a Pimp or a Symp:

***Read the following message****

The Romantic Predator

The sexual predator, that dark and mysterious figure, the "stranger", unpredictable, hinting at danger, tinged with violence... what is there that so attracts women to him? Truly, there seems something almost magical about those few men who seem able to mesmerize women at will. What secret do they possess that gives them this power, this intensity, this animal magnetism?

Users and manipulators is the key phrase. Such men have learned to spot and sniff out vulnerable women, the "wounded birds", the ones most susceptible to their particular brand of sorcery. They have mastered the art of "pushing the emotional buttons" of their fellow humans, exploiting the feelings and weaknesses of hurt people (and is not most everyone hurt?), playing women like a musical instrument. In their single-minded pursuit of pleasure, of self-gratification, they leave behind them a string of victims.

***Supreme's note***

if your like what's described above then your a pimp-type


These are haters of women, exploiters of human weakness, parasites, sociopaths*.
These ... fancy-grade hit-and-run drivers leave numerous victims in their wake...
Roger Shattuck, Forbidden Knowledge

This little deviation into the dark alleys of the criminal mind and the underside of human nature yields insight into the sad emptiness of the career seducer. There is little to envy in these creatures. They lead meaningless lives, and each successive "conquest" does nothing to fill the screaming, hungry void within. There is little to admire, considering the pain and wreckage they leave behind. We shy men can pride ourselves in being truly different, in being perceptive, sensitive, caring human beings, in being lovers of women. We are the ones who clean up the damage left behind by the monsters and the misbegotten. We bring beauty and healing into the world.

**********Supreme's note***********

If you agree with this section then you lean more towards the symp type...no hateration..just apples and oranges.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score

Where is some one learning to spit game to find some mature player / pimp ready to impart some knowledge?

that's why I posted this thread to seperate the real players from the other types.

A real player is going to tell you like it is not some long flowery love the world and little children shyt. The difference between reality and uhh the internet life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?

you are so worried about being pimp or a player that you arent a DJ

look at anthony's reply

the kid has his head on straight

you obviously dont know sh!t about real pimps or you wouldnt be callin yourself one

time to grow up


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I've been called a player but I'm not sure if it's the right term. I like a variety of women but not meaningless sex. I don't like to think of myself as "using" women for my own pleasure. I guess I want multiple LTRs running at the same time. I've got 3 HBs coming over for sex the next 3 nights but I respect them all and am kinda romantic I guess. I want them to get as much out of it as I do.

I'm happy to keep adding chicks to the list but I make no effort to delude them as to their exclusivity. I dunno if that makes me a player, cuz I like being close to them and having the benefits of a LTR without the monogamy.

Either way, a bragging section is a good idea. I think that it's a good way to keep the motivation up.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Drixa look kid, I said real playa's only ok. I don't know no anthony, if you mean Icepick..I didnt read his post...If he is in agreement that the real players need a place to rant then cool...if he is on some kinda "better yourself thing" then that post belongs on another thread...Ok..no beef here son,

I am only looking for real players to respond on this thread so save your comments for another thread kid...


Like I said they will come outta the carpets and cubbards and under the floors fella's. watch the next one!
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