Ok kid I got a moment to give you on your post. I am looking over it and here are a few comments:
First, there are great language differences, even within states and city blocks that may partially account for the "harsh" words that some people use to describe women.
***I hope your not a panzy are you...icky?? harsh words to describe women????
Also, much of the stuff that Mr. Supreme posts is not of his authorship, rather, it consists of things that were written by others concerning what a man is, what a woman wants, etc.
1. whether I authored what I put up is irrelvevant.
2. You missed the
message of the posts. You even missed the inside of the Robert Bly...remember my post about 60s and I found a piece of proof today from anothers post...
3. In your fervor to sound so smart you forgot to even read what my post was about.
4. But good use of words to twist the real issue.
Second, I still think (even keeping in mind the things that you wrote) that happiness STILL is the ultimate goal.
1. I said nothing about happiness...nice try to change the focus to you or something you want to talk about...so are ya happy or not Icey?
2. This post is for REal Players to speak out nothing more.
If by the STRANGE chance that being in the KKK actually makes someone happy (which it doesn't, IMO) then they should go for it as long as they know that it would make ME happy to stick thier arms down a garbage disposal!
1. This was good. You threw in the KKK...the color thingy good but invalid. You stretched too far. But good cause people reading it will only see the KKK part. I notice you said "make ME happy" There we go again...I already got you figured out Ice Ice baby...So what will make YOU happy? I'm sorry your not included in this club, but YOU can still find happiness kid...
Many people who needlesly prey on those who are different or weaker or less fortunate etc. are not really happy. The only thing that keeps them going is thier "crusade" against whatever they THINK is the barrier to thier happiness.
1. Yeah that's good "Many people who needlesly prey on those who are different or weaker or less fortunate" You could be a master manipulater if you chose too. Unfortunately...I am one and I can see right through each technique that you put out there even though others can't.
2. Words are my arena. Like I said you write like "me". I enjoyed how you used the word "crusade" and all that crap. By now readers will be pulled along and forgotten about the real issue.
3. we are not talking about barriers to OUR happiness here. We are talking about a Rant section for Real Players...stay on the subject.
In reality, there is a human trait, compassion, that makes us feel good when we help someone ascend in the ranks of the world. The only barrier for this is seeing "others" (whoever they may be) as THEM.
Keeping with your analogy, have you ever seen American History X? The main character (Norton) only begins to see black people as actual people when he is FORCED to realize it, and once he does, he regrets all that he did previous to that point.
With men, women, and sexuality, however, this system of thought begins to falter.
**I am going to jump a few paragraphs***
1. good useage of the Capitalizing of certain words...an idiot would of forgotten the whole issue by now.
2. good useage of (whoever they may be). You put a dark light on the whole subject here...I hope intentionally.
I am going to stop here kid.... Because the point is really moot....In your attempt to spit back a post at me and show me how smart you are you forgot to address the real issue. 2. you forgot that I called out to real players only. 3. You made this a "what about ME" post instead of using your wits productively.
4. you showed me that you can answer quickly and use words but no real substance. but you are a master with slieght of "word" tricks.
5. I like how you used Light and Dark. But you don't know the full meaning of that idea.
I leave you with this one thought to ponder. In a dance two people cannot lead! Know this and you will understand the reasons for my post and light and dark.
peace kid