Originally posted by Epic
I understand what you guys are saying, but DarkFalconIV does have a point. Wigger is an offensive word. It's not any different than using the n word. DarkFalcon shouldn't have been so hostile, but CamaroMike and some of you other guys should be more respectful to people and not use offensive words. People are different. Just because someone isn't exactly like you does not give you the right to offend them.
No, you need to take a big moment to understand the english language. ****** is a canned term for african slaves, or as some whites back in those times would like to say "Stupid Blacks." If you are a respectable person, of any color/race/smell then no harm done... you are just a respectable white/black/chineese/italian/mexican/whateveryouwannasay person. However, if you insist on forcing 'black pride' down others throughts [by asking for reperations, claiming oppression, or blaming whites of 200 years ago for your problems now] you are, in fact, a stupid black guy. So don't be surprised when people call you a ******... thats the definition of the word. If you are WHITE and you press BLACK culture, you are a white ******, a wigger, by the definition of the word.
Some of my best friends are from the ghetto. They dress ghetto, listen to rap, and walk with the typical swagger... but they are not ******s or wiggers... they are just kids who dress they way want to dress. They don't push their culture on others, and they are great guys.
I hope you all see the difference.
Nowthen, about the comment "Mainstream rap sux!" It wouldn't be mainstream if it wasn't good, thats the whole point of mainstream. I wont argue with you tho, theres TONS of great rap that never gets airtime on the radio/TV... but most of hte good stuff IS mainstream.
IN RESPONSE TO THE NORMAL TOPIC... the fact that they dress/listen how they do has nothing to do with why they get women. They are just confident and present themselves as men women would like to spend time with.