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  1. F

    article: Why Are Women So Negative About the "Pickup Artist" Community?

    Quite a few relationships start in bars. What is she talking about? I'd be willing to bet as many or more relationships start in bars than through online dating. Aside from approaching strangers, get-togethers in bars usually lead to people meeting others in their extended social circle. PUA...
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    The delusional stuff women say

    What does she mean in her experience? If she has any experience at all with hot men, it's getting pumped and dumped. If she were hotter, they'd want to stick around. She's bitter that they don't.
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    Plenty of Fish

    I'll PM it to you. From what I can tell getting used to the site, the search results default to most recent logins, whereas other sites treat profiles equally when it comes to displaying search results, regardless of last login date. The most recent logins come up first in search. If you don't...
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    Plenty of Fish

    No, that's not what I meant to convey. One thing I've been realizing lately I'd just how much of an AFC I still am. If I didn't struggle with women I wouldn't be on this site. My question is if this kind of response rate was normal. I'd say I'm an average looking dude.
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    Plenty of Fish

    I was intrigued by this article on Roissy comparing the experiences of men and women on dating sites: tl;dr - the hottest of women on OKCupid got 16 times as many unsolicited messages as the hottest guys...
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    Did I play this right? - Walking out

    You did the right thing. It was disrespectful on her part. If you're not exclusive, she can see and talk to whoever she wants when you're not around, but when you're spending one on one time together, your focus should be on each other.
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    Stay away from this one. She's good for pump and dump only.
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    Feminists show their true colors in the oddest places

    Most of the time they just want the rights and perks of being equal with men but none of the responsibilities. Bill Burr had a great line in one of his stand-up routines about how they're cherrypickers: "Equal pay, yeah I'll take that...split the cost of dinner and the movie, eff that...
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    Feminists show their true colors in the oddest places

    Most women are feminists of convenience and really just choose to describe themselves that way rather than being ideologically committed to true equality in practice. It's only a tiny minority of women that are willing to pay their share of the dating bills. Most of the time they are feminists...
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    I made a massive mistake -re NC

    If we're talking about Cluster B women, then yes, you need to stick to NC for your own sanity and emotional health. Other women, I think you get to a point with enough time that you can handle contact with them. My ex-ex, that was sad and upsetting when we broke up, but I have no more romantic...
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    I made a massive mistake -re NC

    I think what he means is that you get to a point in the process of NC where you have detached enough to the point of indifference where it's no longer necessary. At that point you're not in communication because you're living your life and you don't want or need anything from her, not because...
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    Cutting back on the woman hating thing...

    I think the biggest source of friction when it comes to men and women is that men go into a relationship hoping their woman never changes, and women go into a relationship hoping they can change their man as they see fit. As Chris Rock says, in the beginning stages of a romance you are not...
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    I made a massive mistake -re NC

    Practice, not perfection. Don't beat yourself up.
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    Thinning hair is a deal breaker?

    I get way more attention from women now after I stopped fighting baldness and learned to accept it. Just shave it, dude. Before: After...
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    I think whining and b*tching has a purpose if you're processing feelings of unfairness and/or you honestly feel like you got screwed over or a raw deal from a girl. I've had relationships and dating situations end where I felt like the girl behaved honorably and other situations where I felt...
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    What occupation would a chick have that you might see as a red flag?

    I have heard this before, especially psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor. Why is this, specifically?
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    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    PeakIV, can you PM that same PDF file? Thanks.
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    The whole point of running a piece like this is to get lots of page views and people linking to it and commenting on it. Doesn't really matter what the content of the op-ed is. Some of the big print media outlets feel like running "edgy" trollbait stuff like this is how they stay relevant in the...
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    The really sad thing is it was written by a guy. It would still be a steaming pile of horsesh*t if a woman wrote it, but I can almost respect that kind of in your face misandry coming from a woman. It may have been written half in jest as trollbait, even though it's the New York Times. Print...
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    articles: women actually want the hookup culture ... and less needy men

    Is the choice that binary? Aren't there a range of possibilities?