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  1. S

    I'm engaged, help me

    Well its either the cost of a ring now, or half (or more) of your house later. Your call.
  2. S

    Effective Ways To Quit Smoking

    Stop buying cigarrettes. :) Seriously tho, try Allen Carr's "The Only Way to Stop Smoking" If that don't work, go see the doc, he might offer some suggestions.
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    Being single at is it?

    It's much like being single and 20, except, if you haven't been an idiot, you have a better clue of your place in the world, and more money to back up your dreams.
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    Information on Accessing Your Past Lifetimes

    Why when people talk about their 'past lives' are they all the king of spain or some such? Theres none i've heard say "i was bob who worked on a farm and i shoveled manure all day and then was beaten every day". You only get one life, this one! cherish every day, love every hour. Don't...
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    5 Things I've Learned About Women in the Last Year

    Oh man, thats so true :D
  6. S

    whats in womens mind

    You can tell how women think by how they speak. "Then i was with Stacey who bought this dress, oh and i went to the shop, but not the shop where Gemma met that guy, oh that guy hes so cool, he bought Gemma a ring, it was so pretty, and then we saw Emma, not the one with black hair, does my...
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    Australian men starting to get it?

    Rofl those comments are hilarious!
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    This one made me laugh. "The ego epidemic"

    Its news to everyone else, but here, its old news. Still, its funny to see the comments.
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    Operation Aggressive Stance

    Its all down to a mindset. Once you have that mindset, things fall into place. Getting the mindset is the difficult part. Carl Sagan once said "to make an apple pie from scratch, first you must create the universe" It's a case of reflection on who you are, and where you are, and then...
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    What do you think about this wife's bellyaching about thin Playboy models?

    Its a lot easier to moan about it than put the cake down.
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    How many women does it take to screw in a light-bulb?

    Nah, she just holds the bulb and waits for the world to revolve around her.. :)
  12. S

    women shoes

    Dylan Moran summed up women and shoes here
  13. S

    Is this crazy

    The worst thing is that it seems perfectly normal to the kids for some guy to come up to the cabin and bang their mom. Leave well alone imo.
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    everyone, if you had one peice of advice to pass on to someone about women...

    Don't stress over things you can't change, but if you can change things and don't, you only have yourself to blame for you own weakness.
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    help my babe don't want me

    If she dont want you, she aint your babe. Sorry to break it to you.
  16. S

    Sense of Direction in Life

    It's basically a choice, struggle for a few years in order to have the payback of a degree behind you, which will open more doors. Or "do you want fries with that" thinking "man, i wish i'd have stayed at university". If you don't have a degree, many doors will remain closed to you, that's...
  17. S

    What are women for?

    Dogs are better than women. If you lock your dog in your car boot for 30 minutes, its still happy to see you when you open it :D
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    How do I get my roommates help clean the apartment?

    Put any of their unwashed crap on their beds, they soon learn.
  19. S

    The Law of Attraction?

    I agree with it in principle, however, sitting at home in your underwear wishing for millions and a hot girlfriend will not necessarily mean thats gonna happen. You have to kind of meet your dreams halfway :)