The Bat said:
Frustrated much?
Apparently you learned absolutely nothing from this site. Next time you open your mouth and decide to disagree with a topic, think deep and hard about what you are going to write so you don't come off sounding like a total idiot. What you wrote has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.
indeed i am an idiot i replied to this topic based on another posters reply.
but iv lernt far more than you'll ever learn. from the real world.
i replied wrongly to this topic based on the rely by another poster talking about self improvement. for some reason i mixed yours up with his, not gonna bore you with the details.
this topic hits home to me because it echo's everything i have lernt from the outer world something , something guys here are to ***** to learn for them selves.its something along the lines of what i posted on" the state of just being.
i like this
i printed this and gave it to my cousin to read.
seems he's at that stage where he is trying to fit in. you have explained it in the most plain of terms something anyone would understand .
this part of your post especially i liked .
My argument has been, and always will be...
Do not put focus on the External. Do not follow the herd, and seek validation from Society.
Look inward for your values, and place the Locus of your Control INTERNALLY.
Seek INTERNAL Empowerment for Empowered Living, not EXTERNAL DISEMPOWERMENT.
Those who follow the herd are doomed to be swallowed up in it.
If women are always attracted to the better looking guy, then everybddy here better put away money for a lot of cosmetic surgery.
I have never discredited the importance of looks, and physique.
I am keenly aware of the boost in self confidence, and the value of regular exercise.
I also experience daily the attention from women due to a muscular physique, but it is not the entire reason a woman will find me attractive.
So at no time have I ever demeaned the attraction that being physically handsome, and physically fit can have.
Again, when we place our locus of control externally , we will always follow trends. We will always be at the mercy of Society. And Society does not always have our own personal best interest at heart.
Is folowing trends the best, most empowered manner of living?
IS a mature Man going to follow the whims of some brainless teenager, or some efeminate fashionista because they're TELLING US that's "whats hot and cool and now, like totally!"
The truth is that immature females are LOOKING for what THEY THINK is 'masculine', so they react to what they THINK is masculine.
Until they finally mature, and recognize WHAT really matters for Survival and Reproduction.
im done . maybe i should thank so suave. not for teaching me anything but for making me realise the hard way the effects of obsessing about women which is what is being done here. thus i went out to really change my life .
b4 i go psssst..i'll tell you guys a secret... these chicks arnt into looks as you guys on here think they are. experience has thought me otherwise. looks do matter but a guys whos a 7 or 7.5 is all they need.mildly built and not too muscular no six packs....pssst dont tell anyone lol.
i know the difference when i was bulkier to now yes they'll stare at you when you got all that muscles but in most cases thats where itll end just stares..
.basically they like semi-bum looking guys example(justintimberlake or that dude from the transformer movies), when you give off vibes of perfection from the onset you are doomed. down the line they'll be like so what was special about all that body. after all you are mr perfect arnt you? you'll end up being stuck to a role of the pin -up.the male bimbo (women are good at doing this. beleive it or not even johnny deep said something along these lines on a dutch magazine i read 5yrs ago i couldnt understand it then. never let a woman see you when you are looking your best(believe me it'll work against you in the long run) unfold it as time goes on good luck..... ..................thats a secret dont tell anyone.