penkitten said:
interceptor, what is the difference between an aggressive stance and an assertive stance in situations?
i believe that in most situations, it is better to maintain an all around assertive stance rather than a passive one or an aggressive one. passive is weak and aggressive is overbearing in different situations.
can you explain to the guys on here what the difference is between the assertive and aggressive is, so that when an aggressive stance is not needed, you can maintain an assertive stance that does not come off passive, to keep the upperhand at all times?
my title "Aggressive Stance" is referring to the position used when handling a firearm to shoot.
From a low guard position, into the firing body position, in which the shooter has recognized the enemy and is now with his
weapon up, ready, and
aimed at the threat.
The idea is to
embolden the men here to take action.
Take action against the threats that are coming their way.
To be
PRO Active, instead of
To be prepared for combat and challenge.
To not hide themselves and run away.
To face confrontation like Men.
Like Warriors.
To Seek out and Close with the Enemy.
It is important for the Men of today to realize that Life will present them with many many challenges. Many of them of THEIR OWN MAKING.
WIthout DIRECTION in LIfe, and without GUIDANCE, many of these Men will be at the Mercy of others, and circumstances.
Instead of Self Directing, they Will be LEAD astray and AWAY from their Goals.
IF they have no Goals, then they will face certain Failure.
This is what I want these Men, young and older, to realize.
They have lived a life without direction, without a Vision of what they want, and have been circling around and around aimlessly.
Aggressive Stance is meant as a wake up call to get On Point and FOCUSED in their LIVES.
and "AIM" at the "ENEMY", and be prepared to
The ENEMY can be anything from our own inner demons, and trauma, to dealing with high debt, self doubt, to dealing with custody battles, relationship problems, overbearing people in our lives, road rage......anything that affects us to the degree that we are
We can't allow that to happen.
We must complete our Mission.
Without the TOOLS to do so, we are at the mercy of the enemy.
The ENEMY is anything that affects our Core, our Center..and has the capacity to change our perceptions Negatively, and affect us emotionally, and makes us doubt ourselves, and our Mission.
If it impairs our judgement, and it challenges us to get off our Path, then it is the ENEMY.
And must be dealt with.
Being aggressive is to take a ready stance and lean
forward INTO combat.
We LEAN FORWARD INTO Combat to thrust our desires and our Mission Directives forward into the face of opposition.
Our center of Gravity is NOT shifted
BACKWARDS, is is instead SHIFTED
FORWARDS INTO th face of the ENEMY and conflict.
In situations....
AGGRESSIVE and being
Assertive are not the same.
Being AGGRESSIVE is being ACTIVE In the Moment of Conflict.
Being Aggressive is about
'combative Readiness."
It is recognizing a Threat, and acting on it.
We must recognize the situation and make a
THEN, we can decide on what course to take.
Without proper perspective and emotional tools, and great emotional strength,
we often make a mistake to the degree of aggressiveness and assertiveness. Without
balance, we often become
aggressive and react, instead of acting assertive, and poised.
But being aggressive does not have to always mean
combat per se, it can mean
going after what you want in the heat of the moment, in the
face of competition.
You must be able to go for it when it is time to do so.
Being Aggressive can be looked at as being a
Forward Movement.
Assertive is
Maintaining an On Guard
mental , emotional, and physical stance.
Being Assertive can mean
"Shields Up".
When someone tries to 'take' something from you, you do not have to
always resort to physical escalation.
There is no 'violence' per se.
Being assertive means being confident and secure in oneself. To not be a 'push over', and a 'door mat".
You are able to stand up for your beliefs in a diplomatic, calm, and poised demeanor.To be assertive is to be Bold, and confident.
The main difference between both is the level of Skill you must have to differentiate between
Being assertive is your normal everyday position, being aggressive is used in escalation.
maturity and
emotional resources, and the
skill of good
Threat Assessment are NEEDED in order to act properly.
Having said all of that, please make note that...
Scarcity mentality can make people REACT Aggressively, in the
wrong situation, this is incorrect. Without the proper mindset and maturity, people will
react, when they should instead simply
Abundance Mentality makes people
Respond and
maintain Assertiveness.
And they can live a life of balance, harmony, and proper perspective. Which means they will rarely have to resort to being Aggressive in anything in their life.
IN other words, keeping 'the upperhand" no longer is a goal for these people, they only seek to find Win/Win deals, not Win/Lose deals.
They feel they don't have anything to truly "lose". Because they feel no one has the power to 'take' anything from them.