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  1. H

    cold approaches?

    Being rejected and getting over your fear of rejection is critical to becoming a DJ. You should embrace your failures rather than resent them
  2. H

    On the Rebound

    You need to go have secks with 15 other women. Now.
  3. H

    Beating Porn Addiction - The Easy Way

    When you get over something like porn addiction or cigarettes or anything, it's self-empowering. Definitely something that every guy needs to do. It lets you realize your strength and mental vitality
  4. H

    Why you shouldn´t put women on a pedestal

    Yeah whenever I see a girl on a pedestal, I tackle her down.
  5. H

    Friends Have GFs...How Do I Meet Girls Now?

    Approach girls by yourself. You may be less confident so you'll have less success, but eventually you'll get over it and it'll feel the same as when you were approaching w/ a wing. Talk to all of their gf's friends. You'll already have social proof with them so it should make things a lot easier.
  6. H

    Who said girls don't like nice guys?!

    I don't think the nice vs jerk distinction is always a good one, it encourages guys to act like jerks. Girls aren't actually looking for jerks, just guys that respect themselves.
  7. H

    I'm a 20 year old virgin

    Hit on every girl you see for the rest of your life, get a good career, go the gym, dress well, and keep reading the bibles over and over again till you know them by heart. Just knowing all the principles won't help, you need to apply them. If all else fails, get a hooker. At least this way...
  8. H

    Sex Tips...add your own here, please

    Wear a clown costume. This drives women nuts
  9. H

    B!tch took a sh!t while riding me!

    You can't just let girls have their way with you like that man, you should have tied her down and taken a huge dump on her.
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    Help Me Out

    Dude, your ears are fine. I know this guy who gets pu$$y and he has ears that are twice as big as yours. And he has goat fungus growing in his beard. I think your ears just make you self-conscious and less confident because you THINK that their a big deal. You could use your ears as a way to...
  11. H

    What do I need to do to look "buff"

    Steroids man, trust me. Take a shytload of anabolic steroids, creatine, and eat like 40-1,500 eggs a week and you'll be fine. Working out is a waste of time
  12. H

    30 days without porn, I did it and so should you

    lol wow I have to admit, that was pretty motivational. I know exactly what you mean by celebrating a "winning day." Setting goals for yourself and then being able to achieve them really makes you feel like your making progress in life and keeps you from getting lazy
  13. H

    I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thank you, thank you, thank you :D :D :D

    Yeah she sounds way to clingy bro, something seems kinda off. But you seem to be playing your cards right. Just make sure you don't end up dating a psychotic demon looking for a mate to reproduce.
  14. H

    Why do Rich Men EVER get Married??

    I am a billionaire on weekends and I can confirm that you have much more success with girls when you're rich. But I still want to get married and have kids and a family. I think it was because I used to watch "Full House" When I was little and because of that, I have been brain washed and want a...
  15. H

    women make sucky business people

    Don't get so frustrated over this. Women are not capable of completing tasks that require advanced thinking skills. All men should be aware of this. I once saw an MTV show about creatures with low intelligence. It was called "True Life: I'm a woman"
  16. H

    NYC - Desert or Paradise?

    whoa dude, your not a billionaire? You have no chance then.
  17. H

    Sex Tips...add your own here, please

    I read somewhere that giving a girl a foot massage or making sure she has warm feet as opposed to cold feet will increase her chances of having an orgasm by 30%
  18. H

    Any thoiughts on this chick?

    You can't just initiate everything, your going to make everything to easy for her, lose your value, and lower her interest level to the negatives. You have to back off sometimes or withdraw attention especially if she isn't very responsive to the attention that you give her. Don't think about...
  19. H

    ex girlfriend dating another guy.

    Focus on your own life. Being single and having your girlfriend leave you is sometimes the best thing that can happen to you. It makes you realize how much more you have to go to become a truly confident guy, and how dependent you are on a relationship for happiness. It really shows you all the...
  20. H

    I cant stand this about my self...

    Start out with even smaller goals and then work your way up. If you actually reach your goals, the satisfaction you get will push you to work harder towards other goals. If you don't reach your goals on a consistent basis, then you'll just stop trying. And use the reward/punishment system...