Early DJ said:
So I have known this chick for about 8 months, recently her boyfriend broke up with her and about a month after that we kinda started dating and it has been about 3 weeks.
Okay... how in the BLUE HELL do you "kinda start dating".
What does this entail? Do you kinda go out to have drinks and kinda get into the bar and then kinda talk to her? I don't get it.
Either you two are going out or you aren't. There's no KINDA in this.
3 weeks means nothing to me.
How many times have you KINDA gone out? 1, 2, 16? That's the number I need.
All we have done so far was made out and cuddled, I went stayed with her over the weekend and she did not even let me sleep in the same bed with her because she said "she knows what its going to lead to".
So you were a good little puppy and decided to sleep somewhere else?
How's that Friendzone feeling?
At this point, you're not even rebound guy.
The only thing you are doing is providing her with the validation that she can get a guy to fill her an emotional void without any sexual investment. It's been 3 weeks of KINDA dating (whatever the hell that means) and you've gotten absolutely nowhere.
And then she told you not to get into bed with her because it might lead to sex? Isn't that the POINT? If you make out and cuddle, you lead to sex... not to sleeping on the other bed by yourself... I can't believe you just took that.
At that point, I would have left to go sleep in my own bed in my own apartment.
Another thing is that she never calls at all she only texts and only starts to text about 3 out of 10 times with me starting the rest of the times.
How does it feel to be an orbiter?
You are nothing more than that right now. Like I said, you are filling her emotional validation slot that her boyfriend is no longer filling. You are temporary. And the worst part: You're not getting anything in return for it.
Also she rarely initiates anything in terms of kissing or anything physical which is fine but a bit weird.
Newsflash: You're not kinda dating. You're nowhere even close. You're just the guy she kisses when she needs to be kissed. And nothing more.
Now the thing is that one time a conversation came up when we started dating between her and a friend about her brake up and the way she was responding seemed like she was not over him almost at all and at the moment they are like friends. Basically what I would like you guys to do is give me some pointers or if anybody has been in a similar situation give me some advice.
Stop texting her, stop calling her... stop KINDA DATING HER.
You mean absolutely nothing to this girl and that will not change at all.
You are not in the process of LJBF... you were already LJBF-ed when she told you not to sleep in the same bed.
I'm sorry, but it's game over.
It seems like you have zero chance, she already told you that she doesn't want you to sleep in the same bed. It seems like LMR but you didn't plow through it, so it's too late now. She expects nothing more than a compliant lapdog to kiss and cuddle with whenever SHE wants to.
She's holding the entire frame, you're nothing more than a pawn in her chess game.
Stop being a pawn.
Stop seeing her as a potential lay.
So you two are in the same social circles? Fine, keep her as a friend and nothing more.
Save yourself the mental anguish of trying to figure out how to get her, because she already figured out how to keep you at bay.