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  1. AsianPlayboy

    Phone Game
  2. AsianPlayboy

    Not attracted to Black girls....

    Ethiopian girls, buddy, they're the Scandinavians of black women. First time I hooked up with any black girl was this year and they were both Ethiopians. Tall, slim, and big boobied. Just the way I likes them!
  3. AsianPlayboy

    SHE payed first date.

    Call her and ****ing find it. It could be she was SERIOUSLY interested in you and wanted to pay. OR it could be she was not interested and didn't want you to feel used that you paid for the date. What's your gut saying?
  4. AsianPlayboy

    Learning from romance novels?

    Step AWAY from the romance novels. I repeat, this is your last warning, step AWAY from the romance novels.
  5. AsianPlayboy

    the suckers

    To me, NLP and SS are only useful once you have a girl isolated or where you can use your BEDROOM VOICE. In the bar, club, and elsewhere, you just need pure field experience and group theory.
  6. AsianPlayboy

    David DeAngelo Product List

    Eventually, I'm going to get around to reviewing his first ebook. But basically, a nice starter and gives you some insight into women. Eh, wouldn't bother with getting the rest of the series except for maybe one interview series just to see how the other players' styles are. A review of...
  7. AsianPlayboy

    links to obscure Donjuan sites

    BadBoy Cafe Direct Method Dallas PUA Forum (2nd lair site) PS I moderate the...
  8. AsianPlayboy

    How important is looks

    Don Corleone is Indian (up in San Fran) and he does well for himself. Looks will always play a part. But if you want to compete with the good looking guys or the guys with money, then Game (ie personality) is the only to compete and out-compete those dudes.
  9. AsianPlayboy

    UR BEST- Value Techniques and # Closers

    "You seem cool... let me see your phone."
  10. AsianPlayboy

    The Zen of Hanging With Naturals

    From my blog: Like Wall Street, there’s nothing new in the seduction and dating community. Whatever terms we come up with, whatever tactics, techniques, stories, trance words, and a plethora of other devices that are devised, some natural was already doing it. Mystery and his magic tricks...
  11. AsianPlayboy

    Need tips for #closing shot girls, bartenders, hosteses, etc

    Syncmaster has it dead on. At one particular club I go to, I've fu.cked a half Japanese, half Latina waitress, have half a dozen numbers of various other waitresses/shot girls, gone on day2s with a few and made out with some of them. It's total frame control, don't talk about work, get to...
  12. AsianPlayboy

    How good is Shark the PUA

    There's the student Mystery Lounge... and then there's the REAL Secret Society Mystery Lounge. But, yeah, Shark is awesome. Unfortunately, I never met the man when I was in Croatia, but my buddy OCWaterBoy did and he believed Shark to be the
  13. AsianPlayboy

    Question about Suit in club

    AMOG Destroy The Entire Room Her: Why do you wear a suit. You (look at her slowly, smile): Because there are leaders... and then there are followers. [Make a grand gesture with your arm to the entire room of spikey haired, eyebrow waxing, fake tanned, wife beater wearing Guidos] You: Show...
  14. AsianPlayboy

    Does kino takes away

    Interesting thing is, to quote Style, "Everything that was funny at age ten is funny all over again." I mean, yeah, you could play up the old, stick in the mud, crumpets & tea, stiff upper lip... OR you could have a damn, fun time. Hmmm...
  15. AsianPlayboy

    Does kino takes away

    Give her the Kiss of Death. Hell, say it even in an ominious tone as you cradle her in your arms and plant a big kiss on her forehead... it's such a mixed signal, on one hand it's somewhat intimate and physical, but on the other it's the "We're Just Friends" kiss.
  16. AsianPlayboy

    Does kino takes away

    You can kino her by hugging her and THEN pushing her away. Pat her head like a little girl. Smack her bottom. Bootie bump her away, etc. etc. etc.
  17. AsianPlayboy

    my girl and halloween...

    What kind of BULL**** is that? Statistically, women NOW cheat JUST AS MUCH AS MEN DO. First, 20% of men who think they are fathers are not. Or that the # of cheating wives EQUALS the number of cheating husbands...
  18. AsianPlayboy

    my girl and halloween...

    Yes. Being a provider or a lover are not the same thing. Sometimes they are, but usually a girl has a main provider and maybe a sexual provider on the side.
  19. AsianPlayboy

    my girl and halloween...

    On Halloween, that phenomenom known as ASD (Anti-Slut Defense) becomes close to being non-existent in girls. It's like what was once an iron clad chastity belt becomes a see through negligee. It is the one night in the year (excluding Mardi Gras, Spring Break, and- oh yeah- a really, really...
  20. AsianPlayboy

    FR: 300 approaches and running- SELF-MASTERY & The_Shezzler

    Good stuff, but for the last girl, at least in my opinion, you went way too fast for the #-close. You should have built that comfort & trust first, which is what happened when you revealed that you guys went to the same college. Then you have commonalities and doesn't think you're a weird...