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  1. Y

    Workout Log

    Finally back :D Tuesday is meant to be my rest day but i just wanted to do some exercise so i tried HIIT for the first time. I knew my conditioning was bad, but i didn't think it was this bad :eek: . It's been at least 3 mins after i finished and i'm still breathing like a maniac. I...
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    How You Think Changes the Whole Ball Game

    I think this deserves an almighty bump. When i forst found the highschool bible i just read about techniques, but this is the real stuff you should be reading.
  3. Y

    Back Pain give that a try.
  4. Y

    Over training?

    Well i havent worked out in like 5 weeks due to being in a cast. Recovery took longer than expected so cast was only recently removed. I haven't squatted using a barbell for quite a while due to not having a power rack so coudln't clean the weight upto my chest. I've been doing body...
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    Over training?

    Would BW pistols 3x a week + tabata 3x a week = over training, my recovery isn't too great.
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    Staying on track

    I can't see the difference between the smaller goals i the life goal sheet and action plan... Help a brother out? :P
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    Staying on track

    I'm a bit confused as to what i should do for action plan, someone care to help me? :) For Physical i have set it out like this: Psychical I want to reach 160 lbs by November. - A • Eat like a beast! • ALWAYS make sure I have food • ALWAYS complete workouts • Eat clean and healthy...
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    Stallion's Fitness Journal

    Yous squats are disgusting :nervous:
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    My lifting journal.

    Ahh, fair do's :)
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    Recipes for bulking?

    I'm sure there'll be one on Stronglifts, had a look but couldn't find anything yet.
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    My lifting journal.

    How is posting your goals considered crap? He may be trying to bulk on 2000cals a day doing hours of cardio and trying to increase strength by doing lots of isolation exercises. If we don't know his goals then the people on here cant help him that much
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    My lifting journal.

    Tappa the marnin to yah :D What are yours stats + goals? What does your workout consist of?
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    Dumb stuff you've done at the gym...

    Tried a front squat for the first time n went flying forwards and nutted a table. Tried overhead pressing whilst conciously trying to move my head under the bar and i went flying backwards.
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    Shed the Mask

    Not really, all it's saying is that instead of pretending to be the someone you want to be, actually BECOME that person, because that is what you want, your goal.
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    Quik's Workout Log

    First time i did ab rollouts onmy knees i just about managed to crank out a rep. Quag suggested doing plank for time to work up to reps.
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    Back in the gym.. for good this time!

    Same for me, i always get mean DOMS in the big muscles (quads, hams, back etc.) But only rarely in my triceps, biceps, shoulders, forearms: the small muscles. Don't think it's anything to worry about really. Probably shouldn't train the muscles further, might not feel like it but it will...
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    Protein Myth

    Ahaha, correct.
  18. Y

    Protein Myth

    Took this link from Stronglifts to see what your opinions are on this guys theory:
  19. Y

    How would this be for incline benching?

    How do you mean? As in lie on the bit that tilts upwards, cos thats what i was planning to do :P