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    Advice....within 20 minutes

    dude is it just me or did no one pick up on the fact that she only "sounds" sexy. It does sound pretty desperate trying to get a number of a girl you haven't even seen yet
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    Read from bottom up. A hilarious exchange I had with a girl on a dating site.

    you took another look and saw that she was hot? OP is full of bs
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    Girl "disqualifying" herself.

    she probably doesnt want to escalate and start something because you're both gonna go seperate ways to college
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    Any way to save this?

    simple, ask her what she's looking for; a relationship or a FB
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    hmmm want to change roommate.

    go have fun without her
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    What's with the double standard concerning weight?

    i have no clue what you're talking about.. are you fat?
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    old crush is pregnant ...

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    Breakup, fukc, and so many more

    whatever you do, keep your word and never talk to her again no matter what. If she tries to contact you ( she probably will) ignore it
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    Girl sends me kinky pic of hers by mistake

    tell her to send more
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    Would getting girls be easier or harder if there was no internet?

    why waste time thinking about these hypothetical questions that won't improve your game at all
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    Embarassing question

    don't make out when you're hungry
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    She's already using the 'F' word, ..."Friend"

    cut off contact for a while and if she doesnt bite then next
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    Super Psycho Mind Games with Girl for over 1 year- NEED ADVICE!!!!!

    this isnt as twisted as you think. This situation is pretty common. You need to really have self control and control yourself from being AFC when you're with her.
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    Flaw of the DJ Bible

    lol the name isn't gonna change the problems with it
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    "That's cool, but is it on you? lol" she asked

    No, actually that seems a little like you're buying your way in. I'd go with the clothes thing
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    Is it gay if you nut in your face?

    did you at least taste it
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    GF Parents Problems

    create some jealousy by doing stuff with other girls and she'll start to realize she's losing the best guy ever and motivate her to disregard her mom
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    Not the traditonal situation...

    actually i have a bad feeling. your friend seems to be gaming the girl by pushing her away. even if you do get with her, who knows, she might be hooking up with your friend secretly
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    FR: The most boring girl I've met. Behold a FR.

    she probably had some issues before and doesnt want to take it too fast
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    Pissed off... rite now... getting flaked on as we speak

    actually the first sign was when she texted "are we still gonna go out"