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  1. T

    The pain won't go away....

    this is the depression every single guy goes through when he commits to a some random woman and makes her into a guuuurlfriend this is why i tell everyone to STOP HAVING COMMITTED GIRLFRIENDS, because there is no reason to trust a 21st century american h0 when she says "i love you" I have...
  2. T

    If men and women are equal, then there should be a NEW LAW

    how many times has a woman emotionally damaged a man to the point where he ended up killing other people?
  3. T

    If men and women are equal, then there should be a NEW LAW

    if there is a law against hitting women, then its only fair to make a law against women flipping out verbally at men, because both inflict the same damage (man hitting woman = woman emotionally emasculating a man) after all, if a man strikes a woman, it defeminizes her, essentially sending...
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    My first "relationship"

    guys, please do a search on the threads this sub-human has started, and you will realize that he is only here to be made fun of - he likes it too, like a good little bytch :)
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    My first "relationship"

    there is no point in giving advice to this sub-human
  6. T

    Seeing Two Girls at Once

    how can we know what she read or didnt read? the only advice i can give you is to use your head and stop being stupid check your email and facebook/myspace/ect at home by yourself, don't allow yourself to be caught so easily when being a player and don't listen to the poster above me - does...
  7. T

    Ex comes back and tells me something awful

    the whole point is, it is YOUR job as a man to completely discontinue any love that you have for had for her once you learned that she is a bad person. Also, you need to understand how miserable you would be right now if she did not have an abortion, you wouldn't exactly be bringing a child...
  8. T

    Ex comes back and tells me something awful

    so i guess everyone disagrees with me that its a blessing that this wh0re had an abortion and didn't make the OP make 216 monthly child support payments? or does everyone disagree with me that it is UBER-chumpish to love a woman who leads a double life please, do tell me where I was wrong
  9. T

    All she wants to do is Fvk!!

    enjoy it while this is still fresh and exciting. Pretty soon, and i speak from personal experience, you will get tired of having so much sex and will actually be needing some alone time to actually jerk off - and this is when she will get clingy and mad at you for not wanting sex 10 times a day...
  10. T

    Ex comes back and tells me something awful

    ill address your points: 1) I have been an AFC and a chump who was in looove with several totally useless girls - I learned from those horrible mistakes of mine, and now preach about a better lifestyle in hopes that others will learn from MY mistakes and not make those mistakes themselves...
  11. T

    Ex comes back and tells me something awful

    i wasnt bashing you, I was stating facts Bashing usually means that things were made up to insult you, but all I did was state the truth when addressing you, and like every other chump out there, YOU took the truth as an insult, when instead you gotta realize that I did not say anything...
  12. T

    Ex comes back and tells me something awful

    Everyone missed this part. What kind of crazy super AFC are you???? IF you found out that she was leading two lives and is a cheating lying wh0re, then all you simply have to do is stop loving her - you have information that she does not deserve your love, so that is when you STOP loving...
  13. T

    Witnessed a guy trying an indirect pickup at drugstore

    I don't need to talk to people in real life like this because I don't know any low life 32 year old mommy obeying fleshlight dating overanalytical religiously nutty creepy robotic hypocritical multiple personality disorder VIRGIN son of a mothaf*cking bytch guys you deserve to be shot to...
  14. T

    Witnessed a guy trying an indirect pickup at drugstore

    umm since when does your input and/or opinion matter loser? You have ZERO business even posting opinions on ANY thread on this forum, you low life 32 year old mommy obeying fleshlight dating overanalytical religiously nutty creepy robotic hypocritical multiple personality disorder VIRGIN son...
  15. T

    Witnessed a guy trying an indirect pickup at drugstore

    well of course confidence is important, but confidence = creepiness if you arent at least decent looking in the eyes of the girl you are hitting on. She has no idea who you are, she does not want some uber-confident monster hitting on her, PERIOD. Solomon, i saw your pics and you look...
  16. T

    Witnessed a guy trying an indirect pickup at drugstore

    first impression on cold approach = LOOKS first, everything else later if looks no good, then you won't get a chance to show off everything else that is what you PUA nerds fail to realize. And the better she thinks you look, the more open she will be to getting to know you this is...
  17. T

    The Time Machine please stop

    the dude has multiple accounts on here and he even admits it in his signature
  18. T

    pLaYtHiNg's Improvement/Discovery Journal

    you are a fruitcake of an AFC and you will never learn ANYTHING based on your attitude from the last few years you are a loser for life
  19. T

    pLaYtHiNg's Improvement/Discovery Journal

    dude why do you even sound like a chump when talking to girls on sosuave? are you seriously trying to improve AT ALL in these last few years? because it looks like all you do on this site is waste your own time and wallow in your own patheticness I suggest you get a grip and stop trying to...