pLaYtHiNg's Improvement/Discovery Journal


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Heh, so I am starting a thread all about me, and as a woman, ( :D ) I've already "rationalized" that I will not be an AW in doing so, for it will not be much different from everyone else's journals. Since I am here to learn I wanted to begin a thread where many different ideas can be brought up and discussed, without the restraint of maintaining strict topic integrity. The goal here is self-improvement, utilizing constructive criticism, honesty and an open mind.

I have really been itching to discuss Roissy. First, for fun, I've decided to take the Dating Market Value Test For Women, and discuss the results. Although I am not necessarily interested in, or seeking out a relationship of sorts, I believe this time alone will be beneficial if used for self-improvement and reflections on my past. I'm not going to say I haven't made any mistakes, as no one is perfect, but having them defined is extremely important to me. So, back to the test, here goes. :)

1. How old are you?
26 to 29 years old: +3 point

2. How important is makeup to your appearance?
It slightly enhances my looks: 0 points

3. What is your IQ? (This relates tangentially to your ability to connect emotionally with a man.)

121 to 145: 0 points (I took an online IQ test to determine this figure, but it's accuracy is left debatable... More about that later).

The following ten questions deal with the physical attractiveness of your body.

4. Your breast size is:
C cup: +1 point

5. Your breasts look firm and pert when you wear:
A bra: 0 points

6. How long are your legs in relation to your height?
Average: 0 points

7. What is the shape of your ass?
Just average: 0 points

8. How flat is your stomach?
Slight pouch: 0 points

9. How toned are your upper arms?
Average, not flabby: 0 points

10. How big are your hands?
Average size: 0 points

11. Where is there hair on your body?
My head and pubic area only: +1 point

12. Get a tape ruler and measure around your waist and your hips. Divide your waist number by your hip number. This ratio is:

0.65 to 0.75: +1 point
0.55 to 0.64: 0 points
under 0.55: -1 point
0.76 to 0.85: 0 points
0.85 to 0.95: -1 point
over 0.95: -2 points

**Need to come back to # 12, I don't have a measuring tape!**

13. What is your BMI?
17.5 to 21.0: +10 points

14. On a scale of 1 to 10, how pretty are you?
8 to 9: +8 points

(I took the advice and posted on Hot or Not. I've posted 3 photos, #1 was ranked 8.3 by 230 voters, #2 and #3's results will be posted when in, and averaged).

15. How clear is your skin?
No acne, blemishes, or poorly located moles: 0 points

16. Do you have any noticeable deformities?
No: 0 points

17. How full are your lips?
Average: 0 points

18. How high is your forehead?
Average: 0 points

19. How long is your jawline from ear to chin?
Average: 0 points

20. How big is your chin?
Average: 0 points

21. How big is your nose?
Average: 0 points

22. In proportion to the size of your face, are your eyes:
Large and saucer-like: +1 point

23. Is the distance between your eyes:
Wide: +1 point

24. You frequently wear sexy lingerie, even when not prepping for a hot date.
Yes: +1 point

25. When someone gets hurt you are the first to ask if they are OK and to deliver aid if needed.
Almost always: +1 point

26. You are highly competitive and often play co-ed team sports.
I like to exercise on nice days with one on one sports like tennis: +1 point

27. When a guy approaches you in a bar, regardless of your attraction for him, you:
Smile and look at him: +1 point

28. On a first date the check arrives for dinner and drinks. You:
Offer to split the check or even pay in full: +1 point

29. You are about to have sex with a guy for the first time. He undresses and his penis is small. Do you:
Tell him how great his **** looks and feels?: +1 point

30. You think *******s are:
Great! You give them spontaneously and there’s never any doubt how much you enjoy it: +1 point

31. Do you do anal?
Yes, and it makes me come to know how much it pleases my man: +1 point

32. The number of sex positions you have tried is:
I’m a contortionist: +1 point

33. How often do you curse?
My mouth is a gutter: -1 point

34. You’d best describe your sense of fashion as:
My flip flops have my foot imprint in them: -2 points


There is a minimum of -83 points and a maximum of 64 points to earn based on the questions asked. The reason the minimum score goes lower than the maximum score goes high is because there are a few things, such as gross obesity, old age, or a major facial deformity, that seriously negatively impact a woman’s overall rating to the point of market extinction.

The scoring breaks down as follows:

-83: You are proof that god does not exist, but that satan does.
-82 to -56: You’re an omega. If it makes you feel better you will have your choice of male omegas to bang.
-55 to -40: The majority of men are disgusted by the sight of you. Your kind will suffer most when our sexbot overlords arrive. Losers hit on you constantly figuring they have a chance.
-39 to -20: You were born to ****block. But you’ll manage to marry a table scrap.
-19 to -5: Lesser beta. The men you want make fun of you out of earshot. You spend many years learning how to settle for mediocre betas.
-4 to 14: Classic beta. Your hot friends always gets hit on first, but if you really tramp it up you can snag a slightly better than average guy to take you home for a single night of commitment.
15 to 29: Greater beta. More than a few attractive guys will approach you. But if your personality is flawed you risk becoming a pump and dump victim.
30 to 43: You are officially a nascent alpha female. A lot of quality guys will hit on you and you will be able to pick and choose at your leisure. But don’t push it. You’re not quite hot enough to string guys along forever.
44 to 55: You’re a bona fide hottie. Nearly every guy who meets you agrees you are a hottie. So does every girl. This puts you in the top 1% of worldwide womanhood. With great power comes great responsibility, so try to limit the number of men you torture with blueballs and LJFB rejections to fewer than 100 in your social circle. As long as you are not a complete *****, marriage with a top quality man will come easily to you.
56 to 63: Guys want you, girls want to be you. You are just short of perfection, which paradoxically means you will get hit on more than the super alpha females. You are a player’s greatest challenge, and his greatest reward, because unlike the perfect woman there is still something human about you. Sex, love, security, commitment, easy living… you have it all. Only your demons can defeat you.
64: Super Alpha. The world is yours. Life is an endless parade of joy and excitement. Your power is illimitable… for now.

Unlike the men who took my Male Dating Market Value test, I do not expect *any* women to be completely honest with themselves taking the Female Dating Market Value test. The female ego is simply way too fragile to absorb the shock of such a brutal self-assessment. Therefore, I will be mentally subtracting 10 points from every woman who posts her score here in the comments."

So, my score was 31... (ouch) and minus Roissy's 10 points, (even though I believe I was very honest), left me with 21 points, (A "Greater Beta"). I did not post my score on his site. There was one question I did not answer, (#12), and one question whose answer may change, (pending the rest of the Hot or Not results).

So I've got lots of improving to do! Thoughts, anyone?
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Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Reminds me of a myspace spam bulletin. And the pretty little pink colors aren't helping much either. :/ Why don't you post a picture of yourself. I'll give you an accurate rating with some constructive criticism.
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Why did you create this journal, and what do you want to learn from it? If you want to determine your market value go create a profile. Your journal will be a different perspective for sure, ill will read it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hmm, how did I know this wouldn't be well-received. Well I created it because I want to learn how I can be a better person, for one, and two, to improve my understanding and communication within relationships. I do like this site, even though I'm generally not welcomed, because I feel I will get honest advice. Why go elsewhere when I'm already here?

The Market Value Test was basically a starter, where I can get advice on what areas I can improve in, and how. There are many other things I want to discuss, but I can only discuss them one at a time. This way I don't feel as though I am hijacking anyone elses posts with my questions.
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Don't listen to the haters Plaything. I f you want to discover yourself, go ahead. You are the Joan of Arc of the revolution, lets see what you can do, and its cool to bring a different viewpoint to the site hahaha


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Take what I say with a grain of salt or whatever you wanna call it due to the fact that I am younger then you.

Instead of putting stock into what some test says about you why dont you look in the mirror take a pen and paper with you and look at YOURSELF and tell yourself what you want to improve or what NEEDS to improve. I dont think anyone else can tell you what YOU need to improve besides yourself.

IF you think you look ugly then do something about it , we have a health/fitness forum that you can get help in, you think you need help with confidence then ask people here.

I would rather have you say or type out what you want to change and then weekly or monthy update and see if you have at least changed a little or if your still doing the same thing over and over again.

good luck...

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
This is the dumbest test in the world... and how can you base your improvement on it?

Are you going to start making your eyes wider apart? Or start puckering your lips more to make them look more full? What about making your nose smaller?

How are you going to go out and improve your female game? This test is COMPLETELY irrelevant.

No one is "hating" on you... we just think it's completely retarded.

Maybe its the completely different thinking between males and females, so we'll give you a chance to explain how you can self-improve in this area of your life. Sure you can change your BMI and other superficial things, but most of that is impossible to change.

I'm just a realist, and I'm just telling you how it is.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
j0n024 said:
Instead of putting stock into what some test says about you why dont you look in the mirror take a pen and paper with you and look at YOURSELF and tell yourself what you want to improve or what NEEDS to improve. I dont think anyone else can tell you what YOU need to improve besides yourself.
Totally disagree. x10 for women.

I'm the one who pointed plaything to Roissy's blog in the first place, so I'm familiar with his test. I have to say it's pretty well thought out and I would guess fairly accurate.

This is an interesting thread. It isn't often that you see women trying to tackle self improvement beyond botox and a push-up bra.

That isn't to say that there is anything wrong with a woman trying to improve her appearance. After all, it's a HUGE factor in her market value.

The BIG thing, I'm talking 800 lb gorilla big, is that women today VASTLY underestimate just how much their femininity determines how attractive they are.

Notice that about 70% of this test relates to physical appearance, but the rest 30% relates to feminine qualities such as how a woman dresses, if she is a "giver", demeanor, etc.

My advice to plaything (and all women) would be to watch what you eat, work out, dress well, and act feminine. Oh yea, and find a nice 30 something marriage minded guy while you are in your 20's. If you try to tempt fate by extending your party years into your 30's the chances of landing the kind of man you really want will drop exponentially every few years.

Oh yea, and you should have posted this on the MM board. Do you really expect to get quality advice from high school and college kids? (as evidenced by the posts thusfar). I only stumbled on this cause I accidentally clicked on the main board....


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
pLaYtHiNg said:
Hot or Not results).

So I've got lots of improving to do! Thoughts, anyone?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]
OK I'm confused here. You are obviously an attractive woman, your eyes in the picture are hypnotic.........where was I?

Oh yes, what is it you actually want to accomplish and why do you think you are having trouble doing it? I seriously doubt that you have any problem getting men. Is it that you are simply seeking more attention?

Hmm, the male version of the test isn't that nice. I got a 1 as my final score...
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
ti ruskaya kak ya ponel, da?

skolko let v americe? zdez vse mushini suki shtob ti eto znala

I'll give you the same advice I give to guys - dont take the opposite sex seriously 99.9% of the time.

From your looks, it is clear that you are average looking without make up, and most guys WILL you use for a f*ck buddy or a one night stand, but will always be cheating on you - Ive used girls like you before, but I wanted to warn you so that you understand this and not allow yourself to be used.

You pretty much have no chance with the guys you truly desire (sort of in the same way that average guys with average game have no chance with the beautiful women that they desire).

What you need is not game, but to drop a few pounds, tighten up your body, and focus on your looks 100% - tan, gym, tan, gym, ect ect

russian girls like you are usually naturally beautiful, but when you get some chub on you, it makes you look closer to average, and thats you!!!

so, work on your looks, i ti budish imet control nad vsemi patsanami ;)
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
OK I'm confused here. You are obviously an attractive woman, your eyes in the picture are hypnotic.........where was I?

dude why do you even sound like a chump when talking to girls on sosuave?

are you seriously trying to improve AT ALL in these last few years?

because it looks like all you do on this site is waste your own time and wallow in your own patheticness

I suggest you get a grip and stop trying to hide from the facts, and actually DO SOMETHING about your current horrible situation.

i'm serious you little chump


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
dude why do you even sound like a chump when talking to girls on sosuave?

are you seriously trying to improve AT ALL in these last few years?

because it looks like all you do on this site is waste your own time and wallow in your own patheticness

I suggest you get a grip and stop trying to hide from the facts, and actually DO SOMETHING about your current horrible situation.

i'm serious you little chump
:crackup: ROFL :crackup:

How sweet you made a post just for little ole' me. You shouldn't have. LP your my best friend on this forum. Some day I hope I can be just like you...
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
:crackup: ROFL :crackup:

How sweet you made a post just for little ole' me. You shouldn't have. LP your my best friend on this forum. Some day I hope I can be just like you...

you are a fruitcake of an AFC and you will never learn ANYTHING based on your attitude from the last few years

you are a loser for life


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Dancing with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
The Logical Player said:
dude why do you even sound like a chump when talking to girls on sosuave?

are you seriously trying to improve AT ALL in these last few years?
because it looks like all you do on this site is waste your own time and wallow in your own patheticness

I suggest you get a grip and stop trying to hide from the facts, and actually DO SOMETHING about your current horrible situation.

i'm serious you little chump
i'm glad you finally started to take my advice by shitting on people a little less, and focussing more so on iliciting modes of action condusive of change instead of simply stating the facts in an observationally demeaning way

pLaYtHiNg said:
Heh, so I am starting a thread all about me....

First, for fun....

I believe this time alone will be beneficial if used for self-improvement and reflections on my past....

cute post pLaything. ti hochesh priti potom?

i didn't read much of the quiz or whatever it was. but hearing about how you are taking time to reflect on your past and improve yourself is pretty cool.

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Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
j0n024 said:
Instead of putting stock into what some test says about you why dont you look in the mirror take a pen and paper with you and look at YOURSELF and tell yourself what you want to improve or what NEEDS to improve. I dont think anyone else can tell you what YOU need to improve besides yourself.
It is a difficult thing to do; to assess oneself. Likewise, as Roissy said, getting an opinion from those closest to you is equally unproductive, as they will typically sugarcoat and reassure. It makes sense to me. Getting an assessment from those who don't know me, and thus have no investment in me, is the best way to get honest feedback. I do understand where you are coming from, and you indeed seem to be an empathetic person, and that I appreciate very much. :)

Michele said:
Maybe its the completely different thinking between males and females, so we'll give you a chance to explain how you can self-improve in this area of your life. Sure you can change your BMI and other superficial things, but most of that is impossible to change.

I'm just a realist, and I'm just telling you how it is.
Michele, that would normally be my first reaction as well... to focus on the aspects I CAN'T change, but the truth of the matter is, if I want improvement remaining open and subjective is important. Men are visual creatures, therefore appearance IS important, especially for initial attraction. Even if there is nothing that can be done about it, (reasonably), awareness is what I'm looking for.

The test is just a starting point... we will develop all sorts of ideas and conclusions, and we need not necessarily agree with the test, only use it as a tool for identifying and improving upon problem areas. I have the benefit of being quite happy and content with my appearance. I wanted my ratings on Hot Or Not to be accurate, so I've taken the additional steps of A.) including a photo without makeup, B.) Including a photo with makeup, and C. Including a full-body photo. (The photo without makeup I am relying on a more innocent look, and the photo with makeup I am experimenting with a more sexy look). I plan to get ratings on all of these and average them to get a number. I am willing to bet my ratings will average at about 8.

So far, my numbers are 9.1 with makeup, 8.3 full body, and 9 for no makeup.

STR8UP said:
The BIG thing, I'm talking 800 lb gorilla big, is that women today VASTLY underestimate just how much their femininity determines how attractive they are.
See, now this is golden to me. I grew up rurally on the east coast, and a tomboy at that... so this is definitely something I could gain some improvements on. Not swearing so much, maybe actually paying for an oil change. Maybe not let my independent streak trump a man's chivalrous attempts, etc.

Maxtro said:
Is it that you are simply seeking more attention?

Maxtro, thanks for the compliment, but I can get attention anywhere I please in "real life". It's not difficult. I get hit on at WalMart at 3 in the morning wearing pajamas!! I do not need an online fix to get attention if I so want it. I did not want this to be about superficiality, though. I am truly a modest person at heart. I am actually here to gain knowledge and understanding. I realize that may be difficult for some to believe, but it's true. I just want to be taken seriously.

TLP, wow are you actually trying to help this confused 29 year old crazy lady? ;) I do appreciate your words of wisdom. I am not afraid of being used... I have been pretty good at avoiding it in the past, but really, thanks. I guess you do kind of have a heart after all.

The Logical Player said:
You pretty much have no chance with the guys you truly desire (sort of in the same way that average guys with average game have no chance with the beautiful women that they desire).
TLP. Why is this? Is it because am only "average" looking? (Which may or may not be, if on a scale of 1 through 10, 5.5 is average, then I would be above average looking, just judging from my Hot Or Not results). Or do you say this for another reason? Some clarification would be appreciated. :)

The Logical Player said:
i ti budish imet control nad vsemi patsanami

Даже вы?

Ich glaube, Sie sollten wissen, ich bin eine Mischung aus europäischen Blutlinien, aber ich bin in erster Linie Deutsch. ;)

darkstarrr said:
cute post pLaything. ti hochesh priti potom?

i didn't read much of the quiz or whatever it was. but hearing about how you are taking time to reflect on your past and improve yourself is pretty cool.
Thanks. The quiz is basically Roissy's development for determining the "value" so to speak of a woman. Of course, I take what I can from it, and am amused by the rest. There is much I would like to discuss about Roissy later on. :)

I basically am in the beginning stages of defining and developing the ideas I could use for improvement within myself.

Finally the 10 post rule has released it's hold on me... I've been wanting to respond for awhile now. :)
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Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
I can tell you with 100% certainty that all things being equal,

1) The better looking woman will be more successful with men

2) The more FEMININE woman will be more successful with men

The problem with American women is the fact that there is a surplus of men who reward unfeminine behavior by giving women who don't act like a lady too much attention. The women then feel like "Well, I'm getting ATTENTION from men, so I must have what it takes!"

The real issue becomes evident when, despite all of the attention, she fails to actually fulfill her goal, which is to secure a high value man. Plenty of dates, plenty of sex, no fulfillment.

Women are fully conscious of 70% of the attraction equation. They KNOW they have to look their best to even get their foot in the door. The part they neglect is the other 30% which actually makes them "wife material". The part that makes men look at them more like a g/f or wife, and less like a common sperm receptacle.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
I can tell you with 100% certainty that all things being equal,

1) The better looking woman will be more successful with men

2) The more FEMININE woman will be more successful with men
I really think "successful" needs to be defined. Successful in attracting men? Yes, definitely. There is no arguement there. Successful in attracting a quality man with her best interests at heart? Probably not, and for the following two reasons:

1.) If a woman is very attractive, she is bound to overlook men who are 'average' if you will, (and may very well be 'quality men', at that, who would have a greater appreciation for her attention). It is even possible that average, well-meaning guys would be too intimidated to even approach her.

2.) Instead of successfully finding "love" and "intimacy" within her relationships, she may only find herself the "trophy", highly-regarded "arm candy", but not much else.

I am quite sure I know what you mean by "feminine" women will be more appealing, but could you please give examples of feminine qualities a woman may possess that would increase her value? I, for one, am usually not very lady-like. I'm willing to admit that, and I'm also willing to explore the ideas of embracing more femininity in my life.

STR8UP said:
The problem with American women is the fact that there is a surplus of men who reward unfeminine behavior by giving women who don't act like a lady too much attention. The women then feel like "Well, I'm getting ATTENTION from men, so I must have what it takes!"

The real issue becomes evident when, despite all of the attention, she fails to actually fulfill her goal, which is to secure a high value man. Plenty of dates, plenty of sex, no fulfillment.
I agree with you, women are indeed rewarded with attention for unfeminine behaviors. I just keep thinking of the Carl's Jr. commercial where the girl grabs the sandwich from her boyfriend, takes a bite, looks at him and says, "Pull my finger." While funny, not even I would go that far!

STR8UP said:
The part they neglect is the other 30% which actually makes them "wife material". The part that makes men look at them more like a g/f or wife, and less like a common sperm receptacle.
I am very interested in discussing the traits that increase a woman's value to men.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
pLaYtHiNg said:

I am very interested in discussing the traits that increase a woman's value to men.

1) Don't sleep around. If you already do, stop. Don't move in with a guy. Culture can say what it wants, but any marriage psychologist will tell you that your chances of having a successful and happy marriage drop significantly with live in relationships. I'll take the stats over culture any day. I don't mind meeting a girl who USED to sleep around and then grew up, but if I think she has plans to do so in the future... it's kinda a turnoff.

2) Do try to be feminine often. My current interest actually went to finishing school as a child (europeans for you) and it shows. The way she walks, the way she dresses, she is ALWAYS in girl mode. Granted, I really wish SOMETIMES she would lighten up a bit (she swears the day I get to take her camping will be the day she kills herself), but I DEFINITELY find her additude ridiculously attractive and look forward to the challenge of breaking her in on the boy stuff, even if sometimes I'm inclined to think she's a blooming idiot for being so vain all the time.

3) Controversial one: Do be intelligent. Ok, supposedly guys like really dumb chicks, but I've always thought a girls brain is the 2nd or 3rd hottest thing about her. I simply cannot be with an uninteresting girl long. I want her to be able to fight with me, and fight WELL. I want her to have her own intellectual interests and pursuits. Read books. Period.

I remember a girl posting on her facebook "I hate reading", and her father posted "um, that's not something you should admit on a public profile." I laughed, but I entirely agree.

If you don't read a lot, start. And I'm not talking about Oprah crap. If you don't know where to start, pick 3-4 classics and read one a week.

Femininity + Looks + Educated and Cultured = lots of guys on this site with broken hearts.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
I'm 50, so my advice is a little different than the young mens. Where women mainly goof up is thinking that the best quality man who sleeps with them is what she can land. An 8 will sleep with a 5 if he's been without or is drunk. He will never MARRY her[unless she's bringing ALOT else to the table-most don't have it]She however, thinks that is the man she DESERVES,that is her goal in men.She will pass by the 6 who is an MD,he's not as hot as what she DESERVES.

Now as far as attraction,feminity IS big, I'm not looking for a woman who can out drink and out cuss me. I don't care if she wears jeans, as long as she knows how to put on the little black dress.

Read the posts here about bad behavior by women-learn what not to do.

One last thing,women LOOOVE drama,men don't. If you cause him more stress than dating you is worth-you are gone.