Heh, so I am starting a thread all about me, and as a woman, (
) I've already "rationalized" that I will not be an AW in doing so, for it will not be much different from everyone else's journals. Since I am here to learn I wanted to begin a thread where many different ideas can be brought up and discussed, without the restraint of maintaining strict topic integrity. The goal here is self-improvement, utilizing constructive criticism, honesty and an open mind.
I have really been itching to discuss Roissy. First, for fun, I've decided to take the Dating Market Value Test For Women, and discuss the results. Although I am not necessarily interested in, or seeking out a relationship of sorts, I believe this time alone will be beneficial if used for self-improvement and reflections on my past. I'm not going to say I haven't made any mistakes, as no one is perfect, but having them defined is extremely important to me. So, back to the test, here goes.
1. How old are you?
26 to 29 years old: +3 point
2. How important is makeup to your appearance?
It slightly enhances my looks: 0 points
3. What is your IQ? (This relates tangentially to your ability to connect emotionally with a man.)
121 to 145: 0 points (I took an online IQ test to determine this figure, but it's accuracy is left debatable... More about that later).
The following ten questions deal with the physical attractiveness of your body.
4. Your breast size is:
C cup: +1 point
5. Your breasts look firm and pert when you wear:
A bra: 0 points
6. How long are your legs in relation to your height?
Average: 0 points
7. What is the shape of your ass?
Just average: 0 points
8. How flat is your stomach?
Slight pouch: 0 points
9. How toned are your upper arms?
Average, not flabby: 0 points
10. How big are your hands?
Average size: 0 points
11. Where is there hair on your body?
My head and pubic area only: +1 point
12. Get a tape ruler and measure around your waist and your hips. Divide your waist number by your hip number. This ratio is:
0.65 to 0.75: +1 point
0.55 to 0.64: 0 points
under 0.55: -1 point
0.76 to 0.85: 0 points
0.85 to 0.95: -1 point
over 0.95: -2 points
**Need to come back to # 12, I don't have a measuring tape!**
13. What is your BMI?
17.5 to 21.0: +10 points
14. On a scale of 1 to 10, how pretty are you?
8 to 9: +8 points
(I took the advice and posted on Hot or Not. I've posted 3 photos, #1 was ranked 8.3 by 230 voters, #2 and #3's results will be posted when in, and averaged).
15. How clear is your skin?
No acne, blemishes, or poorly located moles: 0 points
16. Do you have any noticeable deformities?
No: 0 points
17. How full are your lips?
Average: 0 points
18. How high is your forehead?
Average: 0 points
19. How long is your jawline from ear to chin?
Average: 0 points
20. How big is your chin?
Average: 0 points
21. How big is your nose?
Average: 0 points
22. In proportion to the size of your face, are your eyes:
Large and saucer-like: +1 point
23. Is the distance between your eyes:
Wide: +1 point
24. You frequently wear sexy lingerie, even when not prepping for a hot date.
Yes: +1 point
25. When someone gets hurt you are the first to ask if they are OK and to deliver aid if needed.
Almost always: +1 point
26. You are highly competitive and often play co-ed team sports.
I like to exercise on nice days with one on one sports like tennis: +1 point
27. When a guy approaches you in a bar, regardless of your attraction for him, you:
Smile and look at him: +1 point
28. On a first date the check arrives for dinner and drinks. You:
Offer to split the check or even pay in full: +1 point
29. You are about to have sex with a guy for the first time. He undresses and his penis is small. Do you:
Tell him how great his **** looks and feels?: +1 point
30. You think *******s are:
Great! You give them spontaneously and there’s never any doubt how much you enjoy it: +1 point
31. Do you do anal?
Yes, and it makes me come to know how much it pleases my man: +1 point
32. The number of sex positions you have tried is:
I’m a contortionist: +1 point
33. How often do you curse?
My mouth is a gutter: -1 point
34. You’d best describe your sense of fashion as:
My flip flops have my foot imprint in them: -2 points
There is a minimum of -83 points and a maximum of 64 points to earn based on the questions asked. The reason the minimum score goes lower than the maximum score goes high is because there are a few things, such as gross obesity, old age, or a major facial deformity, that seriously negatively impact a woman’s overall rating to the point of market extinction.
The scoring breaks down as follows:
-83: You are proof that god does not exist, but that satan does.
-82 to -56: You’re an omega. If it makes you feel better you will have your choice of male omegas to bang.
-55 to -40: The majority of men are disgusted by the sight of you. Your kind will suffer most when our sexbot overlords arrive. Losers hit on you constantly figuring they have a chance.
-39 to -20: You were born to ****block. But you’ll manage to marry a table scrap.
-19 to -5: Lesser beta. The men you want make fun of you out of earshot. You spend many years learning how to settle for mediocre betas.
-4 to 14: Classic beta. Your hot friends always gets hit on first, but if you really tramp it up you can snag a slightly better than average guy to take you home for a single night of commitment.
15 to 29: Greater beta. More than a few attractive guys will approach you. But if your personality is flawed you risk becoming a pump and dump victim.
30 to 43: You are officially a nascent alpha female. A lot of quality guys will hit on you and you will be able to pick and choose at your leisure. But don’t push it. You’re not quite hot enough to string guys along forever.
44 to 55: You’re a bona fide hottie. Nearly every guy who meets you agrees you are a hottie. So does every girl. This puts you in the top 1% of worldwide womanhood. With great power comes great responsibility, so try to limit the number of men you torture with blueballs and LJFB rejections to fewer than 100 in your social circle. As long as you are not a complete *****, marriage with a top quality man will come easily to you.
56 to 63: Guys want you, girls want to be you. You are just short of perfection, which paradoxically means you will get hit on more than the super alpha females. You are a player’s greatest challenge, and his greatest reward, because unlike the perfect woman there is still something human about you. Sex, love, security, commitment, easy living… you have it all. Only your demons can defeat you.
64: Super Alpha. The world is yours. Life is an endless parade of joy and excitement. Your power is illimitable… for now.
Unlike the men who took my Male Dating Market Value test, I do not expect *any* women to be completely honest with themselves taking the Female Dating Market Value test. The female ego is simply way too fragile to absorb the shock of such a brutal self-assessment. Therefore, I will be mentally subtracting 10 points from every woman who posts her score here in the comments."
So, my score was 31... (ouch) and minus Roissy's 10 points, (even though I believe I was very honest), left me with 21 points, (A "Greater Beta"). I did not post my score on his site. There was one question I did not answer, (#12), and one question whose answer may change, (pending the rest of the Hot or Not results).
So I've got lots of improving to do! Thoughts, anyone?
I have really been itching to discuss Roissy. First, for fun, I've decided to take the Dating Market Value Test For Women, and discuss the results. Although I am not necessarily interested in, or seeking out a relationship of sorts, I believe this time alone will be beneficial if used for self-improvement and reflections on my past. I'm not going to say I haven't made any mistakes, as no one is perfect, but having them defined is extremely important to me. So, back to the test, here goes.
1. How old are you?
26 to 29 years old: +3 point
2. How important is makeup to your appearance?
It slightly enhances my looks: 0 points
3. What is your IQ? (This relates tangentially to your ability to connect emotionally with a man.)
121 to 145: 0 points (I took an online IQ test to determine this figure, but it's accuracy is left debatable... More about that later).
The following ten questions deal with the physical attractiveness of your body.
4. Your breast size is:
C cup: +1 point
5. Your breasts look firm and pert when you wear:
A bra: 0 points
6. How long are your legs in relation to your height?
Average: 0 points
7. What is the shape of your ass?
Just average: 0 points
8. How flat is your stomach?
Slight pouch: 0 points
9. How toned are your upper arms?
Average, not flabby: 0 points
10. How big are your hands?
Average size: 0 points
11. Where is there hair on your body?
My head and pubic area only: +1 point
12. Get a tape ruler and measure around your waist and your hips. Divide your waist number by your hip number. This ratio is:
0.65 to 0.75: +1 point
0.55 to 0.64: 0 points
under 0.55: -1 point
0.76 to 0.85: 0 points
0.85 to 0.95: -1 point
over 0.95: -2 points
**Need to come back to # 12, I don't have a measuring tape!**
13. What is your BMI?
17.5 to 21.0: +10 points
14. On a scale of 1 to 10, how pretty are you?
8 to 9: +8 points
(I took the advice and posted on Hot or Not. I've posted 3 photos, #1 was ranked 8.3 by 230 voters, #2 and #3's results will be posted when in, and averaged).
15. How clear is your skin?
No acne, blemishes, or poorly located moles: 0 points
16. Do you have any noticeable deformities?
No: 0 points
17. How full are your lips?
Average: 0 points
18. How high is your forehead?
Average: 0 points
19. How long is your jawline from ear to chin?
Average: 0 points
20. How big is your chin?
Average: 0 points
21. How big is your nose?
Average: 0 points
22. In proportion to the size of your face, are your eyes:
Large and saucer-like: +1 point
23. Is the distance between your eyes:
Wide: +1 point
24. You frequently wear sexy lingerie, even when not prepping for a hot date.
Yes: +1 point
25. When someone gets hurt you are the first to ask if they are OK and to deliver aid if needed.
Almost always: +1 point
26. You are highly competitive and often play co-ed team sports.
I like to exercise on nice days with one on one sports like tennis: +1 point
27. When a guy approaches you in a bar, regardless of your attraction for him, you:
Smile and look at him: +1 point
28. On a first date the check arrives for dinner and drinks. You:
Offer to split the check or even pay in full: +1 point
29. You are about to have sex with a guy for the first time. He undresses and his penis is small. Do you:
Tell him how great his **** looks and feels?: +1 point
30. You think *******s are:
Great! You give them spontaneously and there’s never any doubt how much you enjoy it: +1 point
31. Do you do anal?
Yes, and it makes me come to know how much it pleases my man: +1 point
32. The number of sex positions you have tried is:
I’m a contortionist: +1 point
33. How often do you curse?
My mouth is a gutter: -1 point
34. You’d best describe your sense of fashion as:
My flip flops have my foot imprint in them: -2 points
There is a minimum of -83 points and a maximum of 64 points to earn based on the questions asked. The reason the minimum score goes lower than the maximum score goes high is because there are a few things, such as gross obesity, old age, or a major facial deformity, that seriously negatively impact a woman’s overall rating to the point of market extinction.
The scoring breaks down as follows:
-83: You are proof that god does not exist, but that satan does.
-82 to -56: You’re an omega. If it makes you feel better you will have your choice of male omegas to bang.
-55 to -40: The majority of men are disgusted by the sight of you. Your kind will suffer most when our sexbot overlords arrive. Losers hit on you constantly figuring they have a chance.
-39 to -20: You were born to ****block. But you’ll manage to marry a table scrap.
-19 to -5: Lesser beta. The men you want make fun of you out of earshot. You spend many years learning how to settle for mediocre betas.
-4 to 14: Classic beta. Your hot friends always gets hit on first, but if you really tramp it up you can snag a slightly better than average guy to take you home for a single night of commitment.
15 to 29: Greater beta. More than a few attractive guys will approach you. But if your personality is flawed you risk becoming a pump and dump victim.
30 to 43: You are officially a nascent alpha female. A lot of quality guys will hit on you and you will be able to pick and choose at your leisure. But don’t push it. You’re not quite hot enough to string guys along forever.
44 to 55: You’re a bona fide hottie. Nearly every guy who meets you agrees you are a hottie. So does every girl. This puts you in the top 1% of worldwide womanhood. With great power comes great responsibility, so try to limit the number of men you torture with blueballs and LJFB rejections to fewer than 100 in your social circle. As long as you are not a complete *****, marriage with a top quality man will come easily to you.
56 to 63: Guys want you, girls want to be you. You are just short of perfection, which paradoxically means you will get hit on more than the super alpha females. You are a player’s greatest challenge, and his greatest reward, because unlike the perfect woman there is still something human about you. Sex, love, security, commitment, easy living… you have it all. Only your demons can defeat you.
64: Super Alpha. The world is yours. Life is an endless parade of joy and excitement. Your power is illimitable… for now.
Unlike the men who took my Male Dating Market Value test, I do not expect *any* women to be completely honest with themselves taking the Female Dating Market Value test. The female ego is simply way too fragile to absorb the shock of such a brutal self-assessment. Therefore, I will be mentally subtracting 10 points from every woman who posts her score here in the comments."
So, my score was 31... (ouch) and minus Roissy's 10 points, (even though I believe I was very honest), left me with 21 points, (A "Greater Beta"). I did not post my score on his site. There was one question I did not answer, (#12), and one question whose answer may change, (pending the rest of the Hot or Not results).
So I've got lots of improving to do! Thoughts, anyone?
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