My first "relationship"


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
...and now I miss being single. That's all I have to say.
Well you sure said a lot more after that didn't you?

Luke Skywalker said:
This is a long distance relationship. I only see her for two months in a year plus a week. What did I get myself into?
Honestly I call shenanigans on this whole post. You only see her for two months in a year plus a week? Dood thats a penpal not a girlfriend. Anyway didn't you read Logical Player's post on not having a girlfriend if you are noob. There is a reason for that. Go back and read it, its good stuff.

Why do you feel the need to be in a relationship at all? Your not getting sex, you barely see her, you feel confined and constrained. And you try to sell us on this fantasy that its an experiment when in all honestly you really just seem desperate to have someone to call your girlfriend. I mean you said it yourself.

Luke Skywalker said:
I get a confidence booster from having a girlfriend
Sincerly, Congrats on getting a girl man. See it's not that hard right? Now its time to move on to the next step in your development. Let this go and find you another one a real one who is there with you. Long Distance Relationships are fantasy relationships.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Youre a loser.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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You say you don't want a relationship, yet you don't believe in premarital sex. Okay, so what do you want to do with your life? Be a complete bore? You make no sense, you're just making up excuses for your insecurities. You need to redefine yourself and your life. I agree with Maxtro, ask yourself those questions and answer them truthfully.
Mar 2, 2009
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guys, please do a search on the threads this sub-human has started, and you will realize that he is only here to be made fun of - he likes it too, like a good little bytch :)


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Maxtro said:
Hmm a 33 year old virgin who's in a LDR in which he only sees the girl for two months out of the year. The virgin also doesn't believe in pre-marital sex and he refuses to cheat by sleeping with or even flirting with other women.
LOL. Well summarized. Any Hollywood producers on this site?

Just so you know, back in the Bible days when people were told to not have sex until marriage, people were getting married around 14. They were lucky if they lived till 40.
Shhh. Don't wake him up. It's better he sleep this human condition off.

Some people are not worth helping. Learn to focus your assistance on people you CAN help. Join a club, volunteer for a community event, be a big brother to a disadvantaged child so you can prevent a sub-human like this Luke. He's NOT here for help. He's here to give advice to the newbies to puff up his own bloated ego. It's really, really pathetic.

Hope you heed my warning. He's a drain of energy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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pua1989 said:
ON ANOTHER NOTE, i say you drop everything, and move in with her. itll be the biggest culture shock of your life: living hundreds of miles from mom and dad, with a girl, and having to find another job. i think itd be healthy for you. ****, if you get dumped then its even more of a culture shock because you gotta look for apartments.
I also think this would be a good idea for him. It would force him to grow up and become a adult. I can see ppl living like him in their teens/twenties but after 30 this is unexceptable.

On that note, I'm thinking about just picking up and moving to another city, I think it be a good experience and would be a little adventure. But I'd want to do it while I'm still young, not his age (I want a established stable life at that point).


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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The Logical Player said:
guys, please do a search on the threads this sub-human has started, and you will realize that he is only here to be made fun of - he likes it too, like a good little bytch :)
of course he likes it, he's a troll. I don't really believe anything he says, he's probably some retarded 15 year old trying to get a laugh.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
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Kal0051 said:
of course he likes it, he's a troll. I don't really believe anything he says, he's probably some retarded 15 year old trying to get a laugh.
It's always the hazy middle ground isn't it. A touch more outrageous and it would be obvious, a touch less and it wouldn't get a single response.


Don Juan
May 3, 2009
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prairiedog24 said:
It's always the hazy middle ground isn't it. A touch more outrageous and it would be obvious, a touch less and it wouldn't get a single response.
Haha, it's the perfect troll post.

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Guys, we should wish him the best with this LDR so that he can stop posting crap here everyday.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Kal0051 said:
of course he likes it, he's a troll. I don't really believe anything he says, he's probably some retarded 15 year old trying to get a laugh.
That's even more pathetic to pretend he's a 33year old loser.

What kind of sane person would create such a perfect, and ultimately useless troll job? He's definitely mentally challenged. I pity him either way. It's just really fvcking sad.

Count Chocola

Apr 17, 2009
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Your ex-girlfriends house
Luke Skywalker said:
This is a long distance relationship. I only see her for two months in a year plus a week. What did I get myself into?
First of all, your not in a relationship, you are just a guy she sees once in a while! Second, get that out of your head right now. You are using religion as an excuse to meet girls. You have been brainwashed and conditioned to think that pre-marriage sex is bad, but you wont get married if you don't give her some sex.

WebMD said:

Premarital Sex the Norm in America
Premarital Sex Research Shows by Age 44, 95% of Americans Have Had

Dec. 20, 2006 -- Almost all Americans have sex before marrying, according to premarital sex research that shows such behavior is the norm in the U.S. and has been for the past 50 years.

The new study shows that by age 20, 75% of Americans have had premarital sex. That number rises to 95% by age 44.

Even among those who abstained from sex until 20 or beyond, 81% have had premarital sex by 44, the survey shows.

Researchers say the findings question the feasibility of federally funded abstinence-only education programs.

"Premarital sex is normal behavior for the vast majority of Americans, and has been for decades," says researcher Lawrence Finer, director of domestic research at the Guttmacher Institute, in a news release.

"The data clearly show that the majority of older teens and adults have already had sex before marriage, which calls into question the federal government's funding of abstinence-only-until-marriage programs for 12–29-year-olds.

"It would be more effective to provide young people with the skills and information they need to be safe once they become sexually active -- which nearly everyone eventually will," says Finer.
Premarital Sex Research

In the study, published in Public Health Reports, researchers analyzed data from four cycles of the National Survey of Family Growth from 1982 to 2002, which included information on sexual and marital behaviors.

The results showed that the vast majority of Americans have sex before marrying. For example, the 2002 survey showed:

* By age 20, 77% of men and women had had sex, including 75% who had had premarital sex.
* By age 44, 95% of men and women had had premarital sex; 97% of those who had ever had sex had had premarital sex.
* Among those who had abstained from sex until at least age 20, 81% had had premarital sex by age 44.

Despite public opinion that premarital sex is much more common now than in the past, researchers say the number of Americans having premarital sex hasn't changed much since the 1940s.

Among women who turned 15 between 1964 and 1993, 91% had had premarital sex before age 30, compared with 82% of women who turned 15 between 1954 and 1963.

In addition, nearly nine out of 10 women who turned 15 between 1954 and 1963 had had unmarried sex by age 44.

Researchers say that though the likelihood that Americans will have sex before marriage hasn't changed significantly since the 1950s, people are now waiting longer to get married. So they are sexually active and unmarried for longer than in the past.
May 23, 2006
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She is coming down this summer and has already sent money in order to buy tickets to come down. I'm expecting $ 1000 cash in the mail. If she is coming down during the summer, and I've only seen her for a week, then I'll have a better guage to see how this relationship will go naturally. It's easy to put up a performance for one week, or the novelty of having a relationship with unconditional love would be enough juice for a week, but for two solid months with this girl, will be a true litmus test to see this just proceed to it's natural course.

I had a talk with her yesterday to explore the boundaries of the relationship and what she would consider cheating to her. I can talk to other women, but I can't get too comfortable with them.

Her background is that she has always been used and cheated on by men in one or two relationships with long durations. In one five year relationship a guy married another woman (claims he was seeking a landing) behind her back and the relationship was 5 years and virtually used her for sex, and she claimed that she loved him. I feel that she is somewhat simple minded and is not a usual type of woman that you would find out there. She did not cheat on her other partners she had before and basically they messed up the relationships like doing something extreme like marrying someone behind her back.


In terms of the other feedback on here:


Question #2:

I can not pursue any other woman while I am "with" her because that would be "emotional cheating". Anything more than being civil with another girl will be considered cheating to her.

Question #3:

I really don't think she's the type to cheat on people. In the event that were to happen, I'm not sure if I would really care. It would likely be just a convenient out on this relationship as I have hard evidence.

Question #4:

I do not have a clear goal right now. I would usually take her out on dates to the zoo, science centre, aussie bakeries. If she comes during the summer I'd likely take her out again various places within the city and explore them together with her. Ideally, because she has money, we would travel the world together...Australia, Europe, etc...or visit her up where she is -- subject to getting married to her of course.

Question #5:

It has already been explained to her that:
a) I can't have sex with her unless we are married.
b) I can't visit her home in North Manitoba, unless we are married.
c) I can't go travelling with her around the world, even if she pays for it, unless we are married.

She understands this.

Now, in terms of the first question:

The obvious answer to that is seeing if she congruently fits into my life situation like a glove in such a way that I can marry her. However, for whatever reason, it doesn't appear that I'm mature enough to handle a relationship with her or get married to her if I keep eyeing other women, etc...


Consultation with my own view-points and values with her

1) As I said on post #8, she has very great qualities, is a good girl, and is an ideal candidate for someone to have a relationship with, based on the feedback I am getting from her. She is willing, insanely, to move her if the long-distance part is troubling me.

2) I do not think she is too ugly, my parents saw her too and think she looks acceptable (there are way worst people out there), and would get a C to a C+ on looks (what people would range an ug4 - hb5). I will not end this relationship and want to see how it plays out during the summer when she comes down here.

3) I do not think it's fair or appropriate to start pursuing other girls who just look more attractive than my girlfriend and contrary to sence since, as most girls out there aren't really good quality or are as compatable in so many levels as this girl is here. She's likes the fact I'm quiet and isn't complaining like other women that I'm not domineering enough.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
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That's it... this has to be a joke. Nobody can be this clueless.

One week spent with a girl and you've committed to an LDR with her in which you can maybe see her two months out of the year... and you're upset that you can't try to get with other chicks... but you don't believe in pre-marital sex.



Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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mothballs said:
That's it... this has to be a joke. Nobody can be this clueless.

One week spent with a girl and you've committed to an LDR with her in which you can maybe see her two months out of the year... and you're upset that you can't try to get with other chicks... but you don't believe in pre-marital sex.


He believes he's a player, however he has a girlfriend and doesn't believe in pre-marital sex but he's ok with a fleshlight and giving advice on how to be a player, a man, and a success even though he lives at home with his mentally unstable mother and his decrepit father (poor him, the father).

I don't know mothballs. I really believe he's a pathetic waste of space. A troll with nothing better to do than to pretend he's an even bigger and more pathetic troll.

It's just really, really fvcking sad.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
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Why the hell would you EVER go into a relationship with a girl you can only see for two months out of the year? Really dumb move.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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I don't cry, but this post made me come close.

You just seem to be totally defeated and resigned to this life of misery.

All the fight has gone out of you.

Luke Skywalker said:
She is coming down this summer and has already sent money in order to buy tickets to come down. I'm expecting $ 1000 cash in the mail. If she is coming down during the summer, and I've only seen her for a week, then I'll have a better guage to see how this relationship will go naturally. It's easy to put up a performance for one week, or the novelty of having a relationship with unconditional love would be enough juice for a week, but for two solid months with this girl, will be a true litmus test to see this just proceed to it's natural course.
Have sex with her. You don't want to wait until marriage for sex, and then find out she's a totally prude, and does nothing but lie back and take it.

I had a talk with her yesterday to explore the boundaries of the relationship and what she would consider cheating to her. I can talk to other women, but I can't get too comfortable with them.
What, does she own your testicles?

You've got less experience with women than a 17 year old. You need to get out and do whatever you want.

Her background is that she has always been used and cheated on by men
Explains her desperation and why so is so clingy.

a) I can't have sex with her unless we are married.
b) I can't visit her home in North Manitoba, unless we are married.
c) I can't go travelling with her around the world, even if she pays for it, unless we are married.

The obvious answer to that is seeing if she congruently fits into my life situation like a glove in such a way that I can marry her. However, for whatever reason, it doesn't appear that I'm mature enough to handle a relationship with her or get married to her if I keep eyeing other women, etc...
You barely know her. You barely see her. You've never had sex with her (or any woman.) Yet you're talking about marriage.

1) As I said on post #8, she has very great qualities, is a good girl, and is an ideal candidate for someone to have a relationship with, based on the feedback I am getting from her. She is willing, insanely, to move her if the long-distance part is troubling me.
But she isn't pretty.

2) I do not think she is too ugly, my parents saw her too and think she looks acceptable (there are way worst people out there), and would get a C to a C+ on looks (what people would range an ug4 - hb5). I will not end this relationship and want to see how it plays out during the summer when she comes down here.
This is mediocre. You should not be settling for an unattractive woman, it will only make your skill with women worse.

3) I do not think it's fair or appropriate to start pursuing other girls who just look more attractive than my girlfriend and contrary to sence since, as most girls out there aren't really good quality or are as compatable in so many levels as this girl is here. She's likes the fact I'm quiet and isn't complaining like other women that I'm not domineering enough.
Physical looks in a woman are VERY important. It's what men have evolved to place huge amounts of value on, saying you don't care is a lie. Deep down inside, you know it.

She likes the fact that she's found a man that she can keep under her control. She's unattractive, she'll only get worse over time, so she's settled down with a man who doesn't think he can get better so she can find someone to have her babies.