Witnessed a guy trying an indirect pickup at drugstore

May 23, 2006
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I think Logical Player and the OP are just a bunch of haters that have nothing better to do with their time.

I like the Espi opener: "You know, with your good looks and all, I'll bet a lot of people mis-judge you for being snotty.
I'll give you a minute or two to prove you're friendly".

Or, mAsf: "Are you the type of girl that I should get to know?", if she says, yes, then you ask "Why?"

Both of these openers may sound retarded, but they are not as ackward as the other one.

Blow-off openers are also used to build confidence. This doesn't appear like a blow-off opener, which would go like this:

You: Hey, I have this massive FEAR of rejection, so, what i need you to do is to reject me as cold and hard as you can! C'mon, worse than that! Louder! C'mon, really break my heart here.

It's fun, and you get over the whole "Approaching chicks is a big thing" period.

Blowout sets are awesome, great for reducing AA.

"Hey, can you like, just tell me to FVCK OFF!? C'mon, LOUDER! SAY IT!"

Fun fun fun.

Blow-off openers make fun of rejection on an opener. Again, I think that these sort of openers can make alot of fun out of something because you are either putting the onus on her to validate herself, or you are making fun of the whole rejection thing thereby undermining any power she may have in the interaction.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind

The Logical Player said:
first impression on cold approach = LOOKS first, everything else later

Yes and NO, Confidence is important as well, body langauge is important as well, SMILE is very important as well, how you carry your self is important as wel How you are groomned is important as well, its all your swagger and your sub-communciative vibe. You can have a good looking guy but he can be a complete chode. My buddy cold approached this hot chick this weekend he isn't the greastest looking dude but she was very receptive

if looks no good, then you won't get a chance to show off everything else

that is what you PUA nerds fail to realize.

I use to think that too, then I had a 3 some and realized that, if you are charming/charismatic/funny/cool those things>>>>>>looks. Girls wanna be with guys who are "That dude" and not just look good. I've had girls tell me they felt my personality but not my looks just for them later on to feel my looks and be attracted to me, now how real is that?

And the better she thinks you look, the more open she will be to getting to know you

this is 100% truth for COLD APPROACHES ONLY
^^TLP you forgetting how huge confidence really is. I've seen some ugly ass guys pull some cute ass chicks. One of my wings isn't very good looking at all, but he gets more ass then he can handle. Confidence and swagger are more important then looks any day of the week. Even when I use to hang around naturals they would tell me how you carry yourself is the most important thing. Put a smile on your face, stand tall, walk proud and talk smooth and you can get any chick out the thong....


p.s. thats not to say looks don't matter cause they do, but its not a 100% thing, swagger/confidence>>>>looks


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
horaholic said:
Why didnt you game her? At least he tried. Lame technique, but you gotta give him something for trying. He'll figure it out soon enough.

Oh, and Coffin; what kind of game have you witnessed dudes running on that girl? anything you think is good?
no not really the last 1 a guy was askin me ehr name and then got ehr atention and said "your beautiful" and smiled. he was a wanna be wigger. the best 1 was this old guy it was so funny but att he same time creepy. the convo went like this

her- find everything ok today?

him- no not everything

her-anything i can help you with?

him-well im lookin for a girl with your looks who likes older men with nice cars...

didnt work but when he said that i was laughin my ass off
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Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Women need to find you attractive for a good first impression. Physical looks and clothes and hair are only one part of the attractiveness equation, though. You can look like Brad Pitt, and be dressed to impress, but have lousy body language, and have a beta-male vibe emanating from you, and women will not think you're attractive. Whereas, and average looking guy radiating confidence, and alpha body language is going to be viewed as more attractive by the women around, even before he says a word to them. They way you walk, and talk is just as important (if not more) than your physical looks. They all add together.

Give me the physically hottest guy in the world, if he acts like a retard, he is gonna get blown out. Obviously, eventually, some chick will use him for her toy, but you get the point. Take the op 'line.' No guy with real confidence would ever say something that lame. However, if someone had enough confidence, and alphaness, it would still work, or at least get a good reaction. Its not what you say, its how you say it. If the guy was hot, the chick would have had the same reaction, maybe a little warmer. If an average looking guy with real confidence went in there and said that, he could have pulled it off, no matter how lame the line is. The guys at RSD purposefully come up with the lamest lines they can think of to open with, and they make them work, through confidence alone, just to prove a point.

Heres an article from Jeffy about how he shaved his head into a lightning bolt mohawk, to prove looks arent that important in a cold approach. OK maybe their VERY first impression is that he's a retard, but they IMMEDIATELY change their minds once he shows his energy.

Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
well of course confidence is important, but confidence = creepiness if you arent at least decent looking in the eyes of the girl you are hitting on.

She has no idea who you are, she does not want some uber-confident monster hitting on her, PERIOD.

Solomon, i saw your pics and you look totally fine, aint nothing wrong with how you look, so of course you're gonna have success cold approaching with confidence.

Let's just not forget the bottom line here - the guy in this thread who tried to use indirect game, is both not good looking to the cashier girl, AND not confident enough (thus having to resort to a lame pickup attempt)
May 23, 2006
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The Logical Player said:
Let's just not forget the bottom line here - the guy in this thread who tried to use indirect game, is both not good looking to the cashier girl, AND not confident enough (thus having to resort to a lame pickup attempt)
Nah, maybe the cashier had a bad day or was having a period. Maybe she had a boyfriend or is a lesbian. Only way of knowing is if you see she opening up to another guy, which the OP didn't see so everything is just based on speculation.

As far as I'm concerned he was confident enough to make an attempt, even if it failed. There may have been better and more intelligent openers than one that DLVed him. But it's better than if he did nothing, at least he wont waste his evening in regret that he didn't try.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Nah, maybe the cashier had a bad day or was having a period. Maybe she had a boyfriend or is a lesbian. Only way of knowing is if you see she opening up to another guy, which the OP didn't see so everything is just based on speculation.

As far as I'm concerned he was confident enough to make an attempt, even if it failed. There may have been better and more intelligent openers than one that DLVed him. But it's better than if he did nothing, at least he wont waste his evening in regret that he didn't try.

umm since when does your input and/or opinion matter loser?

You have ZERO business even posting opinions on ANY thread on this forum, you low life 32 year old mommy obeying fleshlight dating overanalytical religiously nutty creepy robotic hypocritical multiple personality disorder VIRGIN son of a mothaf*cking bytch

Ironically, nothing I just said is an insult, and instead I simply stated facts about Luke Skywalker based on everything he has ever posted.

You have no RIGHT to post on ANY threads on here, I cannot believe that you are not banned you low life 32 year old mommy obeying fleshlight dating overanalytical religiously nutty creepy robotic hypocritical multiple personality disorder VIRGIN son of a mothaf*cking bytch

That's your new name by the way - low life 32 year old mommy obeying fleshlight dating overanalytical religiously nutty creepy robotic hypocritical multiple personality disorder VIRGIN son of a mothaf*cking bytch
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
umm since when does your input and/or opinion matter loser?
Looks like the person with the gun would be right in an arguement with you.
Maybe one of these days you'll get it if you open your big mouth with the wrong guy. Try and talk to people like this in your real life.

You are the real hypocrite cause I think you are a coward.
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Don Juan
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
worship said:
Unless I misinterpreted your post, it seems that you are putting this guy down for approaching. Why? Are you bitter that you weren't the one who had the balls to approach? :s

And why would it be 'a pain in the ass' for a girl to be hit on? Even though he 'sucked' she probably loved the attention.
Read my 2nd post in this thread.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
worship said:
Unless I misinterpreted your post, it seems that you are putting this guy down for approaching. Why? Are you bitter that you weren't the one who had the balls to approach? :s

And why would it be 'a pain in the ass' for a girl to be hit on? Even though he 'sucked' she probably loved the attention.
You read my 2nd post in this thread too. And to answer that first question, no.

Why? Well, what if you were working as a cashier and an unattractive girl asked you that question? Would you get excited or would you rather she leave and let you get on with your day? Would you not prefer it if she said "You're cute, what's your number?" Then you could reply "Sorry, I'm taken..." Done, without the painful off-side conversation.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Teej said:
You read my 2nd post in this thread too. And to answer that first question, no.

Why? Well, what if you were working as a cashier and an unattractive girl asked you that question? Would you get excited or would you rather she leave and let you get on with your day? Would you not prefer it if she said "You're cute, what's your number?" Then you could reply "Sorry, I'm taken..." Done, without the painful off-side conversation.
"You're cute, what's your number?"

That's an opener and a close at the same time without the fluff BS. I like it.
Seems great for quick in and out stuff and cut to the chaice, she's either in or she's out and you move on. Sometimes the most simplest things are the best things to work on.

Marking this down on my approach journal.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
"You're cute, what's your number?"

That's an opener and a close at the same time without the fluff BS. I like it.
Seems great for quick in and out stuff and cut to the chaice, she's either in or she's out and you move on. Sometimes the most simplest things are the best things to work on.

Marking this down on my approach journal.
Yeah, it'll probably get flack here but sometimes going against all the "rules" works wonders. I've never tried that line but I might if the opportunity presents itself. A couple friends and I scored with a few uber beautiful chicks on a sports trip to the Atlantic coast doing nothing but complimenting them or being "nice" in general. I had never used that approach before but the Alpha of our group (not me) started it and it was working extremely well so I played nice guy (well, not played, I AM a nice guy naturally). I talked to the girl I was hitting on about completely non-sexual things, asked her about herself, did some AFC stuff like asking her if she was okay with this and that, if she was cold and wanted my jacket, etc. Easy peasy that time...
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Looks like the person with the gun would be right in an arguement with you.
Maybe one of these days you'll get it if you open your big mouth with the wrong guy. Try and talk to people like this in your real life.

You are the real hypocrite cause I think you are a coward.
I don't need to talk to people in real life like this because I don't know any low life 32 year old mommy obeying fleshlight dating overanalytical religiously nutty creepy robotic hypocritical multiple personality disorder VIRGIN son of a mothaf*cking bytch guys

you deserve to be shot to death quite honestly, especially before you start shooting people yourself.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
I don't need to talk to people in real life like this because I don't know any low life 32 year old mommy obeying fleshlight dating overanalytical religiously nutty creepy robotic hypocritical multiple personality disorder VIRGIN son of a mothaf*cking bytch guys

you deserve to be shot to death quite honestly, especially before you start shooting people yourself.
Wow. Look at the energy and words you are investing on studying my alias and writing on here just have to say something to look good. Hey, look everyone, it's Logical Player -- he has to pick on Luke Skywalker so everyone can look up to him and ask him for advice on how to be an alpha male.

Everyone, give Logical Player a hand.

Gee, not like the successful posters on here that are minding their own business and quitely posting their field reports and success stories or contributing intelligently to a discussion.

Oh, no, he has to hijack threads into arguements with me and actually brainstorm a whole slew of words. Sounds like a guy with allot of time on his hands and NO action. Why don't you prove what you are saying by posting pictures -- there I've challenged you.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Oh, no, he has to hijack threads into arguements with me and actually brainstorm a whole slew of words. Sounds like a guy with allot of time on his hands and NO action. Why don't you prove what you are saying by posting pictures -- there I've challenged you.
Ever watch the Karate kid? Wax on, wax off.

You're that rusty car in the back of the lot with no transmission.