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  1. AsianPlayboy

    Live pua coaching worth it?

    Again, I think of it as college and schooling. Typically, it takes a PUA, with little to no building blocks, TWO YEARS just to get AVERAGE. That's right, just AVERAGE. So, you can either decide you want to be HOME SCHOOLED or go to class and learn from those who have applied their skills in...
  2. AsianPlayboy

    Live pua coaching worth it?

    Depends on you. Obviously I'm biased in that I do coach, but you can learn all there is to learn by observing and winging with naturals. I even wrote about this: Or you can get some extra help by being...
  3. AsianPlayboy

    Self-Sabotage May Have Adversely Affected The Way You Approach Women

    Practically speaking, your face has these microexpression muscles. If you go into a cold approach and you're already thinking failure, your body GIVES you away. The girl may not consciously know what's going on but she's picking up on the SUBCOMMUNICATION. Those hundreds of tiny facial micro...
  4. AsianPlayboy

    Has the fact that women are naturally hornier than guys been proven?

    Couple of facts: 1) Women have the one organ that is designed specifically and ONLY for sex. Even us men don't have anything like that. 2) The average 22 year old college female graduate will have TWICE as many sexual partners than a male 22 year old.
  5. AsianPlayboy

    Your favourite ebooks/products and your fav seduction gurus?

    I am my own favorite guru :-)
  6. AsianPlayboy

    First time in club

    That is, by far, one of the most inane explaination of negs I've ever heard.
  7. AsianPlayboy

    Project Montreal Baby!

    I'll be speaking at Cliff's List but flying in (using all those frequent air miles to good use from all those bootcamps).
  8. AsianPlayboy

    Chicago Wings?

    I did a Chicago bootcamp there two weekends ago. Chicago has a Lair and Message Board at: My student sent me a FR/Testimonial that I haven't put up yet. It's the one where I had to tell him to kiss the girl or I'd kick his ass :-)...
  9. AsianPlayboy

    Why Women Don't Answer Phones

    I would posit, gentlemen, that the reason you aren't converting are two fold: 1) Future projection and planning... Not some lame ass, "Yeah, we should get together" but more like, "We're going to have to go up to that great big Hollywood sign and touch it together under the moonlight." Specific...
  10. AsianPlayboy

    Why Women Don't Answer Phones

    Buying temperature (ie General Attraction) is both short lived (ie she'll start losing attraction the next morning) and transferable (ie the guy that comes up right after you will benefit from you warming her up). There are, of course, anti-flake tactics that can help out.
  11. AsianPlayboy

    Found out GF been cheating on me but she doesnt know.

    Well, first you have to ask, did you guys discuss being exclusive or not? If not, then it doesn't matter. If you did and you both agreed to it, cancel the trip, get your money, and go **** other chicks.
  12. AsianPlayboy

    MY statistics and comments on online sarging vs. streets, clubs and parties

    This is just advice for my fellow Asian brothers. For Asian dudes who are trying to get non-Asian tail, I strongly discourage them from trying online dating. Yes, I've known several white players who can regularly pull tail from online, but it's a stacked deck when it comes to Asian Men trying...
  13. AsianPlayboy

    Anyone from Vegas?

    Was in Vegas a couple of weeks ago teaching a bootcamp, got one of my students laid his first night. I've pointed him to this thread so maybe he'll contact you. Here's the Vegas LAIR, not very active though you could still try...
  14. AsianPlayboy

    TORONTO wingmen

    I just taught a bootcamp up in Toronto... some info for ya. Dragon: Here's his field report of the bootcamp: You've also got the Toronto Lair:
  15. AsianPlayboy

    montreal wingmen?

    I taught a bootcamp up in Montreal a month back and will be back to speak at Cliff's List. AsianChia and Hasselhoff in Montreal: Here's their field reports of the Montreal bootcamp:
  16. AsianPlayboy

    LA / Orange County, CA CHAPTER

    OC was one of my old stomping grounds when I still lived in LA. Taught a bootcamp there a couple of months ago. OCWaterBoy, the King of Direct and one of my best friends/wings, not that he's auditioning for new wings, but you could always try: Two upcoming Asian...
  17. AsianPlayboy

    APB's Patented 100% Perfect Kiss Close Tactic... For Real!

    Two of them in fact. I also have a (very grainy) cam pic of my Vegas student makingout with a white chick that he ended up screwing on his first night of the bootcamp.
  18. AsianPlayboy

    APB's Patented 100% Perfect Kiss Close Tactic... For Real!

    Ah, you silly little twits, it was intended to be, pardon the pun, a tongue-in-cheek post not to mention illustrating the need to overcome the anxiety of becoming physical with a girl. Sometimes guys just needs a push in the right direction when the girl IS hot and ready. He knows it, but that...
  19. AsianPlayboy

    AMOG One-Liners

    "Love the shirt, had one just like it but then threw it away." Most AMOGing is done via frame control, conversational control and physical presence/dominance. I rarely bother tooling an AMOG anymore and simply ignore him out of the frame and convo.
  20. AsianPlayboy

    APB's Patented 100% Perfect Kiss Close Tactic... For Real!

    Guaranteed to work 100% or your money back, the ultimate, I can't believe I'm revealing this EXPLOSIVE, MONEY, MIND BLOWING way to successfully kiss a girl. This is cutting edge, pioneering, advant-garde, experimental stuff, my Asian brothers. Field tested, PUA approved. No, seriously...