Has the fact that women are naturally hornier than guys been proven?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
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You hear it mentioned all the time, but does anyone have a link to an actual article / study on this?
May 29, 2006
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I've always believed that women are a product of their emotions. They have logic guiding them, but being so protected in life they are subject to those emotions which they have allowed themselves to be guided by.

Your not going to find any evidence on my argument though, but you will find women who can only prove the point.

A man will listen to rock solid logic, if he doesn't let emotions get in the way. If they do allow emotions to cloud themselves, than you must create logical emotions within yourself that are similar to his own, and reason with logic to bring him back to common grounds of debate.

With a woman though, she has been driven by the emotions her entire life. She will reject certain emotion, but a logical path of emotions and she can be lead to do anything.

Best of luck trying to prove 10,000 years of evolution wrong. Women are not hornier than men. They CAN be hornier than men. A slut is incredible in bed if you can bring yourself to ignore your self worth. Finding a nympho for a girlfriend can be scary as fock if your not in tune 100% with your sexuality.

The state of being horny has for thousands of years has been associated with the male organ. Action comes from the horn of the beast. The male appendage that we have a hundred names for, goes into the female vessel which we men have a thousand names for.

Men are on average hornier than women, men are caught in the middle of the situation. Finding a man who is either extremely sexually oriented is probably not in your best interest because he is probably gay. On the opposite end, I can't imagine where to find a man who doesn't think of sex.

Isn't being horny a feeling though?

There are women out there who after having their feelings destroyed, abused, molested, raped as a young woman, will HATE men for the rest of her life. She will spend her days manipulating other women into making mens lives miserable, she will lie and be deceitful, because those are the emotions that drive her life, she may never have sex again in her entire life. On the other hand, she may have enjoyed it, and is now a sexual deviant, she will do any nasty thing you can think of. She'll wait at home tied in bed, she'll make her pvsssy a PBJ for the dog, she might even want some TFAF next time she hears you showering. There are no ends to some of the women you meet.

If somebody can prove me wrong, that women are on average hornier than men are, than I am ready to listen.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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man i give u some expeirence.. i went to pick up the lady from the bar,

(we not offically going out just caual dating)

and she was a lil tipsy but she was all over me..

i think that she could see that i cared for her because i picked up her up.. she kept bitting my neck dude, and sucking on it.. and she was all over me but i didnt wanna to push it sex because she was a lil tipsy and it would be wrong .. imma make her wait til monday.

i dunno but making girls wait is the ULITMATE!.

i made this girl wait for the first kiss for the 3rd date but then she forced it the other night.. and it aint the 3rd date yet :p

sorry if i got off topic but to add to your thread

they CAN be more horny than guys.. if they got the emotions for it.. how do u expect girls to fuk in the bathrooms! or in ur back seat!

cuz us guys.. we'll **** anything thats higher than hb6.. well for me Lol..

but for girls? think about it.. how could they ever **** in the bathroom or in the back seat.. think about it, they'll will do it in the most wierdest place ever..
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The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
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One of the most important things to remember is that you cannot generalise women (or anyone for that matter).

A woman with a high sex drive is obviously hornier than a man with a low sex drive and vice versa. It always depends on the individuals involved.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Yea - Someone mentioned that a REALLY sexual man is probably gay.

I hate to say this but from my experience of knowing lots of gay friends male/female. Gay people are just FAR more promicious/horny than straight people.

I definately think the more "sexual" you are, the gay-er you are - and it's only society/religious taboos holding you back. Remember alot of rock stars from the 60s and 70s swung both ways in the day.

Hell - Even the bible's verses on homosexuality are more about "lust" not love or sex for that matter.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
The Truth said:
One of the most important things to remember is that you cannot generalise women (or anyone for that matter).

A woman with a high sex drive is obviously hornier than a man with a low sex drive and vice versa. It always depends on the individuals involved.
:eek: Are you serious?


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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From what I understand its usually women in their early 40's (and up) when they really begin to have their sex drive up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
a womans sex DRIVE isnt even CLOSE to a mans!

men think it is because they have sex more then young men seem to.

and thats for debate.

but I can tell you..that if you guys have the opportunity you would all fyck 1000 hot woman in college.

even a cute girl has that chance and doesnt.

there arent many woman on the earth that want sex as much as I do..and im not that bad.
May 29, 2006
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Who said sex drive frivolous. I could have told you a womans sex drive is not as strong as a man's. A man is programmed to be ready for sex at all times, a woman on the other hand, is programmed to be ready only for a cetain time each month. That goes without saying your mind cann get fugged up by society and your environment along the way.

A womans sex drive is not controlled by her own hand, she is, if I won't be killed for saying it, manipulated into wanting sex.

Every woman can be turned into a sex craved maniac. When I say every, I'm saying even your mom could be convinced to be a stripper in a single night if the cards are stacked right.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
Couple of facts:

1) Women have the one organ that is designed specifically and ONLY for sex. Even us men don't have anything like that.

2) The average 22 year old college female graduate will have TWICE as many sexual partners than a male 22 year old.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
OK Asian the first one is just a dumb comment, its not created for just sex idiot its role is to come into heat during a certain time of the month when she is most horny and ready to have sex, the reason is to create another human. Men are created to sow their seeds with as many ready and willing woman as he can find thats why you can bust your nut four or five times in 20 Min's if you let yourself.

If you look back to when early humans were more in tune with our ape relatives you'll see we lived like the modern gorillas did with one alpha male and a few beta males the rest females, the females in heat are always guarded by the alphas like gold so no beta can move in and fu(k her and make babies ( I'm dumbing this down a bit ).

Thats why sometimes (for those that have a steady woman) once a month out of the blue she will want to have sex even if its 3 am or the middle of a footy game, if she doesn't live with you she'll call and say I'm lonely etc whatever to get you at her place, the need to procreate is very very huge and it lives in the subconscious mind, chicks don't even know when it kicks in.

The second comment is only true in this modern age of AFC losers who don't take their chances they have been bred by their mums and whipped dads, to treat girls like total angels that are to be worshiped. Girls being the mammals they are will then proceed to find a man that wants to nail them thats why most girls have had more sex then you its not that girls are more horny its that the world is filled with pu$$y guys, and they are not fulfilling their role that has been bred into them through evolution.

So let nature do its thing and nail them when the chance comes by don't force it you play your cards right and they will give it up just don't get too desperate, they want it as well but not as much as you ........... unless you can push the right buttons all the time :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
If you go study human biological rhythms then once a month a girl will once a month be in a very very nice mood, you can get away with anything you want, then suddenly she will go berserk at you for no reason its not her fault its the hormones that her body is releasing which are creating the emotions that manifest themselves in her

( From what I remember when she's ovulating shes really really calm and wants to have sex, when that little egg ain't fertilized then her body will reject that blood build up in her womb and she goes into menstruation and starts the whole PMS mode where she throws tantrums for no reason, correct me if I'm wrong )

Now a man on the other hand is most horny early in the morning around 6 am yea thats why you have morning wood. Back when early humans were more like animals it was the males that done the hunting etc etc blah blah so making sure you has sex before the start of each day made sure that if you died that day your genes would be passed onto the next generation.

Now these two posts are very very vague but they should give you a reason as to why some things happen. ( I could write a essay on this but blah I'll save it for my finals )

Now to further provide proof of this shiat, Ive gone out with this one particular girl 5 times straight on every Saturday, during the second date she was warming up to me very very well, It was only the second date so I didn't push too far, just made out (should have followed my animal instincts and nailed her). Third and fourth week were suddenly normal like the first week, 5th week everything went to shiat she was in a pissed off mood etc etc, I ended the date a few hours early. Now this week she's back to normal. I'll play it cool and see what happens anything along the nice mood and I'll nail her, simple.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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New York
AsianPlayboy said:
Couple of facts:
1) Women have the one organ that is designed specifically and ONLY for sex. Even us men don't have anything like that.

Also read Nancy Fridays books, I thought I had a super high Sex drive, this shattered my mind on about girls, every girl in this world love sex so much, I can't even describe it.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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Women aren't hornier than we are, they just have sh!tloads more sex than we do.

Compared to women, we have no standards. We'll sleep with any woman so long as she's not ugly or evil ... and a lot of men only stop at ugly. This means that women are in more demand than we will ever be; they have men lined up to sex them whether they know it or not.

Women, on the other hand, have extremely high standards. A man has to be either gorgeous, filthy rich, or Mr. Charisma just to get an audition, and if he isn't perfect - everything she wants (at that particular moment) - he'll be rejected.

All your average woman has to do to get laid is say "Yes." With a situation like that, she can have barely any sex drive and still get more than all but the finest male specimens.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
1) Women have the one organ that is designed specifically and ONLY for sex. Even us men don't have anything like that.
its not created for just sex idiot

AsianPlayboy is talking about a womans cl!toris which IS specifially for sexual pleasure.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
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Visceral said:
Compared to women, we have no standards. We'll sleep with any woman so long as she's not ugly or evil
Um... speak for yourself :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
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Distant Light said:
My Mindset
“This is my PUA lab”
"Girls Love Sex"
"This is all a game"
"Girls are insecure and have boring lives so its my job to bring them in my life so she can have fun."
Great stuff :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
Drum&Bass said:
AsianPlayboy is talking about a womans cl!toris which IS specifially for sexual pleasure.
Ahhh my bad sorry m8 shoulda read the post clearly LOL :), and fully agree with the "just say yes" comment


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
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Chris Rock said that women are offered d!ck all the time.

When a man is being nice he is saying in other words. ( want some d!ck ? ). Their was article posted saying that women think about sex more then men do. I don't know where it is.
Maybe someone could look it up ?

But guys remember, women can only get the men that find her attarctive. If a guy thinks she ugly as hell, she will just be wasting time chasing him and only be a friend to him. Don't think women are some goddess or w/e. ( Thats all bullcrap made by feminists )

The next problem is women don't understand theirselfs to much, we understand women more then they problay understand theirselfs, ask a girl. Do you think about sex ? Most will say no.

Why ? because women lie to theirselfs. In reailty, it's normal for men and women to think about sex.

So why do women say they don't want sex when they do ?

Because once again, feminist want women to think they are better then men. They want men to be slaves to women for sex. They want men to be kissing her ass and buying her gifts just to give a 5 min BJ.

Be aware of what feminist are doing to women, they are turning alot of girls into gold diggers. Look The Archive where the sticky says ( Reply for "Will you buy me a drink?" ). Or women going on dates just because they are bored. Or getting married to get guy with alot of money and divorcing him taking half or even more of his money. Or even girls do f**k buddies, where you just met to do it and then leave.

I hope alot of you guys realize women do want sex and many women use sex as a weapon to get men's money, love or even to get him to stick around for 10 more days.

I hope my post wasn't too off topic. Since we are talking about women and sex.