Why Women Don't Answer Phones


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
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There's this thing that's bugging me about women. Suppose I have an extraordinary night with the girl and at the end we decide to exchange numbers so that we may see each others again. So the day comes when I decide to make plans with her. I call her up and guess what??? she doesn't answer. You'd think she'd call back afterwards, but NO!!! not at all. This **** has happened to me a millions times with me. So that the readers do not jump into conclusions, I'll say that the **** happened to me in spite of the following:

* the call was not made the next day. There were cases where I waited a month before I called the *****.

* the idea of exchanging numbers was suggested by her with her insisting that I take her number.

You see, I thought I played it smooth here. Maybe some of you here can help me figure out what the **** is going on.

It's strange how you always see hot girls instantly pick up their phones and chatter away the moment they enter public places (subway, bus stop, coffee shops, etc...) thus making it impossible to initiate convo with them. But when you have to call them, they suddenly do not know how to use the phone.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
Buying temperature (ie General Attraction) is both short lived (ie she'll start losing attraction the next morning) and transferable (ie the guy that comes up right after you will benefit from you warming her up).

There are, of course, anti-flake tactics that can help out.


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
I usually call around 5 PM, to eliminate the possibility that she be at work, sleepin, or already partying.

Yeah, I also used to leave voice messages but seeing that it wasnt doing me any good, I aint bothering to do so anymore.

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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Try a little later in the day, say around 8 or 9 pm. At 5pm, people are either still at work, barely getting off or sitting in rush hour and their brains may be fried after a day of work.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2001
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Don't worry about it
you know whats funny, I had this chick in my class, who is hot, 20 year old, fake tits, long black hair, all that, so during the whole semester she was warming up to me, I would talk to her every now and then, I got her email address when my phone was off then when I got my phone on, she suggested we study together before the final and gave me her phone number.

Last day of class, I'm being the DJ that I am, I have the class laughing their asses off with my remarks about the class, I have all the chicks in the class trying to gain my attention or whatever so anywayz we take a 15 minute break ann me, her and some other dude are chatting and she starts talking about sex and not ever being with a black guy, not having sex in 7 months, about how when she drinks she gets 10 times horny and I'm cracking on her and she says to me "you are funny as hell, we need to hang out during the summer, your cool" . But even before that during the semester she talks to me saying, I like your new hearcut, you semll good, I like that shirt (total buying signals) she leaves a minute later and the other dude I'm talking to says "dude she is digging you, not just now but I seen her checking you out all semester".

So all is good right, (by the way she IS single) so a week or so after school ends, I call her up yesterday much to my surprise (not) she doesn't answer. I actually predicted she would not answer nor call back when I called her.

Women...I'm thinking of trying to contact her one more time, either by email, phone call, or text message which I hate doing, what do you guys think about that but I'm predicting she'll flake.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
If she liked you she'd be calling you. Stop ****ing calling.

She probally has so many other guys on her mind just as you should have other chicks.


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Time is irrelevant here. What I am asking is that, Ok I already called them so my number shows up in their Missed Calls list. Do they not know how to access this or is it against their principles to call back missed calls?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
What do you mean it's against their principles?

If a guy they wanted called they'd call right back just like if a chick you like called.

The answer is clear.. just back-off your not a stalker yet. Keep leaving messages and you will be.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Girls want You to interest them enaugh to pick up phone. Lots of em aint answering. I honestly never cared. ***** is not asnswering, im calling one more time. No answer.. I call after few days. I call wheneve i want to. I got stuyff to do and it aint stressin me. And when im not stressed they feel it so even if i call 3544654 times they dont think im lame or AFC. But if you are stressed and really care about her picing up, shes gonna feel it. LOL


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Just so you know Bvbidd, in these situations this **** is happening as I'm calling the girls for the first time. After 3 or 4 attempts, I next them and find somebody else. Somehow this pattern of no phone answer happens again with the new girl. What I want to do is put an end to this.


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Funnily I do not know what she is gonna feel if she does not hear my voice. All she sees is that I called several times. The only impression she has of me is from the encounter when we first met. I'm fairly sure it was a good in the cases where she suggested the number exchange.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2001
Reaction score
Don't worry about it
try contacting them on myspace.com, ask for their username and hit them up there, I think thats the cool thing to do nowadays....seriously. I don't have an account but I know some chicks that do and they are always on that $hit


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know man. All the hoez I be hittin up be answerin them phones every time.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I would posit, gentlemen, that the reason you aren't converting are two fold:

1) Future projection and planning...
Not some lame ass, "Yeah, we should get together" but more like, "We're going to have to go up to that great big Hollywood sign and touch it together under the moonlight." Specific even fanciful things that will percolate in the minds of the woman.

2) Connection
Think about it, how many time in one day does an attractive woman laugh? She's got friends, she's got TV, she's got orbiters. Yes, most guys are AFCs, but a sense of humor only differentiates you from a good majority. It doesn't truly make you unique to her. I'm not talking about simple comfort, but establishing a connection that, again, shows how unique you are to her and how much she'd miss out. There are plenty of ass clowns and jokers out there in addition to boring AFCs, it's the ones that give her the DDB that are more rare.

Imagine, a ****y & Funny Glasss and a Connection/Comfort Glass. You can fill one to overflowing, but still leave her (the other glass) still feeling either empty (Connection empty) or unattracted (C&F empty).
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I'm probably not one to make a suggestion on this thread but I'll certainly put my two cents in anyway concerning girls who are not returning calls.

Ask the girl out on a date first - suggest a time and place where you would like to meet her, if possible, or just ask her out for coffee and you will call her later to set the details of it.

I've heard that you can just become a phone number collector, if your focus is just getting numbers. It's more attractive if you are bold and upfront and asking someone out, rather than asking for their number and hoping you will ask her out later.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
If she liked you she'd be calling you. Stop ****ing calling.

She probally has so many other guys on her mind just as you should have other chicks.
I always have a little problem with that idea. For the most part it is true from what i've seen, and i've had a lot of girls who liked me calling up, txting, etc. But you do get those few girls who don't call you up that often if they REALLY like you.

I mean i had a female friend and i heard about this guy she really was in love with. Serisouly in love, she was drawing pictures of them together, writing how she wanted him to lead her through her life, always talking about him etc. All this after having made out only once, lol. But whenever the guy called her she ignored him, she hardly replied to his txts, blanked him out. They met in a club and after a short chat she quickly found a way to get away from him. Yet she still was in love with him. She was afriad to lose him by answering the phone and making an idiot of herself or of scaring him away. It was weird.

I'm sure i'm not the only one to have seen that type of behaviour before.


Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Well, do they know its you callin? If they aint got your #, then they maybe wont call back to some wierd #. And if they dont answer your number, but they answer if you call from another phone (your home # which they dont have), then you know it you that they have a problem with. But you get to talk to them...

I have encountered this once or twice myself. It sucks.


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
I cant believe the same **** happened to me but with a different girl. I am getting so tired and annoyed of this!!! Is it too much to ask to have a girl spend the day with me? It's like every night I have to resort to clubbing and drinking so I can pick up a new girl. I succeed there all the time and manage to get a number. But when the next day comes rolling and I wanna take a girl outdoors with me, she does'nt ****in pick up!!! How can I break from this ominous cycle???


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
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Hawke said:
I always have a little problem with that idea. For the most part it is true from what i've seen, and i've had a lot of girls who liked me calling up, txting, etc. But you do get those few girls who don't call you up that often if they REALLY like you.

I mean i had a female friend and i heard about this guy she really was in love with. Serisouly in love, she was drawing pictures of them together, writing how she wanted him to lead her through her life, always talking about him etc. All this after having made out only once, lol. But whenever the guy called her she ignored him, she hardly replied to his txts, blanked him out. They met in a club and after a short chat she quickly found a way to get away from him. Yet she still was in love with him. She was afriad to lose him by answering the phone and making an idiot of herself or of scaring him away. It was weird.

I'm sure i'm not the only one to have seen that type of behaviour before.

yeah, girl in my classes this year, absolutely gorgeous - every guy in every class would at least try to hit on her once, followed me into 2nd semester classes (ie registered in them only after making sure i was in them), would sit near me (within my 3 ft, lots of accidental touching), never talk to me. i must have asked her out like 3 times, never got a date...now i have a feeling she's stalking me, but i don't have quite enough evidence...i've seriously never been more afraid/attracted/confused in my life