Why Women Don't Answer Phones


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Guys Email, Email, Email. Get the girls email and I gurantee you, you will get more responses than if you only exchange numbers. Look here are the basics as to why email is better.

1. Its not nearly as threatening as giving out a phone number

2. You all but eliminate the risk of saying something stupid, plus women like the idea that you put thought into a message you send them.

3. She can respond at a time thats convient for her. Here you pretty much eliminate the risk of interrupting her when shes in the middle of something.

Personally I've experienced the same frustrations with numbers as most of you guys have. Even after I grew out of my AFC Shell my success rate with phone numbers was like 2 out of every 5. With email its more along the lines of 7 out of 10.

Another thing, WillieSacks alluded to using Myspace. I think thats a good idea as well however personally I like to keep a sense of mystery around me and something like Myspace can give away some stuff that you'd rather wait for her to find out. Plus its also kind of like the phone in that if you stumble accross her myspace page you might be stepping into her personal bubble a little fast for her taste. By the same token if you got a good wall it can serve as a great source of social proof.


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think the idea of email has kicken off. I think girls would give a weird look if you suggested it while closing off. It just does not seem natural yet.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
BadJadder said:
I don't think the idea of email has kicken off. I think girls would give a weird look if you suggested it while closing off. It just does not seem natural yet.
As long as you deliver it with confidence it'll work. Plus if she does feel weird about it you can bust on her by saying something like "I don't want you calling me 40 times a day." However I've never had a problem with this so in turn I've never had to use this response.

Plus think about it this way, one of our goals as DJ's is to distinguish ourselves from every other guy shes met. So what does every guy that hits on her ask for? Her number. Just by asking for her e-mail you will begin the process of seperating yourself from all the other AFC's that are hoping to get with her. Try it and if you don't like I'll refund your money for the full purchase price, *less shipping and handling*