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  1. AsianPlayboy

    The best solution for the Asian American's dating dilemma in the US

    Agreed. Sure it's fun to go overseas (hell I'm going to Australia to teach a bootcamp), but I'm not going to leave my home in the good ol' USA just cause it's a LITTLE tougher. Mommy APB didn't raise no biatch.
  2. AsianPlayboy

    FR: Whenever I ****block Black Dudes, They Think I'm a Triad...

    And you know what? They might not be too far off the mark, LOL. Well, Alumnus and fellow jet-setter Sexual Chocolate (the tall black dude in the YouTube video) came down to Dallas and we headed out that night (me with literally ZERO sleep). I was feeling pretty gangsta and ended up...
  3. AsianPlayboy

    Asian guy needing help

    LOL, thanks. Tall? Only if you think 5"6 is tall. Good looking? Only you think a 6/7 is good looking. And no, I don't live outside the States. I am pretty damn fashionable though. Anyways, in my experience there IS a difference. It's a small one, but it is there. I know how to handle...
  4. AsianPlayboy

    Text Message Carpet Bombing & the Ultimate C&F Valentine SMS

    I've said this many times before and I'll say it again. I'm a very lazy Pick Up Artist. I have one goal when I go out. To have FUN. And part of having fun is getting laid. With the least amount of work. And texting girls (1 to 20 at a time) requires almost NO effort... So, some rules when...
  5. AsianPlayboy

    Race Becomes An Issue Only If You Allow It To Be

    From my buddy Grungey, a fellow Asian who specializes in Day Game...
  6. AsianPlayboy

    BJ Report: Cold Approach to Blow-Job in 15 Minutes

    I did it for fun and to know that I can do it. Until you've done something like this before (which I hadn't) how do you know you can actually pull it off? It was fun, it was new, and she had big titties. Good enough for me.
  7. AsianPlayboy

    What race are you?

    I am teh Asian.
  8. AsianPlayboy

    BJ Report: Cold Approach to Blow-Job in 15 Minutes

    Original Blog Post I've gotten makeouts within 30 seconds a few times, but a full on ******* in the backseat of my car off a totally cold, random approach... well, needless to say 15 minutes for a BJ is a new record for me. To be honest, the events of that night aren't easily replicable and...
  9. AsianPlayboy

    Any Experiences With Step Nieces, Sisters etc.,?

    Dude. That's just ****ed up. But then I see the location is Tennessee. Which I *guess* is the local norm. To which I point out two very important, locally well known, quite famous words that should reverberate in even the most dense, genetically deficient, backward rednecks... Jack...
  10. AsianPlayboy

    need help on 1its

    Oneitis is the girl you obsess about. Hardcore AFCs become afflicted with 1itis with a really attractive girl they've never even talked to. It's an obsession bordering on stalking. 1itis can also occur with your current LTR or even ex-. It's not always a bad thing, but it can become unhealthy...
  11. AsianPlayboy

    Thundercat's "Rengendade Report"

    You have to realize it IS a business. From gurus (yes, like me) to even him. Game, be it seduction or selling, is all the same. Figure out their angle and YOU DECIDE if you think it's worth it. Sift through the BS, think for yourself, read the different critiques and reviews, and THINK FOR...
  12. AsianPlayboy

    4th date, relaxing or exciting?

    I next after Day 3, but that's me. For newbs, I suggest nexting after Day 5 if you haven't gotten ANY kind of play like a HJ/BJ/A-close/F-close. But hey, that's just me.
  13. AsianPlayboy

    Dallas, TX

    As of 12/29/06 Monday - M. Ranch Tuesday - Repub or Ghost Wed - Spike Thurs - K or Mant.'s Fri - Anywhere Sat - Anywhere Sun - Mant.'s or Kink's Nightclubs ho's at least, not pubs or college crowds or "earthy" girls that don't shave.
  14. AsianPlayboy

    [Dec 9-10] 2nd Annual Dallas Lair (Almost) Free Workshop

    That's funny since I haven't done any canned material since 3 years ago back in the RSD/MM heydays.
  15. AsianPlayboy

    [Dec 9-10] 2nd Annual Dallas Lair (Almost) Free Workshop

    [I hope that it's ok to post this, if not I apologize and the moderators should feel free to delete.] Anyways, I'm not going to put out the entire page long deal. Bottomline, Prophet and I held the 1st Annual Dallas Lair (Almost) Free Workshop last year where we charged only club cover ($20)...
  16. AsianPlayboy

    Don't feel like going through all of the BS just to hook up

    Then don't. Work the purely physical one night stand angle. When I lived near the beach, I'd invite chicks to my place to then go down to the pier, have drinks, etc. Many a time when we hooked up but never even left the place. Offer no strings attached, guilt free sex and you'll get some takers.
  17. AsianPlayboy

    A master PUA willing to help out there?

    I've done programs in Canada including Montreal, Toronto, and soon to be Vancouver. The Toronto Lair is supposed to be very active actually very skilled with many members so you might want to check your own local resources before "outsourcing". I teach...
  18. AsianPlayboy

    Any PUAs in Vancouver

    I'll be in Vancouver teaching at the end of October. Done programs in Montreal and Toronto, but I hear that supposedly Vancouver tops them all when it comes to quality. Can't wait!
  19. AsianPlayboy

    REJECTION terms I have made up:

    SoSlammed: To be rejected by So members.
  20. AsianPlayboy

    A is for Approach and Attract

    In my ABC's of Attraction, the first step is, obviously, Approach and Attract. The actual APPROACH, whatever particular approach style you choose, is not only for you to actually go up and engage in a conversation with a woman, but also to generate ATTRACTION within the first 30 seconds...