Asian guy needing help

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Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
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Delta said:
that's naive lookyoung...


there are any number of race combinations (just run through all possible combinations in your head) that will help or hurt.

it is not THE FACTOR and there are all kinds of exceptions.

but just like clothing, car, height, weight, looks - it is A factor.

denying it is just pointless. CONFIDENCE is not everything.

besides, just think - race has socio-economic ramifications because society is not level or fair. it AFFECTS (if not determines) social status. we live with it and guess what, women are HIGHLY aware of anything related to status. RIGHT? so it follows....

Ultimately, you are an individual, not just a part of your race. If you want to believe otherwise, then be content with living imprisoned within a social construct.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
wayword said:
AsianPlayboy is not a fake.
LOL, thanks.

However, he and most of the other good Asian PUAs are basically either tall and/or good-looking "for an Asian." "Good-looking" meaning they have more angular, finer features, maybe rounder eyes too ("Whiter"-looking if you want to call it that). And of course, they have Game too...or live outside the US where they don't need it as much.
Tall? Only if you think 5"6 is tall. Good looking? Only you think a 6/7 is good looking. And no, I don't live outside the States. I am pretty damn fashionable though.

Anyways, in my experience there IS a difference. It's a small one, but it is there. I know how to handle those subtle, but important differences and use them to my advantage.

But hell, bottomline is pure RAW GAME will overcome those things without any finetuning for race. Mostly, it's an INTERNAL/MENTAL conditioning. That's the most powerful problem, but to say that prejudice doesn't exist is delusional.

I get racist AMOGed once a month from guys and girls. And that ain't no illusion.

Anyways, I just did a double pull of two brunette sisters with an older, chubbier Asian student in LA. BOOYAH!


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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I love Hyori Lee said:
Well, I'm open to persuasion and criticism, but I have the evidence to prove it.

I can show you hundreds of Asian guys who told me that the Asian Playboy forum doesn't work.

I can tell you about Asian guys IN THIS WEBSITE that have read the DJ Bible and still cannot get a white girl.

I can show you Asian guys that DO get white women that do not speak their native language and act "white-washed"

I can show you with certainty that Asian guys who do get a white girl always go for a blonde with blue eyes and rarely a brunette.

I can show you that white women don't go for Asians guys because of the way they look.

I can prove to you that Asians are shorter and skinnier than most races out there. I have websites and my own personal experience to prove it.

I can prove to you that Asians will be the shortest guys in the clubs. I will be willing to bet money on this as well.

I can prove to you that Asians are not genetically engineered for professional sports.

I can prove to you that even if these Asian guys develop thier "attitude", they still will not get white women. Why? It's because of the way they were born. Genetics.

I can prove to you that Filipino men get more white women than Chinese, Korean, and Japanese males.

I can show you Asians who have read the DJ Bible and applied its principles and STILL cannot get a HB 9 white girl.

I can show you that Asians who do get with white girls are taller than most Asians, muscular than most Asians and have characteristics of other races. In layman's terms: he doesn't look Asian.

But, please.

Prove me wrong and I will listen.

I am thankful for this website, because I have been able to hook up with gorgeous Asian women. However, I do know that it takes more than applying the DJ Bible to get a white woman. It's genetics.
alright, dude. please do all those things you state you CAN do and I will be satisfied.

however, until then, you're just talk and retarded "logic." Seriously man, you probably had a traumatic racist childhood so now your world revolves around race. This is your weakness, and your flaw.

anyways, you're still wrong. sorry man:woo:


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
I love Hyori Lee said:
Answer these questions!!!!

Why is that an Asian male can get any Asian woman he wants, but he cannot get a white girl?

Why are there people complaining on this website from Asian guys?

Why does an Asian guy who reads and applies the DJ Bible still fail with white women?

Why are there so many Asian men who tell me that the Asian Playboy forum is a joke and hasn't helped them with getting a white girl?

Why can I **** beautiful Asian women but can't get a white girl? I've read the DJ Bible. I've initiated action. But a white woman just takes one look at an Asian guy and puts him in a category.

Some women tell me I look like Yoo Seung Jun, but a guy like that repels white women. I've never seen him get a white girl. Certain attributes and physical features are attractive to other races of women...

You can teach attitude but you can't teach genetics.
You write like everything you say is the truth. IT'S NOT. GET UR HEAD OUTTA UR ASS. No one can answer those questions because they're not even true. Why would you defend something false? You can't!!

It's like saying "explain to me why the moon is 2 times as big as the earth!!!!"


dude, whatever you're's gotta stop


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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hiyori: if you say genetics is everything, well, then you're ****ed cuz you're asian. and by you i mean you, hiyori.

but if attitude actually does matter, then you are still ****ed because your attitude is pure crap. you're a disgrace and waste of air man.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
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Queensland, AUS
Yea I have to agree....hiyori's attitude is damn right not cool with me.


Disgrace....No really.Stop you bullsh*t generalisation...You are a damn generalisation groupie!!!

How come I still get the white girls huh? I am as asian as you can see. Nearly FRESH-OFF-THE-BOAT!!But you know asian with your attitude can never get white girls!!! No wait, you will have problems with getting girls that you have put up on a pedestal!!

Now I don't just go for white girls...thats just because the majority of girls here are white...If I live ina country with a certain high number of girls of a particular colour or race...then chances are I am more likely to go for them...Do the best with what you have.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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AsianPlayboy said:
Good looking? Only you think a 6/7 is good looking.

I am pretty damn fashionable though.
Well, if 5 is average, 6/7 would be decently above average, "good-looking" and qualify as "cute" to girls. It certainly won't hinder you and will even offer some passive DHV. And yes, since women weigh fashion more, while men weigh looks more - that will also help a lot too.

In any case, most top Asian PUAs have at least looks OR height. And trendy fashion-sense. A lip ring or spiky hair can go a loonggg way to chicks, lol.
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