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  1. U

    Very Interesting article on "Alpha Males, redpill" etc

    I believe John madden is a big bad alfalfa male.
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    Why Did My Girlfriend Say This?

    because you give crap advice on women. stick to travel.
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    Why Did My Girlfriend Say This?

    I feel sorry for desperate guys that buy your drivel lol You hint to a girl that you're in a committed relationship with that there are other girls in the picture after she finds texts from other girls on your phone, if she has dignity she's out. A dude would do the same thing if a girl did...
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    Why Did My Girlfriend Say This?

    terrible advice, just gonna start a fight. they are in a committed relationship, OP, just tell her not to be insecure, and that the girls were a coworker and a cousin and some random FB update. Tell her that you're shocked she'd take you for a cheater and that she'd think that low of you. Tell...
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    She got me

    seems like you guys didn't have much of a connection anyway. i don't blame her. op, unless you were just looking to smash, you should've not seen her after the first date if you saw there was no connection. and if you were looking to smash, you need to sexually escalate earlier. don't force a...
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    sh1t testing is bullsh1t

    lol why the flaming? i think the thread has run its course
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    sh1t testing is bullsh1t

    lolololol...yeah they are testing your alphaness When I came here, i agreed with many of the theories. After hanging out with say, idk, 15-20 girls in the last 2 years, I know many of the theories here are BS I think i've outgrown this's the blind leading the blind here p.s. people...
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    sh1t testing is bullsh1t

    I don't consider that a sh1t test...just a girl being rude. A lot of this sh1t test nonsense comes from PUA guys reading books on evolutionary psychology and coming up with theories on their interactions. Keep in mind these PUA guys are a joke. Look at this loser: and him constantly trying to...
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    Girl giving mixed signals-- Help

    unless you want to be her friend or something. see if she has some hot friends
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    Girl giving mixed signals-- Help

    Whether or not she has a BF, she's telling you she just sees you as a friend.
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    Girl giving mixed signals-- Help

    ok, unless you are cool with just being her friend, stop texting her. also in the future when you deal with a girl that doesn't have a boyfriend, don't spend two weeks texting. You want to try and arrange a meet up much sooner than that. Probably at the end of your first text conversation.
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    sh1t testing is bullsh1t

    Well, i don't know. I've recently gotten into really great shape, everyone is saying I look a whole ton better. I'm looking pretty good now. Maybe that's making the difference. Only way to know is if i put some weight back on which I don't plan on doing.
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    Weening Women Off Texting

    i don't do the no reply unless i'm not interested after telling the girl i'm no longer interested. i reply when I have time. i don't know...I don't get stuck in long text conversations. i just use it for logistics for the most part but if a girl ignored me over text without showing courtesy, i...
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    Weening Women Off Texting

    Exactly, girls secure in themselves will not put up with rude behavior. If you want to attract damaged girls, follow much of the advice here.
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    Weening Women Off Texting

    Disagree. Better to just show some courtesy, explain you are busy with something and that you guys can talk more when you see each other.
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    Weening Women Off Texting

    this happened to me recently, date was already arranged. Guess she missed me and just wanted to talk. I replied a few times and then told her I needed to do some chores now and that I'd see her on our next hang out. She showed up and everything was fine. No problem.
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    So I broke

    In full agreement... I met a very hot girl (believe I posted about her) who it seemed wanted me just for the fact I could put a roof over her head, I quickly dropped her once I picked up on that. Op, you want to qualify girls yourself. It's not about proving yourself to the girl. Do you have a...
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    sh1t testing is bullsh1t

    I just read that. That is such a toxic mindset. I don't agree. I treat others how I'd like to be treated. If they don't reciprocate, I'm out. I've dated BPD girls who never let me feel secure in a relationship, and I did not appreciate it. I wouldn't want to make someone I actually care about...
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    sh1t testing is bullsh1t

    yeah, i don't really go to bars, but from what I read, women who frequent bars are more likely to display "sh1t testing" behavior. anyway...i'm honestly having better results with women just being myself, saying what i feel in the moment, and what have you. I'll give some minor insecurity of...