Very Interesting article on "Alpha Males, redpill" etc


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
He skirts around the truth without actually hitting the mark. The problem with his hypotheses is that he is imposing a new definition of "Alpha" both male and female, in modern terms. His definition is the top 10-20% of the population, basically the cream of the crop, in modern terms. Attraction is emotional, and finds itself living in the most primitive parts of the brain. To illustrate today who would be considered Alpha males in MODERN terms, people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, et. al.... Does anyone believe that either of those two would survive in pre-history?

Women are emotionally attracted to men that exhibit those characteristics that might indicate the ability to survive in a primitive world, i.e. physical strength, ability to influence others, and a willingness to use these traits to positive effect. When you talk about Alpha Male behavior, this is what you are talking about. You may be able to logically attract a top 10% women because of the pile of money you might have, but you will not be able to keep her attracted unless you exhibit some primitive alpha traits, because this is what women naturally respond to. This is why the divorce rate is so high, with wealthy famous men getting divorced with even GREATER frequency as normal guys. The geeky rich guys (Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates) are SMART enough to know that they should NOT marry super models, even though if they wanted to they could, because they know they would not be able to continue to keep them attracted. They married normal looking decent women who exhibit primitive SMV equal to or less than theirs.... But they are the exception, there are many more examples of rich men marrying beautiful women, only to lose them to the cabana boy

I do agree with him that "Red Pill" is starting to lose it's basic definition, which he himself actually adds to the problem by implying PUA stuff is synonymous with Red Pill. In truth Red Pill is really nothing more than recognizing that human relationships and attraction is emotional and tied specifically to the primitive brain, and that what society is trying to teach you about what makes a successful relationship has little to do with reality. Red Pill is for men AND women, because it give both genders insight into what they are really attracted to.

Red Pill is becoming something else, he is correct about that... it is becoming a place where men, with an axe to grind against women flock to for mutual support and to sit around complaining. The irony is that men, who after they have been 'wronged' by a woman, sit around and b1tch, are actually just acting like women... Real men try to get the root cause of problem and fix that, they do not let things just happen to them without some effort to shape events. He goes on to say that he never had to game women... BTW which has NOTHING to do with Red Pill philosophy all this demonstrates is that he naturally displays male strength qualities.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
can someone post a tl;dr?


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score
I think he should stop spending so much time writng winge papers.