Why Did My Girlfriend Say This?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Been seeing a woman for 6 months, things have been going well.. we was planning to meet each others family over Christmas..

When she is at my house i very rarly use my phone, because i find it rude to be texting people all the time in her company

Today she confronted me, and asked me if i had something to hide.. because i don't use my phone around her much.. i told her straight its rude to be texting all the time, so i get my business out of the way, so i,m not texting all the time.

She told me, her ex husband used to avoid using her phone around her.. and he cheated on her!

I told her she has nothing to worry about... BUT she then told me, that she does not mind me seeing other woman???

This kinda annoyed me.. because i like this girl.. and if she really cared for me, then why would she not be bothered about me seeing other woman?

Why meet each others family? I told her fair enough, we might aswell be casual or fuk buddies if your not bothered about me seeing other woman.

She didn't like my response.. why would she say this?

I feel quite angry at her.


Nov 8, 2015
Reaction score
Been seeing a woman for 6 months, things have been going well.. we was planning to meet each others family over Christmas..

When she is at my house i very rarly use my phone, because i find it rude to be texting people all the time in her company

Today she confronted me, and asked me if i had something to hide.. because i don't use my phone around her much.. i told her straight its rude to be texting all the time, so i get my business out of the way, so i,m not texting all the time.

She told me, her ex husband used to avoid using her phone around her.. and he cheated on her!

I told her she has nothing to worry about... BUT she then told me, that she does not mind me seeing other woman???

This kinda annoyed me.. because i like this girl.. and if she really cared for me, then why would she not be bothered about me seeing other woman?

Why meet each others family? I told her fair enough, we might aswell be casual or fuk buddies if your not bothered about me seeing other woman.

She didn't like my response.. why would she say this?

I feel quite angry at her.
Either she's feeling insecure or she is doing the thing she's accusing you of doing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
This was a perfect scenario for you to agree and amplify.

Her: blah blah blah not texting when I'm around means your cheating, my ex did that, blah blah blah

You: How did you know???? He taught me everything!! Can't let you know where I'll be spending the night at after you leave now, can I?

And laugh it off...

You handled it poorly.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Just tell her OK and tell her that you are not cool with her seeing other people. Then if you ever feel a need to "cheat" you can bring this up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
This was a perfect scenario for you to agree and amplify.

Her: blah blah blah not texting when I'm around means your cheating, my ex did that, blah blah blah

You: How did you know???? He taught me everything!! Can't let you know where I'll be spending the night at after you leave now, can I?

And laugh it off...

You handled it poorly.
I agree with marmel on this. Your mistake was investing in what she was saying, and getting into an argument with her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
IDK maybe she is cheating and looking for an out. If you agree to seeing others then she has no guilt.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Nutjob. Plain and simple. The drama will never end with this one. Consider her damaged goods.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
You should have laughed it off. Joke and tease her about it. Now you have to dump her because you've opened the door to a sh!t load of drama.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
An additional response:

"Oooh you got me. Truth be told I just didn't want you to see me on this dumb site I go to all the time where men who think they know it all talk all this nonsense about women. It's just fun and entertainment for me but I don't buy any of it."


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
The first time a chick did this to me I was like lol u srs? Unlocked my phone and tossed it to her. Said idgaf what u see in there. Every time a girl gets suspicious I do that. Aint got **** to hide. Girl once told me she was pissed I was so open an honest to let her look lol she didn't even want to see my phone when I offered it.

THEN I flip it on their trick ass. Ok honey you just saw my phone now let's take a look at yours. Then its time to investigate. And bros I GUARANTEE you will find things you don't like lmao. Proceed with caution. these hoes ain't loyal


Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Don´t mean to be an azhole but...
She gave you a proper **** test and you didn´t handle it well. She could be cheating like others said, she just walked all over you...
I would have been like ey my phone is none of ur business STFU then later on i would have fvcked her rough!

These hoes ain´t loyal hahahaha so true!

Don´t waist your time introducing her to your family, she doesnt respect you i would start looking for a new gf


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score

There has been a further development.. it turns out few days ago she looked at my phone and she has seen 3 messages from other woman... this now explains her behaviour and suspicious attitude towards me!!

I can easily explain the three text messages..

01. Text number one is from joanne.. i don't know who joanne is, it was a Facebook profile update text message.. I may have spoken to her once on FB months and months ago.. never met her in my life and have no memory of talking to her..

02. Text number two.. a female work colleague.. i have known this girl 2 years from work.. i do not find her in the least bit attractive.. she is 100% just friends.. nothing has ever happened with her, or ever will happen with her..
The text she sent me goes like this...
"Hey i missed you today, you didn't come to work, you okay.x

03.Text number three.. from a female cousin of mine.. i don't really like this girl much.. she sent me a text message around a month ago asking how i was and i ignored it, and did not get back to her..

This is the text she sent


My girlfriend claims she did not actually read the messages, that she only saw that they was from 3 girls.. gut instict tells me she probably read them!!

She is now claiming that she has had trouble sleeping, and has been worried..

She has got the impression that i may be seeing these girls... BUT I AM NOT


should i explain to her that she has got the wrong end of the stick? And reassure her, that she has nothing to worry about?

I can see from her angle, how those texts could look suspicious!!

Advice guys!!!



There has been a further development.. it turns out few days ago she looked at my phone and she has seen 3 messages from other woman... this now explains her behaviour and suspicious attitude towards me!!

I can easily explain the three text messages..

01. Text number one is from joanne.. i don't know who joanne is, it was a Facebook profile update text message.. I may have spoken to her once on FB months and months ago.. never met her in my life and have no memory of talking to her..

02. Text number two.. a female work colleague.. i have known this girl 2 years from work.. i do not find her in the least bit attractive.. she is 100% just friends.. nothing has ever happened with her, or ever will happen with her..
The text she sent me goes like this...
"Hey i missed you today, you didn't come to work, you okay.x

03.Text number three.. from a female cousin of mine.. i don't really like this girl much.. she sent me a text message around a month ago asking how i was and i ignored it, and did not get back to her..

This is the text she sent


My girlfriend claims she did not actually read the messages, that she only saw that they was from 3 girls.. gut instict tells me she probably read them!!

She is now claiming that she has had trouble sleeping, and has been worried..

She has got the impression that i may be seeing these girls... BUT I AM NOT


should i explain to her that she has got the wrong end of the stick? And reassure her, that she has nothing to worry about?

I can see from her angle, how those texts could look suspicious!!

Advice guys!!!
Advice is DON'T reassure her. You have two options, chill the **** out and agree and amplify. Tell her she's #1 in your harem with a grin, and change the subject. That, or up the alpha. Tell her you don't owe her any explanation and that's the end of the discussion, you don't want to hear another word.

She's insecure which is a red flag, and she's got you on the defense now. You're about this blow this with a bad response. It's the reactions to these tests that are stored in her memory bank over time regarding who you are to her.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Advice is DON'T reassure her. You have two options, chill the **** out and agree and amplify. Tell her she's #1 in your harem with a grin, and change the subject. That, or up the alpha. Tell her you don't owe her any explanation and that's the end of the discussion, you don't want to hear another word.

She's insecure which is a red flag, and she's got you on the defense now. You're about this blow this with a bad response. It's the reactions to these tests that are stored in her memory bank over time regarding who you are to her.
terrible advice, just gonna start a fight. they are in a committed relationship,

OP, just tell her not to be insecure, and that the girls were a coworker and a cousin and some random FB update. Tell her that you're shocked she'd take you for a cheater and that she'd think that low of you. Tell her instead of making terrible assumptions about your character, she should have communicated with you like an adult and you would have happily explained. She'll drop it.

btw, "bluealpha," once you go around calling yourself an alpha, you automatically just lost in life.


terrible advice, just gonna start a fight. they are in a committed relationship,

OP, just tell her not to be insecure, and that the girls were a coworker and a cousin and some random FB update. Tell her that you're shocked she'd take you for a cheater and that she'd think that low of you. Tell her instead of making terrible assumptions about your character, she should have communicated with you like an adult and you would have happily explained. She'll drop it.

btw, "bluealpha," once you go around calling yourself an alpha, you automatically just lost in life.
It's a user name on an anonymous website, not what I call myself in real life, you castrated disaster. And my life is just fine, thanks. I've written 3 books and been to 15 countries by 26. So make yourself useful and go buy my books.

Yeah, OP, tell her you're "shocked she'd think that low of you." Tell her that hurts your "feelings" and tell her she's your one and only princess, and that you'd never compromise your "committed relationship." Posters like applegoo buy women flowers on Valentines Day and get a side-hug.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
It's a user name on an anonymous website, not what I call myself in real life, you castrated disaster. And my life is just fine, thanks. I've written 3 books and been to 15 countries by 26. So make yourself useful and go buy my books.

Yeah, OP, tell her you're "shocked she'd think that low of you." Tell her that hurts your "feelings" and tell her she's your one and only princess, and that you'd never compromise your "committed relationship." Posters like applegoo buy women flowers on Valentines Day and get a side-hug.
I feel sorry for desperate guys that buy your drivel lol

You hint to a girl that you're in a committed relationship with that there are other girls in the picture after she finds texts from other girls on your phone, if she has dignity she's out. A dude would do the same thing if a girl did that to him and had a spine. It's not a male or female specific thing.

Your male vs female drivel is nonsense and instead of writing books on your bs theories on terribly insecure women with daddy issues you may have attracted, you should grow up

You're way too alpha for that though bro
Last edited:


I feel sorry for desperate guys that buy your drivel lol

You hint to a girl that you're in a committed relationship with that there are other girls in the picture after she finds texts from other girls on your phone, if she has dignity she's out. A dude would do the same thing if a girl did that to him and had a spine. It's not a male or female specific thing.

Your male vs female drivel is nonsense and instead of writing books on your bs theories on terribly insecure women with daddy issues you may have attracted, you should grow up

You're way too alpha for that though bro
Yes it is male- female specifoc. Why is a male feminist like you on this board anyway?

Btw, my books are about mens issues at the workplace and about travel, not relationships. See in life people who trash other people's works having never even looked at the synopsis much less read them are usually people that haven't produced a single thing in their lives.

I'm not posturing - only responding to the initial jab that came from you. But of course I will hit back, so pretend we're all a girl youre interested in and qualify yourself by telling us what you've done to make you the consumate expert.