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  1. G

    Interpreting the Edge's Theory

    It's not dead while there's still interest, amigo.
  2. G


    It was foolish to loan someone money. Why didn't she go to the bank if she needed a loan. Probably because they didn't see her as creditworthy. Foolishly, you did. Take her to court or write it off as education. Shakespeare was smarter than you. Pay attention to the Bared...
  3. G

    Interpreting the Edge's Theory

    I haven't posted in several weeks, but I had to chime in here regarding the Edge's Post about being in an LTR and being a DJ. I started a new thread because that one is stale and so many of you missed the Edge's point (probably because his tone was inflamatory towards those of you in LTRs)...
  4. G

    "Secret admirer" ploy

  5. G

    Girl initiated contact with email

    This girl has high interest but your reply was way to eager and gushing. Here's a better email reply: Sounds good. What's your phone number? Your reply was--dare I say--AFC. At least you asked for her number. But the line about "You're awesome" was terrible.
  6. G

    Living with a woman / proposing

    You missing the point, blu. It's not that you are actually cheating. It's that you have the power to go with other girls. You are free. This is your leverage. When you live with a woman, you lock yourself in a prison of your own invention. She now has all the leverage. Only a fool...
  7. G

    Living with a woman / proposing

    One piece in this debate are studies, from both the US and Europe, showing that couples who live together before marriage divorce at higher rates than couples who marry immediately. Setting aside the very important question of whether marriage is a route to personal fulfillment, I will explore...
  8. G

    Living with a woman / proposing

    Actually, Bungo, I'd prefer that you didn't. I already know her boyfriend "reads books" and that it's very important to be with someone who "reads books."
  9. G

    Living with a woman / proposing

    If nothing else convinces you, think about what it would be like to be VBG's lapdog. That's what you have to look forward to when you move in with your girlfriend. Trust me. I did it when I was much younger and more chumplike. That is a year of my life I will never have again. I implore...
  10. G

    Living with a woman / proposing

    Is this the part where VBG jumps in with boring tales of mindbengingly dull domesticity with her AFC boyfriend?
  11. G

    Living with a woman / proposing

    Then you should marry her if you are sure. If not, keep your options open.
  12. G

    Living with a woman / proposing

    Au contraire. Once you start playing house, you have absolutely no leverage. There is no threat that you will pull other chicks. You are completely and utterly bytched.
  13. G

    Need advice on first date with an ex

    I'd like to hear it. I love a good yarn.
  14. G

    I was sure this HB had the hots for me. Could I have been wrong?

    Rev, I didn't really understand your story. It was hard to follow exactly what happened. GE
  15. G

    Living with a woman / proposing

    Bungo, Absolutely DO NOT live with a woman until you marry her. This flies in the face of what many people do. Remember, they are idiots. Living with a woman is the MOST AFC thing you can do. Period. Plus, you are greatly increasing your chances for divorce if you do it. The stats...
  16. G

    some advice needed

    If a woman has high interest in you, you can take her to the pig farm to roll around in slop and she will happily agree.
  17. G

    Haven't had this happen in a while!

    I'd rather just take your word for it, bro. GE
  18. G

    Haven't had this happen in a while!

    Wow. That's the most chumplike thing I've ever heard. Going along on girl's night out? Lame lame lame.
  19. G

    Quick question on text messaging

    Be polite and pretend like the whole text thing never happened. Or wait a week or more and give her a phone call with something specific in mind to invite her to do with you.
  20. G

    Quick question on text messaging

    Ape Man, This is exactly why we don't use text messaging. Now she has control of the communications, not you. I would prefer that you bang coconuts together or play your jungle tom tom rather than use text messaging. But a simple phone call works the best. GE