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  1. G


    As one of the elder statesmen of the board (early 30s), I urge you to listen to uniassign's advice. Marriage is a prison. I mean seriously...what's the upside? What do you get in a marriage that you don't already have? I recommend this article to set you straight...
  2. G

    I want to smell good what are some good colognes

    I used to use Drakkar back in the 80s when I was in high school. These days I use Pi. It smells awesome. The girls seem to love it.
  3. G

    What is the Ideal Dj "CAR"

    An IROC Camaro with a chain-link steering wheel and flames on the sides and a carpeted dash. j/k
  4. G

    Valentines Day discussion thread (Merged threads)

    I'm almost aftraid to ask about this, MOTU.
  5. G

    Whats the strategy? triggering attraction! part I

    Semi-interesting psychobabble so far, EW. Now tell us your magical secret...
  6. G

    "Stay Single"

    Even when her butt looks like a relief map of the moon and she's run up your credit card deby to $17,000 and has nothing to show for it? Marriage is a just a dirty lie.
  7. G

    "Stay Single"

    I've been best man at two weddings and both ended in divorce. One in six years, the second in three years. I'm 32 now and I'm very glad everyday that I haven't fallen for the old marriage scam yet. I'm going to print this essay out and keep it in my desk at home.
  8. G

    Living together with your girlfriend

    That's very nice of you. You are a credit to your gender. But why are you VeryBad?
  9. G

    Living together with your girlfriend

    But, I am not a demanding person. And, since I don't feel the need to have that piece of paper, I am happy with the way thing are. We are only 25, with lots of time to save up, have a great big party to celebrate our love with our friends and continue our happy life together. ------------...
  10. G

    Living together with your girlfriend

    But, you can be 100% committed to marrying someone yet not want to get married right away. My BF and I are planning on getting married, but not for a couple of years. Weddings, the ring and whatever I am going to buy him as engagement gift (haven't decided yet) are expensive. We'd like to make a...
  11. G

    Living together with your girlfriend

    VeryBad, Marriage isn't necessarily AFC. Depends entirely on the circumstances, sweetheart. But letting a girl move in with you before you are 100% committed to spending the rest of your life with her is AFC and a self-fulfilling disaster. I fall back on the statistics: In the United...
  12. G

    Living together with your girlfriend

    So the opinions are divided perfectly along gender lines. Shocker. Moving in with a girl is the most AFC thing you can do short of emasculating yourself with garden shears and presenting your nads to your beloved for Valentine's Day.