Interpreting the Edge's Theory


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
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I haven't posted in several weeks, but I had to chime in here regarding the Edge's Post about being in an LTR and being a DJ.

I started a new thread because that one is stale and so many of you missed the Edge's point (probably because his tone was inflamatory towards those of you in LTRs).

Edge is absolutely right. If you are in a committed LTR, you cannot be a DJ at the same time.

It doesn't mean you never were a DJ or that you cannot be again. But while you are in the LTR...sorry, you've hung up your DJing hat for a while.

And his post brings up another point...many of you on this board are NOT DJs. You might think you are, you might want to be, but you aren't.

RKTek is a DJ. TesqueRed is a DJ.

Bungo was a DJ and knows how to DJ. But he isn't one right now because he's in an LTR and has no leverage unless he breaks up. He's cool with that.

SexPDX is a DJ. I don't understand his motivation, but he's a hell of a DJ.

I was in a 6-month relationship last year. I was not a DJ at that time.

And I don't want to hear about how if you use DJ techniques to flirt with girls then you're still DJing.'re just a flirty idiot that can't take anything to fruition.

One guy who is definitely not a DJ is VBG's "DJ boyfriend."

Edge is on to something. When you get into a committed LTR you sacrifice your DJ-dom. Your leverage. Why do you think we leave it up to the woman to ask us to commit?

My thoughts...



Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
Reaction score
It's not dead while there's still interest, amigo.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
As mentioned in the Edge's thread, though, it all depends on your definition of DJ. Personally, I could care less if anyone thinks I'm a DJ. I'm in a relationship... that means I'm not a DJ? Whatever you say, if that makes you feel better. Since I've never based my identity on what Edge (or anyone else) thinks, it doesn't matter to me.

With that said, some people think that being a DJ means that you have to sleep with as many women as possible. If that's the definition, I've never been a DJ. Some people say that being a DJ means constantly improving yourself and being successful with women... whether your goal is an ONS, STR, or LTR. If that's the case, then I'm a DJ. Some people say that if it says "Don Juan" under your name, then you're a DJ. If that's true, then not only am I a DJ, but I'm a MASTER DJ (ooooh.... ahhhh....). Personally, I think you're a DJ if you can spin the tunes that make the people dance.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
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InLaws...if you aren't interested, then don't click on the thread like Pavlov's dog answering the dinner bell.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova
As mentioned in the Edge's thread, though, it all depends on your definition of DJ. Personally, I could care less if anyone thinks I'm a DJ. I'm in a relationship... that means I'm not a DJ? Whatever you say, if that makes you feel better. Since I've never based my identity on what Edge (or anyone else) thinks, it doesn't matter to me.

With that said, some people think that being a DJ means that you have to sleep with as many women as possible. If that's the definition, I've never been a DJ. Some people say that being a DJ means constantly improving yourself and being successful with women... whether your goal is an ONS, STR, or LTR. If that's the case, then I'm a DJ. Some people say that if it says "Don Juan" under your name, then you're a DJ. If that's true, then not only am I a DJ, but I'm a MASTER DJ (ooooh.... ahhhh....). Personally, I think you're a DJ if you can spin the tunes that make the people dance.
True dat Cas..... my sentiments exactly. Who really gives a damn if you branded a DJ or not? So long as the ladies know it, don't matter what a guy says right? ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by GynecologyEnthusiast
InLaws...if you aren't interested, then don't click on the thread like Pavlov's dog answering the dinner bell.

Now now, that's not very DJ'ish is it? Losing your cool like that. It's almost like, you're crying..... :p ..hey you don't have to click reply like Pavlov's dog answering...... nevermind, it's stale as the topic is.

hey G, you're a DJ, ok bud? ;) ....if there was a town called DJville, you'd be the mayor, how's that? Feel better now.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by InLawsHateMe
Now now, that's not very DJ'ish is it? Losing your cool like that. It's almost like, you're crying..... :p ..hey you don't have to click reply like Pavlov's dog answering...... nevermind, it's stale as the topic is.

hey G, you're a DJ, ok bud? ;) ....if there was a town called DJville, you'd be the mayor, how's that? Feel better now.


Actually this is something I've noticed a lot on here - guys being real macho alpha male like, but getting uptight, upset and annoyed when others dare to disagree with them. Those of you who do this are NOT DJs by the definitions of this site, regardless of whatever other skills you have regarding women or life.



Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
You guys are right, the guys in ltr's shouldn't be allowed in the dj club anymore. They shouldn't get the tattoo, the ring, or be invited into the "masters forum". My, My, alot of people take themselves way to seriously.

Bud Wiser

Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Gotta disagree with The Edge.

I'm in a six-month LTR and using DJ techniques has kept the relationship interesting, intense and fun.

In fact, every time I momentarily fell off the DJ bus, the relationship got a bit shaky.

There some mods you need to make as an LTR DJ, and I won't go into them here. But totally giving up your leverage isn't one of them. Come to think of it, it's rather AFC isn't it?

That said, if people want to equate DJ-ing with macking, fine, be my guest. I'd rather not wrestle with semantics at this point.

Being a budding DJ helped get me this relationship, and is a big factor in keeping it hot.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
Reaction score
Hey jackasses,

Ever wonder why there's not LTR forum on this website?

Stick to snuggling, cooking your girlfriends spaghetti, and watching American Idol on the idiot box.

I have as much right to post here and disagree with you as you have with me.

InLaws, If you want to defend the fact that you can be P-whipped and still a DJ, go for it. But attack the argument, not the poster. Bang away on the keyboard like the lobotomized monkey that you are. Showcase your lameness for all to see.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by GynecologyEnthusiast
Hey jackasses,


Stick to snuggling, cooking your girlfriends spaghetti, and watching American Idol on the idiot box.

I have as much right to post here and disagree with you as you have with me.


Bang away on the keyboard like the lobotomized monkey that you are. Showcase your lameness for all to see.
See, this is exactly the kind of abusive rhetoric I was talking about. And this guy has the audacity to think he's a DJ :)

Way to go buddy, y'all just proved my point perfectly. Have a good one... and don't get too worked up over being shown up for the macho boy you are.



Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by GynecologyEnthusiast
Hey jackasses,

Ever wonder why there's not LTR forum on this website?

Stick to snuggling, cooking your girlfriends spaghetti, and watching American Idol on the idiot box.

I have as much right to post here and disagree with you as you have with me.

InLaws, If you want to defend the fact that you can be P-whipped and still a DJ, go for it. But attack the argument, not the poster. Bang away on the keyboard like the lobotomized monkey that you are. Showcase your lameness for all to see.
Jackasses! LOL!!!!!!! :) Easy there freak, no need to get your panties in a knot. Calling peeps names, and attacking me... no one is attacking you or what you posted you dumb f*ck! Christ, when dudes on here who claim to be DJ wig out cuz it's their time of the month, makes ya wonder if they lacking in the love department, cuz a true Dj wouldn't trip like this fool has. ;)

I call the man a DJ, and he tells me to eat sh*t.. how's that for a thank you? :)

G.. you are da man dude... YOU ARE THE KING OF DJ'ING!!! THE KING!!! 8) ....if there was a band called The DJ's, you'd play bass.... lighten up, you're too tense man... tense. ;)

I can see the smoke coming from his ears as he stabs at the keys with nothing but angst in his heart, damning me all to hell. :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I respectfully disagree with the entire content of your post, GynecologyEnthusiast, and furthermore I think that you are trying to project your own insecurities and your own need for validation on others here. You'll probably say "Ha! You must be one of those LTR idiots". Yes I am, and I personally find an LTR to be a very rewarding and fufilling experience. But an LTR isn't for everyone, and your mileage may vary.

All semantic arguments aside, my definition of a DJ is somebody who is totally comfortable around women, has no fear of rejection, and is confident enough in himself to get whatever he wants regarding women, whether it be a night of sex, STR or LTR or whatever. A true DJ gets WHATEVER HE WANTS out of his romantic life and settles for nothing less than full satisfaction. You won't find a DJ sitting alone at home lamenting about his love life, or stuck in some dead-end marriage, you will see him taking action to acheive his goals! A DJ knows that he at any time can eject the woman he is with and find another one. Just because he chooses an LTR does not make him less of a DJ, less of a man, less confident or an idiot. Also, being a DJ in an LTR does not mean that you can't take anything to fruition, it means that you choose not to, and not because you are a loser, but because you have respect for your partner.

We could sit here and argue semantics till they put us in the old DJ home and it won't make anybody here any more or less valid in their belief systems. What I have a problem with is not your belief system itself, but the fact that your beliefs must come at the expense of others. We are all here for self improvement. We all have a right to be here. And this whole "so-and-so is a DJ and so-and-so is not a DJ", c'mon give me a break. Can't we move on and leave the 8th grade behind us? Who cares if somebody is a "DJ" and somebody is not a "DJ"? Like Bruce Lee said, use what is useful, discard what is not. If you like somebody's advice heed it, if you don't ignore it.

This whole discussion reminds me of the "I'm cooler than you" argument which goes "If you were cooler than me you wouldn't need to say it"

/rant off


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
Reaction score
At least one person was able to respectfully agree (Girl Crazy).

Too bad so many had to rant (InLawsHumpMe) and then pathetically disguise their rants by accusing me of ranting. I am here only for discussion, not to be insulted by gutless, inferior suckbutts who can't put together a worthwhile argument and then attack the messenger.

This board has truly come down a long way since the good old days when we used to talk about picking up chicks. Now we have guys that want to talk about how great it is being in a long term relationship.

If this is going to be about LTR's, then what's the point? It has nothing to do with anything that this board is about.

Maybe we should have a board for picking out matching doilies. Criminy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by GynecologyEnthusiast
At least one person was able to respectfully agree (Girl Crazy).

Too bad so many had to rant (InLawsHumpMe) and then pathetically disguise their rants by accusing me of ranting. I am here only for discussion, not to be insulted by gutless, inferior suckbutts who can't put together a worthwhile argument and then attack the messenger.

This board has truly come down a long way since the good old days when we used to talk about picking up chicks. Now we have guys that want to talk about how great it is being in a long term relationship.

If this is going to be about LTR's, then what's the point? It has nothing to do with anything that this board is about.

Maybe we should have a board for picking out matching doilies. Criminy.

Dude, he respectfully DISAGREED ... so quit your crying, you damn cherry. Christ dude, you are boring the sh*t out of me with your whining. You are worst than a damn b*tch. LOL! :)

You are a DJ G..... I told you this... I am not... was it the 'zzzzzzzzzzzzz' comment that sent your head spinning? Get over it dude... when we need a clown again, we'll call for you ok? Now get the f*ck outta here chump.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
Reaction score
I respectfully spoke to him. It's you that is ruining the thread-- you haven't added anything worthwhile and relies on insults of those who have a different opinion, InLawsGangRapeMe.

I wouldn't walk across the steet to evacuate my bladder on you if you were on fire, you sniveling sack of fermented snapper cheese.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
im curious to know how old are you gyno?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by GynecologyEnthusiast
I respectfully spoke to him. It's you that is ruining the thread-- you haven't added anything worthwhile and relies on insults of those who have a different opinion, InLawsGangRapeMe.

I wouldn't walk across the steet to evacuate my bladder on you if you were on fire, you sniveling sack of fermented snapper cheese.
OMG Dude.. you're a retard. :) ....a retarded DJ.. Congrats dude... ;)