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  1. S

    How to hit on sales girls, or the girl at the register

    You would be surprised how easy it is. I mean good looking girls are always hired at places like Abercrombie and stuff because of their superior product knowledge. I once easily got this girl's number at abercrombie just by asking her the difference of the different style of jeans. She said...
  2. S

    Cold Approach # close field report

    Dude if you want to scuba dive just sign up for a course. Check out and you can search for a nearby dive shop. Diving is not like riding a bike at all, there are some inherent dangers but if you follow the guidelines you will be perfectly safe. Just make sure you get certifies...
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    Cold Approach # close field report

    So I'm leaving class today and see a very cute girl I haven't seen before waiting at the busstop I am going to. She is an 8. I notice she is using a camelback backpack so I use that to open her. "Are you using a camelback to carry your books?" "yes" "Isn't that a little out of...
  4. S

    How to hit on sales girls, or the girl at the register

    I usually ask them a question about a product to open and then make fun of their answer and take it from there.
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    Why is it girls always say they want a nice guy?

    Probably because they don't know what they want or they saw too many disney movies as a kid and believe they are just waiting for the day prince charming comes.
  6. S

    now THIS is the ultimate AFC example

    It isn't uncommon for people who are very religious to not want to kiss a girl before they are married. I knew a few kids in HS who were like that. Needless to say my actions seriously morally opposed their beliefs.
  7. S

    What if she asks if you're hitting on her?

    Dude your going to wait weeks???? I can't believe no one said this yet but that is totally AFC and you will be way past the friend zone by then. If you want to ask her out do it now. I get the number when I meet the girl and when I call back a few days later I get the date. I have no problem...
  8. S

    How to handle this without being AFC

    So I've got a date with this girl tomorrow. There is a comedian coming to campus and I thought it would make a good date because it is something different. I called her and everything on the phone went great especially her tone. I told her I would buy the tix tomorrow. The tix are 15 each...
  9. S

    WTF does this mean?

    I am a little perplexed by it. One of my friends said she would put in a good word for me to her tomorrow night at their sister meeting. She also said the reason I should hook up with her was because she was so nice and everybody likes her which I think is some BS. I'll probably wait to call...
  10. S

    Simple question but I'd like to hear your thoughts

    I find the best thing to do with any girl is not to ask the obvious questions like "what is your name, major, dorm, or any other boring detail?" When talking to a girl the first time don't ask questions that sound like your filling out a form for them. Try things like "what else do you do...
  11. S

    With exactly what are the top ones scoring with ?

    Whether or not a girl is good looking enough to hook up with is something only you can decide. I say keep it respectable, obviously you want to hook up everyone does but hooking up with ugly girls just to hook up isn't going to establish any social proof or respectability for you.
  12. S

    WTF does this mean?

    Nope she is a junior like me and that stuff doesn't go down at a school as nerdy as the one I go to. Although it would be good at a school like this where people need to loosen up more.
  13. S

    WTF does this mean?

    That is kind of how I approached it. I asked her then when do I call and she came back with in 5 minutes. I gave her look like ya that's BS. So I then said well if your lucky I'll give you a call, she laughed as we went our separate ways.
  14. S

    WTF does this mean?

    So last night I went to a club with some guys. A sorority was throwing the event and I met this girl there. When she wasn't around my friends in the sorority kept telling me to hook up with her. Since when do girls tell you to go hook up with their friends??? What does this mean, I found out...
  15. S

    Facial hair

    It depends on what you can pull off. I can't grow very good facial hair and the stuff I do grow is blonde so I just stay clean shaven. It depends on your facial features and your appearance.
  16. S

    Could I really have an STD?

    It sounds like your pretty concerned. You should just go get tested. It's covered under healthcare plans and is confidential. All you have to do is piss in a cup and give a couple drops of blood to test for everything now. You'll know for sure in a few days. But for now, just relax there...
  17. S

    How do you find guys to go out with?

    Hey just a recap of my situation. I'm a third year college student who just got back from a semester abroad. The one thing I have always found very difficult at my school is finding guys to go out with at night. I never had this problem when I was studying abroad, but I go to a rather...
  18. S

    Guys how do you talk in clubs?

    I totally hate it too. It's almost impossible to run game when you can't communicate. The best thing I have found is to put on your best smile, laugh and act like your having the most fun in your life. Since you can't hear her, she probally can't hear you. Very quickly after meeting you have...
  19. S

    Whats with all these ugly girls?

    I know what your talking about and I've seen quite a bit of it before. I think it's just that after she decides you would be a good catch she wants to lay claim to you before one of her more (or much more in some cases) attractive friends do. After all the ugly girl in the group will most...
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    Does it bother you when people stare at you when you talking to a chick?

    That would be my biggest pet peeve. It doesn't bother me when I am in public and it is people I don't know, only at my college since it has a small social scene and so many people (guys and girls) have nothing better to do then start drama and rumors. I learned that the hard way.