How to hit on sales girls, or the girl at the register


New Member
Nov 8, 2007
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How do you guys game on the girl that works the stands in the middle with their product

Or the girl at starbucks

Or the hot dog on a stick cashier?

Also what about the girls at the retail store; Anchor Blue, Macys, Nordstrom etc

Sam Adams

Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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I usually ask them a question about a product to open and then make fun of their answer and take it from there.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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Sam Adams said:
I usually ask them a question about a product to open and then make fun of their answer and take it from there.
I think thats a great way....I need to try that when shopping...maybe ask them an opinion.

but how do you make fun of their answers?

I like to make fun of best buy employees because they not know shieeet about their products.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
If you ever worked in sales or retail, you have a way to initially relate. I usually start to coach girls who work in sales, give some really useful advice. Get them to say, "Oh yeah, I never thought of it that way" or whatever.

As you do this, you make the "trust sale." They trust you, they listen to you, they laugh at what you say, they say "yes" when you suggest getting together. It's easy.

Order a copy of our sales book, Retail Selling Made Easy, which is a pro-active, no-pressure guide to selling. With that fun to read, easy book, you will have all of the info you need to hook a retail girl.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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I work retail, I have female customers hit on me alot. The most memorable though was a younger woman, early twenties. She was in line and we had two registers open. It was me and another woman that were working them. So, as the girl gets to the front of the line, my coworker finished with her customer and motioned for the girl to go to the register... The customer said to the person behind her "Go ahead, I want him (Meaning me) to help me." I finished with my customer and told her to come to the register. She said Hi and started asking me a bunch of questions about the stuff she was taking. As I rung her up, she asked me for a pen and paper...So I gave it to her and she wrote down her name and number. and told me to call her. I thought that was pretty cool.

What you could probably do, is ask the cashier to let you borrow a pen and some paper. When she gives it to you ask her for her name and number. Make sure you ask questions about the stuff you are carrying and make small convo. Hope this helps.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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Don't "hit on her", just make some small talk, get to know her, wheres she from, joke about another customer(works well if the other customer is rude or mean), ask her where she goes to school, if the convo goes well say well lets hang out sometime, whats your #. That is field tested and it has worked for me.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
lol this approach was tought to me by my father ..
Girls on shops usually have some ID CARDS sticked on theyre tshirt or hanged around theyre neck ..

And my father started talkin to her something about clothes , than he said me in front of her .. hey do you know her . i was like no . he said cmon , she's HB8 ( reading from her id card secretly ) she started smiling and i said ohhh i remember her now . and i started a conversation with her but i didnt want to number close or something in front of my fathers eye .

But try with a wing , not with your father :p


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
WahidS said:
How do you guys game on the girl that works the stands in the middle with their product

Or the girl at starbucks

Or the hot dog on a stick cashier?

Also what about the girls at the retail store; Anchor Blue, Macys, Nordstrom etc
You have to remember that they are there to make a buck, not to get hit on by guys.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
brett012 said:
what do you mean by "make fun of their answer"? example?

YOU: "Hey how does this shirt look?"
Her: "It's alright....."
YOU: "Just alright.....? You make a horrible saleslady, I was going to buy it until you said it was just alright"(Of course you have to say it with a slight smile on your face. Or ask her which shirt would look better....)

Stuff like that

Sam Adams

Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
brett012 said:
what do you mean by "make fun of their answer"? example?
You would be surprised how easy it is. I mean good looking girls are always hired at places like Abercrombie and stuff because of their superior product knowledge. I once easily got this girl's number at abercrombie just by asking her the difference of the different style of jeans. She said she didn't know so it was easy to make fun of her. "What do you mean you don't know, don't you work here, where do I apply? I guess if your qualified I am."

You could also try this:
"Which of these color shirts do you like best? Green or Blue?"

"I would pick the green."

"Ya hippies like you would always pick green." note: she doesn't even have to be a hippie.

As long as you give your question two seconds of thought, it can be pretty easy. When trying to think of an easy question just browse the products and act natural like your evaluating the goods. Once you make fun of her try transitioning to more meaningful conversation. This shouldn't be too hard and I find this a whole lot easier then even talking to girls in clubs because it is so easy to play the whole thing off as innocent and natural until you ask for the number. Actually to think about it I would say I prefer meeting girls this way over the club/bar scene.