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  1. K

    Teeth whitening trials

    i do brush my teeth, i also have clean teeth. but it doesn't mean my teeth is WHITE :cuss: Anyone here tried teeth whitening strips before? How was it? :D
  2. K

    Teeth whitening trials

    i guess im gonna sign up along with you :-d let's see how the results go
  3. K

    Teeth whitening trials

    Has anyone tried this 21day trial. it's called nutrabrite? but im suspicious of it, would i have to pay them after the 21 day trial or is it really that a good of a deal that i just pay for shipping...
  4. K

    Is banging this girl worth $3.7 million? SHE HAS NO FWENDSS
  5. K

    Long Story, LJBF??

    The " i have enough friends " line is pretty good imo. Just ignore her, find some other girls, I know most my posts say that and i sound repetitive because that's the best option. listen or not it's up to you.
  6. K

    what to tell a friend?

    he's going to tell you your the one he really likes.
  7. K

    Big butt and jeans for me

    So im not sure about this but i am a 37-38 on my bum area, im 5'9 150LB/s, I'm thinking my bum is too big for my built, is there any way to decrease it? and what jeans would look nice, any i try on makes it stick out very noticeable.. not a good look imo. thats my two questions, any...
  8. K

    ohhh the dreaded ex syndrome

    why did you tell her how you felt? poossyyy, gj on moving on though. tough love :-) *****
  9. K

    one of my good female friends is getting abused!

    +999999999999999999 :up:
  10. K

    Woman I work with pissed me off at the Holiday party (kinda long)

    Shoot up the office? lol sorry, had to say it. Start hitting the gym, go out to hang out more, if you feel awkward don't let it show. Just flirt around with the girls till they can't get enough of you, and what this B!tch did was messed up but hey, it's gonna help fuel your goals.
  11. K

    Girls with lots of Guy friends

    So stay away :-) Whats wrong with chicks these days...
  12. K

    Odd Situation with Friend's "Girl"

    just steer clear of that AW lol, do you really need this drama with her and your friend? -She's hot and I'm afraid I might make a move on her when I'm blacked out Nice excuse but it isn't gonna work buddy, and if i were you i'd tell your friend and steer clear of her.
  13. K

    We have it so easy right now

    i think he was joking bro, but it sounds to me your doing quite good, mind PM'ing and tell me how it's like? maybe i'll learn a thing or two
  14. K

    She Cheated...

    O.P, Pathetic. Why in the hell are you giving yourself an excuse to accept back a wh0re who was fuucking 2 other guys in a party because you were gone for 20 minutes? Good luck to you, dont lie to yourself anymore.
  15. K

    She Cheated...

    drop her like a bag of rocks. cut contact with her 100% i don't know WHY are you still with her, i understand how you must of felt i think it happens to most of us before at least once.. and weed isn't bad, mmk?
  16. K

    Stealing this girl I once dated from her boyfriend? HELP

    ditch her, shes dating some guy so she won't be lonely, what does this say about her? just find other chicks
  17. K

    best place to order your protein A.T.M?

    Is Trueprotein's website working for anyone at the moment? I still didn't get my tracking number yet =\
  18. K

    best place to order your protein A.T.M?

    Whats the recession stuff?
  19. K

    best place to order your protein A.T.M?

    Ok i ordered 10LB's of Whey Concentrate :-] thank you for all your help guys.
  20. K

    best place to order your protein A.T.M?

    makes me wish i ordered 16 pounds afew years back.. is whey protein gonna go down anytime? doubt it right?