Long Story, LJBF??


New Member
Jan 9, 2009
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Hey there.
Its my first post and i think that im starting with the wrong foot, but who cares?

Its the next:

I know a girl from 1 year(she was from my class), we were like best friends,( i was a wuss at this time) then I got in a LJBF when i told her i liked her ( i didnt knew anything about PU or even talk and act with a girl)....Then i discover PU and i change myself and my way of act, and I moved to a relationship with this girl, things dont went very well, it was holidays, we arent quite near and we rarely seen each other. We had a relationship of 2/3weeks and we finish, and in the next day we finish, one of her best friends calls me and tells me that she fcked with another guy in the shopping WC.
I got fcked up, i called her and i told her to never talk to me again, just to forget me, and delete all things we had (photos, msn, number etc).
This was at the beginning of summer holidays and we never talked during this time. (ah one time she sends me all photos we got together via MMS saying that she liked me, and i just told her " Forget me, I deleted all these photos and i dont wanna see it again! And i've even told you to delete my number!"
and she responded " That she had my number on her mind")


We continued without talking to each others and in my birthday (November) she send me a SMS, saying that she loves me, never forget me, thought about me every nights, and she changed and wanted to show me that... she even said "please, let me show it", " i just need a chance" and bla bla.

Ok, we meet, she told me alot of things, that she was diferent and she loved me, that she always thinking about me, that we had alot of special time together, that we couldnt just forget all those times, and that i was too important for her. She gased me and i couldnt just resist and we kissed and make out right there.
And then we got in a relationship.
Later a week, i could notice that all that passed, and she was diferent, and we started to get together, just some sometimes. ( u know, u notice when something changes with someone u like).
But we continued... with some discutions and sh1ts, and we finished near christmas.
We havent talked during christmas holidays, and THIS WEEK, we talked again, and she told me that we couldnt continue, and said she was with another guy in christmas holidays and then she said:
" i dont deserve you, becouse u made many things for me, and some times i dont give value to that, even what we have is an obsession, i think about u many times like you do, i Love to be with you, with you i have the best moments that i dont have with no one else, and is this what makes us special, and when i talk to you i cannot help you in decisions becouse im thinking about me and i give u advices to you dont get away from me, and i dont want that, i want to be like a friends and tell you the better for you!"

i just told her that i had enought friends and dont wanted any more friends, and told her that u just couldn't see her just like a friend so we had to give space to each other.
After that we got like "friends".

So guys, i need help in what to do. Yes i know that i should move on, but i just dont want to! I had another GF during summer holidays and i couldnt forget her, I can live without her, but i know that i really Love her.

Any advice?


New Member
Jan 5, 2009
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Your definitely right this a long story and a tricky situation,

You obviously have been thinking about this girl way to much..


I would suggest dating other girls and at least try to forget about her, she shows herself as being clingy, very clingy and i personally don't like clingy girls.

But you do, I can see that you've paid allot of attention to her, and her saying that she doesn't deserve you might just be a way to try and break it off with you... nicely.

However demanding her to delete photos of you two being together wasn't the smartest of moves you could of influenced her and convinced her that she was the complete cause of the problem, possibly resulting in her feeling bad, and now all she wants to do is make it up to you, as a friend, she may of then realized that and decided she doesn't want to be with you, or maybe because you didn't want to be with her at the time, you was "playing-hard-to-get" and her demand for your attention was very high, now that you had gotten in a relationship the game was up, you gave in like a wussy and let your guard down, giving up the challenge. You let this girl get too attached to you, and as a man you should of drawn the line and tolled her what is what.

Im not sure on how to correct the problem and fix things and get back with her, yes she cheated on you but that's something you must throw behind you and laugh about, I can help you point out your problems but Id rather let someone else or someone who is more experienced take it from here..

Mr. Red

Don Juan
Jan 11, 2009
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This scenario really isn't as tricky as it seems you just need to zoom out a little. You know what you have to do, nobody needs to tell you. You had it right when you said that you needed to move on. You don't "love her" you lust for her.

Her Interest Level in you is 1%, you're her emotional fling when she's bored. You needed to next her a long time ago. There are too many girls out there to be with this messed up chick. She's cheated on you, and said that you just need to be friends. I can't begin to comprehend why you said you had enough friends and don't want to make more. Don't say that to people because it sounds weird and antisocial (even if you truely don't want more friends don't say that to anyone.)

In short, next her. Focus on her flaws and your attraction will slowly drain. You had a GF over the summer which was great, but you need to check out more girls. Becoming interested in multiple girls at once will keep your options open, and obesessions away.

Good luck, I wish you the best!


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
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The " i have enough friends " line is pretty good imo.
Just ignore her, find some other girls, I know most my posts say that and i sound repetitive because that's the best option. listen or not it's up to you.