Odd Situation with Friend's "Girl"


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
So one of my friends has recently been seeing this girl that he met at a party that a bunch of our friends threw. I guess they smoked that night and slept together...didn't hookup. They've been hanging out a lot and pretty much just smoking together for the most part. He was telling me how they haven't done anything besides make out every now and then.

So the morning after that party, I was passed out in one of the rooms and she woke me up and told me how much fun she had the night before. I was blacked out and don't remember half the night, but played along with it. She proceeded to give me a huge hug and kiss on the cheek as she left. I didn't think anything of it. Then a couple of nights later me, my friend, a couple of my other friends and her went out to the bars. We had a good time and whatnot and the whole time she kept saying how I looked like this model who she thinks is the hottest man alive and the man of her dreams. It seemed kind of odd because she kept saying this in front of my friend. Keep in mind...he hasn't been with a girl in forever so he's been obsessed with this girl lately. She's pretty hot too, but I think out of his league.

Anyway, at the bar she introduces me to one of her friends who was piss drunk and tried to makeout with me after she puked outside of the bar...not cool. The next morning...she woke me up again by giving me a huge hug and kiss on the cheek and telling me how cute I look even when I wake up.

Even though she's hot, I refrain from anything of course. She adds me on facebook and chats me up telling me how much fun I am and that we should hangout, blah blah. Gives me her #. Tells me to come over to my friend's place later because she'll be there. Seemed odd again.

We have another party and the ratio is like 4:1 Girls to Guys. A bunch of girls are standing around looking bored so I go and mingle and flirt with them. I see my friend's girl watching me and later she comments how I'm such a ladies man and how she saw all those girls flirting with me. (once again, in front of my friend) She'll always give me huge hugs and won't let go...in front of my friend. Just seemed weird.

A few days ago she texted me telling me to meet her at the bar she was at. I told her I was back home for xmas vacation and she was like "nooo...I already miss you! we have to definitely hang out as soon as we get back" Anyway...there's more situations, but I think I've gave enough.

At times when I'm drunk, I'm afraid I might just manhandle her and start making out with her. I try so hard to have self control. I'm afraid I'm gonna be blacked out one night and end up doing that. What would you guys do in a situation like this? She's real hot, but she's also kinda my friend's "girl", but not really.


-Friend meets girl at party and hangs out with her frequently.
-She constantly flirts with me and has been texting me to hangout with her when he's not there.
-She's hot and I'm afraid I might make a move on her when I'm blacked out
-What would you do?


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
just steer clear of that AW lol, do you really need this drama with her and your friend?

-She's hot and I'm afraid I might make a move on her when I'm blacked out
Nice excuse but it isn't gonna work buddy, and if i were you i'd tell your friend and steer clear of her.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
slaog said:
Is a little bit of fun with this girl worth all the trouble it would cause?

She is with your friend and already flirting with you. Thats says everything you need to know about her. She'd do the same to you.
Yah I know that. My friend is a big wuss though. I think he might even be a virgin and has barely any experience dealing with girls in general. The reason she flirts with me and such is because she knows I'm experienced and can handle a woman.

Also, if I would've found her first at the party and snagged her:

1) I wouldn't be hanging out with her everyday like he does. I'd definitely have hooked up with her by now because I know how to seduce a woman.
2) I wouldn't be obsessed with her like he is so I wouldn't care if she flirted with other guys.

But, I think its definitely not worth ruining a friendship. It just annoys me that he's so obsessed when she's clearly messing with him. I think she's only hanging out with him to smoke and talk pretty much.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
She digs you, that's all there is to it really. The thing is, even though your mate might think she's "his girl", she's not. But obviously I understand the loyalty thing of not "stealing" a girl from your friend.

Hopefully your friend should realise that she's not really into him and he'll stop hanging out with her. Then you could tap it...I wouldn't tell your friend though.

This is a tough one because you wanna tap it, but if you do you're gonna have to keep this as a secret from your friend...which isn't exactly what friends are for.
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
I don't care if she is Angelina Joile type of hot and wants to suck you off...


I can see how your trying to rationalize yourself and try the lame excuse of being blacked out drunk. By the way if you were that drunk you wouldn't be able to get it up unless your talking about upchucking and heaving.

You don't mess with you boys' female. PERIOD!

That is if your any kind of real friend. If not and your as cheap as this pimp master female is then it's on you.

Fellas we need to abide by the rules of the game and no female is worth your buddy.