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  1. K

    best place to order your protein A.T.M?

    So trueprotein is my best bet? 5 bucks an LB doesn't feel as im saving any money though :(
  2. K

    best place to order your protein A.T.M?

    i bump, for i need to order :]
  3. K

    best place to order your protein A.T.M?

    So at the moment where is the best place to get whey protein for the most bang for your buck? I remember was around 3.00 something per LB, but now i looked its almost 5 bucks :cuss: . Just wondering is there a better place to order? I'm in the USA.
  4. K

    Sleeping problem

    Yes yes, I just woke up atm, 4:30, slept at 7:40 yesterday due to being tired, I think it's getting better :D, yeah i do go out alot most of my day :D
  5. K

    Sleeping problem

    I drink coffee in the day(morning, it taste good at that time :rock: ), the rest of the day not really, maybe soda sometimes.
  6. K

    A good snack

    Sounds delicious, except i thought ramen noodles was soaked in lard to maintain its hardness and shape :S, i recommend those non flavored straight chinese noodles its like ramen but, its alot healthier in my point of view. *** WHERES THE MEAT?!
  7. K

    vaginas are ugly

    That had me cracking when i first heard that joke. TRUE non the less :crazy:
  8. K

    Sleeping problem

    Recently these past weeks I have been sleeping 5-11 hours randomly, but the problem is i sleep VERY late around 3am. So today i slept around 9pm since i didn't get sleep yesterday night i woke up at 3Am, 6 hours of sleep.. roughly. I couldn't get back to sleep at all i was on my bed staring at...
  9. K

    vaginas are ugly

    I think they are sexy and hmm cute.
  10. K

    Workout and Supplements :-(

    Ordered, now to wait :) Thanks for the info guys, Alex :box:
  11. K

    Workout and Supplements :-(

    Gotcha my man :cheer: Big bad Alex :woo:
  12. K

    Workout and Supplements :-(

    Yes yes, thank you. Twinlabs, 12 o.z for 6 bucks, no waii :D. Oh, i remember reading a thread about fish oil awhile back, should i get one with omega 6-9 also? I don't seem to find it in the twinlabs thing. Or am i good with Omega3 only?
  13. K

    How wrong is it to be in love?

    As the posts above me, have fun, i've been in a few relationships myself, all i have to say is HAVE FUN, don't get too close, it's gonna hurt in the long run when you guys are over.. Trust me, it won't last forever. Even the most innocent could walk away in a snap to another mans arms, even If...
  14. K

    I can't BELIEVE I gained weight. I thought it was impossible for me.

    Nice work on the gaining weight part! But wouldn't you rather have muscle instead of fat :(??! Your gonna regret the fat in the long run, it's annoying trying to burn it off in the future! I suggest work slow, pack up the muscles instead! Don't eat junk food, good luck man.
  15. K

    Workout and Supplements :-(

    Bumpy? I don't mind the taste at all, if it works, i'm happy ;-3 Nobody else got suggestions? :'( -p.s how come my other post didn't show?
  16. K

    Workout and Supplements :-(

    I don't care for the smell or taste, only if it works. But thank you for taking time to read and find the links, ill consider if nobody else replies to this thread.. this place seems alright...
  17. K

    Workout and Supplements :-(

    Barleans ? Doesnt seem that cheap, i remember awhile back there was 1000softgel tabs for around 20-30 bucks, ADAMS? Is this recommended ? :confused: :confused: :confused:
  18. K

    Workout and Supplements :-(

    Bumpidy bump :eek: I want to start asap, ty~
  19. K

    Workout and Supplements :-(

    Whats up Sosuave, I've been reading the forums for years (especially the health section) I always wanted to work out but was lazy, but I want to start now. Here's my specs ;5'7, 154LB 17Years old, yeaaah. Can somebody recommend me a MULTI-VITA. and FISH OIL worth paying for? :| I'm kind of...