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  1. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    LOVED it! ahaha! And thanks. Yeah, I know. Some men just don't see it. They're all about blame and being a victim and THOSE are the ones who will suffer the most. Interceptor, not sure what to say. Peace brother! ahaha. Not into all that New Age shyt myself. It just looks like "game" to...
  2. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Please don't welcome me. It's nice of you but welcoming me makes you think I'll stay. Not so. Most of the members I've had contact with so far have been rude and have a big chip on their shoulder. And one punk little 14 year old BOY even. He should be clearing up his acne not lecturing women on...
  3. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    I'm doing nothing different than some of the less intelligent bros on here have done when they invaded our site. And you clearly have a HUGE chip on your shoulder. I'm not any better because I have a vagina. What I DO have is experience. Something many of you obviously lack. Ok, keep on...
  4. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Thank you KS. I'm no SSoldier though. I still don't agree with a lot on here....those silly articles and what not. So I'lm never going to be a big part of this site. I'll stick to LS. I just thought I'd clear up some things. And I realize that I shouldn't judge the whole site because of the...
  5. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Lord, I didn't create the Playa and nor did any other woman. STOP blaming women for how you are. I didn't blame all men because a few treated me like crap. Secondly, thank you for the compliment but if you know anything about me or have read my posts on LS I DO get on women and call them on...
  6. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    I knew I should expect a smart ass response from you. But honey, you're not even in the same league as I am.:crackup: The question is how's that DJ Bible working for YOU. I don't need some stupid articles to tell me how to live my life and nor should you. I should have expected I'd...
  7. H

    My Honey...

    Ahaha, funny. And no, I wouldn't go near a man who subscribes to most of that nonsense. Some of it is ok, but after I read the thing about being a "prick for a day" you lost me. No class. I like my mens to have CLASS!:p
  8. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    I was never going to post in a serious way on here..ever. However, some of you are getting a little ****y about thinking one thing about ALL women so I thought I'd come clean and be myself on here. First of all, I really wasn't trying to hide much. I knew my identity would eventually come...
  9. H

    My Honey...

    My honey just had the NERVE to tell me to come over tonight. I don't take no orders from chicks. I think I'll call her in eight weeks and 2 days.
  10. H

    What women want - From a real woman!

    Yes, you should not do that so much. quicksilver, many of your members came over and tried to disrupt our site. We were tolerant up to a point. They offered nothing at all of value. I really don't intend to stick around here. I'm only here to pull stuff off to entertain my buddies on LS...
  11. H

    I'm ready to get laid again. Let's see how long it takes.

    Keto I took that advice right off this website under that stuff with the day by day plan or whatever it was. I can't be bothered to look for it again. It said to be a PRICK and be rude. I'm not making this up..wish I were. Ok, Nobody, why is the fact that she's bringing two friends freaking...
  12. H

    What women want - From a real woman!

    I've made as many contributions as you did on my site. ahaha Funny how you guys can dish it out but you can't take it. Hope you think twice before pulling another stupid stunt like you did. Bet you've pissed off a lot of your brothas by doing that. Ok, back to the circle jerk!
  13. H

    What women want - From a real woman!

    I would never put a man down to help out a woman...never. And who cares if this place is for men, women, dogs, what? What's the point. Again, you don't know that I'm not a man do you? Just look at my screen name.
  14. H

    What women want - From a real woman!

    It's hilarious to me that you think you were justified to go over to LS to perform some kind of service and "enlighten" but when we come over here to do the same thing, we're considered "trolls." Sorry, doesn't fly with me. And stop assuming I'm a female. You don't have any idea either...
  15. H

    What women want - From a real woman!

    Not so. You really should spend more time on there and you'd see that you're wrong. And are you kidding me? The ratio of men/women on there is WAY more balanced than it is here. And again, I don't see men being called names on there. Half the members on here call women all kinds of names. I'm...
  16. H

    I'm ready to get laid again. Let's see how long it takes.

    I'm not belittling anything. I'm just reminding him of the advice given elsewhere on this site in the articles. If he doesn't want to listen...oh well.
  17. H

    Alright Playas, need some opinions...

    Warrior is right. Hit it but don't make her your main girl. She can just be one of the harem.
  18. H

    I'm ready to get laid again. Let's see how long it takes.

    Tips? How about that visible erection tip posted about earlier? That could work. So where is she taking you? I wonder if she'll kiss you goodnight when she drops you off. Also, another really rude to her and call her bytch and tramp and stuff. Women dig it. She'll be all over you...
  19. H

    What women want - From a real woman!

    Oh and how come this site has what...two female members on here maybe? LS is WAY more balanced. And we don't call men names like you call women on here.
  20. H

    What women want - From a real woman!

    Men want pretty much the same things women want. What is this so called "attitude" on LS? I'm not seeing what you're seeing obviously. I didn't chase any quality men off. What ARE you talking about?