The Way It REALLY Is

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Mar 28, 2008
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I was never going to post in a serious way on here..ever. However, some of you are getting a little ****y about thinking one thing about ALL women so I thought I'd come clean and be myself on here.

First of all, I really wasn't trying to hide much. I knew my identity would eventually come out since some of you were reading LS and I was openly talking about some of the posts on here. So no big surprise there. Also, I knew, and had a bet with a friend on there that the minute I posted my avatar pic it would be linked on guys sure didn't disappoint! Thanks!

Ok, now that I'M being ****y, let's get to the real point here.

First of all, just in case some of you don't know exactly what happened. Brother Ketostix went over to LS to start a fake thread about dating. I was one of the first to respond in a serious way, trying to help. Well later, I came to find out it was all a big hoax. He, and others, were making fun of the site and naming specific people, many who are my friends. I don't like being taken for a fool so I responded in kind, rightly or wrongly.

That's about it on my side. I never took this site seriously since you didn't take US seriously.

Some of you have come over there since that all happened and we've all been very nice to them. I've even tried to help too.

YOU invaded OUR territory first and now you don't like the "invasion." Tough. Suck it up. You're men aren't you? You can't control everything. Actions have consequences.

And one or two of you on here actually GET that.

Ok, I'll stop with the lecture but that's the background and where I'm coming from on that. And I'm not interested in debating about it. I'm not sure I'll even come back again after this or not. If the responses are rude and attacking I certainly won't respond.

Now about my stance on things. First of all, I'm an open book. Feel free to read all my posts/threads whatever. Trust me, you don't have us ALL figured out. There are a lot of women like me...too bad you're not meeting them for some reason or another.

And before I go on, let me say that I love men and I'm no feminist. If any of you would have bothered to dig, you'd see that I hate feminists and have argued against them and what they stand for in the past, on LS.

I'm all for self-empowerment and not being a effing doormat. Did you see my quote next to my avatar? I'm a Goodess...ex doormat here, so I can fully relate to some of you and I applaud you. But I never developed some of the bitterness and hatred I see spewed here. I never called all men bastards or any other name. I never claimed I was in some WAR against men.

Did I at various times in my life swear off men, sure. But never for long. Men are great. And you wouldn't catch me on an all-women's thread for anything. How dull. As dull as an all-male thread. That's why I think some of you could benefit from being over there. You're getting a very skewed perspective in many cases.

Ok, back to a bit about me. So I was abused by men and a complete doormat in my life at various times. But in my 20's I thought I was hot shyt and probably acted like some of the women you're all bitter about. Said I wanted one thing but went for another..the whole deal.

See, that's why I believe a lot of this is a matter of maturity in many cases. I got fed up of that and started asking myself why, once again, I was home crying in my ice cream (or beer.)

I decided to take more control over my own life and stop PLAYING THE VICTIM. Some of what you preach here I did myself..didn't have any articles or anything to read. It was just common sense.

I didn't have to play games though. I just "reinvented" myself as Reset mentions in his sig. After I reinvented myself I stayed true to myself. That was sixteen years ago. But it wasn't an overnight change. Took me awhile and I made some mistakes along the way.

But now, I have been happily married to a Real Man for almost 13 years. We have a son. He's an ex-military man and is no one's bytch. He can give as good as he gets.

We understand each other perfectly. Right from the start we played no games. I was upfront about who I am and what I want and what I don't want. So was he. Luckily, we both wanted the same things...still do.

Ask whatever you want about how our dating days went or about my husband. I'll be happy to answer.

I'm seeing mistakes that some of you are making but far be it for me, a woman (YIKES!) to point them out, right?

Getting back to how I was for a minute. You men are no different, in some cases, when it comes to saying you want one thing but going for another. Why do you think that book about Men Loving Bytches or whatever it is, is so popular?

When I was a meek little doormat, I was abused. When I started standing up for myself and not putting up with bullcrap, I was suddenly treated work and in my personal life. And I attracted a VERY different kind of man.

But see I had no chip on my shoulder. Didn't hate men. I blamed MYSELF for the types of men I was attracting.

And by the way, I loved that post, sorry forgot who posted it, about the differences in the way men and women communicate. Very insightful but also too much of a generalization.

I'm not into "covert" kinds of communications. I'm a "tell it like it is" woman. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

So it sounds to me like some of you should reassess the types of women you've been going for.

Watch for the red flags before you get sucked in and end up with the wrong ones.

And make sure that you REALLY know what YOU want. Don't say you want a nice girl who won't jack you if you're really going for the heartless bytches in the end. And yes, as someone on here pointed out, after seeing my profile pic, don't just go for looks. Go for CHARACTER. Sure, you have to be attracted but think with your brains and not with your dycks.

Women make that same mistake too...they'll go for power or money sometimes over character. Not smart.

So that's it. Ok, I've come clean.

I'd love to see some of you on LS. You'll get men and women's viewpoints there. And contrary to what you may think, not all the women on there are feminists and not all the men are chumps.

Have a great evening!


Mar 28, 2008
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My Name is Nobody said:
How's that DJ Bible working for you?
I knew I should expect a smart ass response from you.

But honey, you're not even in the same league as I am.:crackup:

The question is how's that DJ Bible working for YOU. I don't need some stupid articles to tell me how to live my life and nor should you.

I should have expected I'd get a stupid response like this.

Good luck, you're gonna need it!:p
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
HOMBRE said:
I knew I should expect a smart ass response from you.

But honey, you're not even in the same league as I am.:crackup:

The question is how's that DJ Bible working for YOU. I don't need some stupid articles to tell me how to live my life and nor should you.

I should have expected I'd get a stupid response like this.

Good luck, you're gonna need it!:p

Yeah right. Aren't you married?

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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You want stuff like this to go away, tell women to stop acting like prissy little b1tches. Men don't owe them anything. You created the "Player" and now they want us to stop. To them I give a big FU. You seem like a smart woman, so of course this won't exactly apply.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I recognize a good thread when I see it and this is one of them.

Allow me to clear up a misconception. We went over there to give some of you a different perspective. Nothing more, nothing less. Did some of our younger brothers make errors in judgement? Yes. Are they held accountable? Yes. Are they bad guys? No.

Seeing as we're having a decent conversation between the tribes finally what say we talk about our life experiences and let's end this fvcking finger pointing nonsense?

To Hombre/Touche, Kathy and all of the other new SSoldiers I extend my hand and my heart.

What answers can I provide with all of my infinite wisdom :D !


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
HOMBRE said:
Ok, back to a bit about me. So I was abused by men and a complete doormat in my life at various times. But in my 20's I thought I was hot shyt and probably acted like some of the women you're all bitter about. Said I wanted one thing but went for another..the whole deal.
So you were open to being played in your 20s, the time in your life when you were most attractive. Thats interesting.

See, that's why I believe a lot of this is a matter of maturity in many cases. I got fed up of that and started asking myself why, once again, I was home crying in my ice cream (or beer.)
We recognize this dynamic on the site and there have been threads addressing tailoring your game to different age markets and niches. Francisco D'Anconia and Joekerr31 have written often about how to talk to mature women and progress into a more nice-guy/understanding type role, in the Mature Man's forum. Its not a mystery to us. The reason why you dont see it discussed much is because most guys here are younger and don't go for 30+ women because we consider them generally less attractive than 20-something women. So you're advice applies to someone who would want to game YOU. Most of us do not want to game you or women like you (i.e. in their 30s and above).

Ask whatever you want about how our dating days went or about my husband. I'll be happy to answer.
I've got a mom and a dad, female relatives, lots of female acquaintences and a few female friends. What makes you think I would need to ask YOU about your specific dating experience? I could ask you, or I could ask some guys on this site with 30 years relationship experience and many many lays. Why would I ask you, how YOU would like to be gamed, when I could ask a man who knows, how WOMEN in general should be gamed?

I'm seeing mistakes that some of you are making but far be it for me, a woman (YIKES!) to point them out, right?
Do you know how to sleep with 20 year old chicks? I doubt it.

So it sounds to me like some of you should reassess the types of women you've been going for.
i.e. go for women past their prime, like yourself? 20 year old girls are not mature, most of them are complete dumba55es and yet we have to game them somehow. Your philosophy would have us let all the girls get fvcked by DJs, like you yourself were, until they mature and "ripen" and then we can marry them when they are frumpy and old? No thanks.

And make sure that you REALLY know what YOU want. Don't say you want a nice girl who won't jack you if you're really going for the heartless bytches in the end. And yes, as someone on here pointed out, after seeing my profile pic, don't just go for looks. Go for CHARACTER. Sure, you have to be attracted but think with your brains and not with your dycks.
Fair enough, guys don't screen enough. Most of them are looking for a lay.

I have to tell you though, whatever advice you could offer is most likely already being purveyed. The young guys get this advice and IGNORE it anyway. They dont listen to it. Nor would they listen to you.

This is a site dedicated to male empowerment. You are a condescending female voice. Many of us have been berated for years by teachers, mothers, and lovers in the same condescending tone that you prefer to use here: Hey guys, I have a vagina, I know whats up!

And really, the most important message of this site, as I understand it, is telling people like yourself to shove off. You come in here prancing around, giving unsolicited advice in a pompous tone, thinking that because you have a vagina you have the key to the universe or you can make the rules.

The best thing a guy can learn IMO is to get all the women like yourself out of his life and to not accept being talked to in the way you are talking to us.

Peace out.


Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Lord Shinra said:
You want stuff like this to go away, tell women to stop acting like prissy little b1tches. Men don't owe them anything. You created the "Player" and now they want us to stop. To them I give a big FU. You seem like a smart woman, so of course this won't exactly apply.
Lord, I didn't create the Playa and nor did any other woman. STOP blaming women for how you are. I didn't blame all men because a few treated me like crap.

Secondly, thank you for the compliment but if you know anything about me or have read my posts on LS I DO get on women and call them on their bad behavior. If they act like "prissy little bytches" you bet I say something. I've gotten restricted and banned and infracted many times on LS for violating the rules because I'm too outspoken and they're a little too PC sometimes.

It's not a perfect site is. But anyway, yeah, I hear you on that but you need to own your part in things too. Don't play the victim. Kick those types to the curb!


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
HOMBRE said:
First of all, just in case some of you don't know exactly what happened. Brother Ketostix went over to LS to start a fake thread about dating. I was one of the first to respond in a serious way, trying to help. Well later, I came to find out it was all a big hoax. He, and others, were making fun of the site and naming specific people, many who are my friends. I don't like being taken for a fool so I responded in kind, rightly or wrongly.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. To be honest I'm not sure which thread you are talking about. Kind of convienant that the azzhole moderators and whiners deleted the threads, so now you guys can just make any claims you want and the original evidence to prove or disprove it is gone huh?

It wasn't a hoax, making fun of the site or anyone there. Although I by far was subjected to much more belittling and ridicule there. Everything I posted was real scenarios that I had either experienced at least in the past or know others who had. Everything I posted whether written in a humorous way or whatever was intended and was in fact thought provoking and I'd even say profound. The intent was to challenge and dispell some beliefs over there. But it's clear there's no getting through to some people. I knew that going in, so I tried to have some fun with it anyway.

You can keep playing the blame card and the victim card as females so commonly do, but you're wrong as usual.


Mar 28, 2008
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KarmaSutra said:
I recognize a good thread when I see it and this is one of them.

Allow me to clear up a misconception. We went over there to give some of you a different perspective. Nothing more, nothing less. Did some of our younger brothers make errors in judgement? Yes. Are they held accountable? Yes. Are they bad guys? No.

Seeing as we're having a decent conversation between the tribes finally what say we talk about our life experiences and let's end this fvcking finger pointing nonsense?

To Hombre/Touche, Kathy and all of the other new SSoldiers I extend my hand and my heart.

What answers can I provide with all of my infinite wisdom :D !
Thank you KS. I'm no SSoldier though. I still don't agree with a lot on here....those silly articles and what not. So I'lm never going to be a big part of this site. I'll stick to LS. I just thought I'd clear up some things.

And I realize that I shouldn't judge the whole site because of the actions of a few misguided members. I understand that. I'm just looking at the site as a whole and I do see other things I'm not crazy about. But anyway, thanks for the nice words.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
I'm going to go with Karma on this one. BOTH sides here said stuff in the other forums about other members, even up until a few minutes before this thread, and I think the funny thing is everyone's reading everything but it's in their respective site.

But yeah. For the third time, no one died. I personally have no problem with a few more women on this site. It's kind of foolish to say "everyone from LS is stupid!", just like I'm sure you'd agree saying the reverse about ss is foolish as well.

So, whatever. IS IT OVER NOW???? Lol. From my perspective, I have actually learned quite a bit. Even if it confirmed what I already knew, for me that counts for something.

But at this point, I think I'm going to drop it, move on and even after the smart-ass comments I've already given in this post, say welcome aboard, etc. I think we all know what to expect, so let's just "enjoy".
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
reset said:
I'm going to go with Karma on this one. BOTH sides here said stuff in the other forums about other members, even up until a few minutes before this thread, and I think the funny thing is everyone's reading everything but it's in their respective site.

But yeah. For the third time, no one died. I personally have no problem with a few more women on this site. It's kind of foolish to say "everyone from LS is stupid!", just like I'm sure you'd agree saying the reverse about ss is foolish as well.

So, whatever. IS IT OVER NOW???? Lol. From my perspective, I have actually learned quite a bit. Even if it confirmed what I already knew, for me that counts for something.

But at this point, I think I'm going to drop it, move on and even after the smart-ass comments I've already given in this post, say welcome aboard, etc. I think we all know what to expect, so let's just "enjoy".

It's never going to be over. She's a bored housewife. The drama will never end.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
HOMBRE said:
STOP blaming women for how you are. I didn't blame all men because a few treated me like crap.
But the difference is given a choice between a guy that treated you like crap and one that didn't, you chose the one that treated you like crap. You'll never get. It's like the saying, "You can always tell a woman, but you can't tell her much.". It's just a waste of time trying to reason with women. Guys we are wasting our time explaining everything to these women. It's hard not to respond though when they say such ridiculous things.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
My Name is Nobody said:
It's never going to be over. She's a bored housewife. The drama will never end.
Could be, but we get to decide how to react, is my point.


Mar 28, 2008
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Technical1 said:
So you were open to being played in your 20s, the time in your life when you were most attractive. Thats interesting.

I wasn't exactly "open" to it but yeah it happened. And I'm not sure that I'm not as attractive now as when I was in my 20's:p

We recognize this dynamic on the site and there have been threads addressing tailoring your game to different age markets and niches. Francisco D'Anconia and Joekerr31 have written often about how to talk to mature women and progress into a more nice-guy/understanding type role, in the Mature Man's forum. Its not a mystery to us. The reason why you dont see it discussed much is because most guys here are younger and don't go for 30+ women because we consider them generally less attractive than 20-something women. So you're advice applies to someone who would want to game YOU. Most of us do not want to game you or women like you (i.e. in their 30s and above).

Whatever...doesn't sound like you get what I was saying. Continue with your "game" and you'll get what you've been getting. You didn't really pick up on what I was saying.

I've got a mom and a dad, female relatives, lots of female acquaintences and a few female friends. What makes you think I would need to ask YOU about your specific dating experience? I could ask you, or I could ask some guys on this site with 30 years relationship experience and many many lays. Why would I ask you, how YOU would like to be gamed, when I could ask a man who knows, how WOMEN in general should be gamed?

Feel free to leave my thread then. And what you're STILL not getting is that women of substance..women with a BRAIN, don't like being "gamed." Even when I was stupid and spineless in my 20's I didn't fall for it easily. I did sometimes end up with the wrong guy but the type of stuff you're talking about almost never fooled me. It was so damn obvious. I wish you knew that form a female perspective but you can't. No guy will know that.

Do you know how to sleep with 20 year old chicks? I doubt it.

No, but I know what will get a 20 year old to sleep with a guy since I WAS one...DUH! But that's fine. Don't listen to me. If what you're doing is working for ya, don't let me confuse you with the facts, right?:p

i.e. go for women past their prime, like yourself? 20 year old girls are not mature, most of them are complete dumba55es and yet we have to game them somehow. Your philosophy would have us let all the girls get fvcked by DJs, like you yourself were, until they mature and "ripen" and then we can marry them when they are frumpy and old? No thanks.

Yeah, I'm frumpy and old. How did you know? And again, DJ's didn't "get" me. I was too smart for that. I was not attracted to those types at all. What a genius. Twenty something bimbos are so easy to get that it's surprising you have to have "game" them...hmmm, makes me wonder about some of you.

Fair enough, guys don't screen enough. Most of them are looking for a lay.

I have to tell you though, whatever advice you could offer is most likely already being purveyed. The young guys get this advice and IGNORE it anyway. They dont listen to it. Nor would they listen to you.

This is a site dedicated to male empowerment. You are a condescending female voice. Many of us have been berated for years by teachers, mothers, and lovers in the same condescending tone that you prefer to use here: Hey guys, I have a vagina, I know whats up!

And really, the most important message of this site, as I understand it, is telling people like yourself to shove off. You come in here prancing around, giving unsolicited advice in a pompous tone, thinking that because you have a vagina you have the key to the universe or you can make the rules.

The best thing a guy can learn IMO is to get all the women like yourself out of his life and to not accept being talked to in the way you are talking to us.

Peace out.
I'm doing nothing different than some of the less intelligent bros on here have done when they invaded our site.

And you clearly have a HUGE chip on your shoulder. I'm not any better because I have a vagina. What I DO have is experience. Something many of you obviously lack.

Ok, keep on keepin' on. Your way must be workin for ya, right? Peace, bro. :)
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
reset said:
Could be, but we get to decide how to react, is my point.

I'm reacting to a troll, because that's what she is. She proved it already.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
HOMBRE said:
Lord, I didn't create the Playa and nor did any other woman. STOP blaming women for how you are. I didn't blame all men because a few treated me like crap.
Yes, yes, you did. Not by a conscious act but by following your nature.

You think we start off being natural players and then BLAME you for having to be played. Wrong. In fact, with most of the guys on this site, we started off as big-hearted, "lets get to know one another" type loverboys and softies, and then BECAME players, BECAUSE thats what gets us laid.

You know that guy who fvcked you in your 20s and made you eat ice cream and cry? I am deliberately taking steps to become that guy! Because that is what I want to do to younger versions of yourself! It sounds horrible, but you known what, I don't really think that the 20-year-old Hombre should be given a monopoly on my time in a long term relationship. I dont think 20-year old girls have their heads together enough to steer my life so much.

And by the way, were you out talking to chumps and giving men advice when you were 20? No?! You were out being fvcked by players? Damn. Too bad thats the same story with every other girl. Now that you're frumpy, you're hear telling us to play softball with the girls we date? Puh-leez.

A new generation of girls. Perhaps these girls will be eating Ben and Jerry's instead of whatever you were eating. But they are going to be eating ice cream and crying, because that is in their nature.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
reset said:
Could be, but we get to decide how to react, is my point.
True and in true DJ fashion since no one here wants to fvck Hombre let's all just next her :crackup: . just kidding.
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