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  1. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    Absolutely with doubt about that. With men too. But yeah, with women especially. I used to not like women much...kind of like most of you I'd guess.
  2. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    Actually, I've had other forums change my life. I can't speak for this one since I'm new.
  3. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    I forgive you. The best site? Not sure about that yet. Certainly one of the funniest and most comical though.
  4. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    That's irrelevant. How smart can you be if you can make boatloads of money but you can't hold on to it? Not too "manly"...and even less smart.
  5. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    No shyt, Sherlock!:crackup: Ok, you got me. Nobody, you're hopeless. Put down the beer, k?
  6. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    Don't fall for some woman's cheap trick. Surely an exposed butt won't make you ball up in the corner like a little girl will it? Be a MAN, damn it! I can't stand wussies.
  7. H

    New here, came over from LS

    I'm totally confused too! It's so drastic and dramatic. I'm SO ready for this Bootcamp this summer, I can't wait to be a master DJ! Woo Hoo!:cheer: Watch out ho's!
  8. H

    New here, came over from LS

    Welcome Brother. Good luck banging all the ho's that are out there waiting for you. Oh and Mazel Tov.
  9. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    Absolutely. You must be a Real Man to recognize that. ;)
  10. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    Nope. That's not what I meant....but carry on in your delusion. Anyway, what kind of man are you if you can't end up with most of your "stuff" at the end of it?
  11. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

  12. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    Yep...kinda ironic huh? Kinda like the "buzz" around here about going into battle and "teaching" the pink site about things, right? Gathering the troops and all, don't ya know.
  13. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    Actually, not really. The buzz is that they're glad he's gone. Takes a lot more than that to stir the LS ladies up.;) Except maybe Lizzie. She's wet for KX. But then, she's wet for any man for the right price.
  14. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    That was hilarious. And men don't have a "price" for being with them, right?
  15. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    You're all such men, bring her on down yourself!:crackup: Anyway, I didn't "accuse." You're right on that score. It's nothing she didn't reveal herself on LS if you just go back and read her past posts.
  16. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    It's not surprising at ALL that you'd think that. She caters to men for MONEY. She'll do and say whatever you want her to say. Do you want a prostitute or a real woman? Can you handle a real woman? Ask yourself those questions.
  17. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    When to "admonish your adversities?" Whaaa? Okie, dokie. As for the rest, I can drop it. Mr. Positive, I have no doubt you'd agree with my advice. I will not reveal my identity though.
  18. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    TBF can have any one of you drooling and begging. Hahah. She's gorgeous and smart and very accomplished and educated. She can have any man she wants pretty lie. Keto, you sure you're not a woman?:crackup:
  19. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    Ok, well I don't want to sound like a woman or anything and be all catty,..but since you asked. No, that's not her real picture on the avvy although I think the one in her profile is. She's a part-time prostitute. She also does massages with "happy endings.":up:
  20. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    What do you mean about TBF? She's not Lizzie..not by a long shot...Lizzie is not half the woman TBF is. Lizzie, hot? :crackup: I guess there's no accounting for taste. And you're saying she's hot based solely on her body? Have you seen her face? Not that fake avatar face but her REAL face?