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  1. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Wow, I know what you said. This is great. This shows the depth of the illness here. That's bad, dude. Me? A lowly woman...let's see what else did you guys call me? A "bored housewife" is worse than HITLER...say it isn't so! NOOOOOOOOO!:crazy: Hilarious. Keep it coming, guys! ahahah...
  2. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    ahaha, too funny! Also to guru, I forgot, also a DISGRACE TO THE HUMAN RACE as you said. Yep, I've raped, pillaged small vilages, murdered. I'm a horror! aahahah You're as melodramatic as any woman I yell at on LS. I mean I post a few posts on a stupid male forum for kicks and I'm now A...
  3. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Yep, I know. I'm a bytch Here go ahead and spank me:moon: I'm deplorable and of low character....BUT I'm RIGHT!:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
  4. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Yes, we have a health and fitness section. I usually get in trouble in the politics section though so I stay away. We're very diverse on there really but I guess you'll never find out, right? Sorry, don't know what the heck all the rest of your post meant..don't know diesel or and don't...
  5. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    I seem to remember some insults coming from you but I've had so many I cant remember who said what anymore! Glad you don't hate us anyway. I don't specifically remember anything so bad about Covonia. I'd have to go back and look. He's a dude, right? What was so bad about him? You guys...
  6. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Hahah, that was funny! Yeah, as for the rest sure. I can talk about anything really. No, sorry but I will turn back into a pumpkin soon. Or a witch or something...not sure.
  7. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Oh no, not at all. I swear. And I know you don't like me or trust what I say and whatnot but I'm telling you the truth. I've had my own issues with the moderation on there, as I've said. I can't tell you how many times things I've said that were directed towards other woman were looked down upon...
  8. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Yeah, she's hot. You'd be surprised how many of the LS ladies are not only strikingly beautiful but smart as a whip. I've met a few in person including one who was posting here today earlier...won't say who though...shhhhh.
  9. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Sorry I was giving my H a BJ, can you post it again here. I don't have much time because he's gettng ready to return the favor...HURRY! Rapido! Vamonos!
  10. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    More drivel. I happen to speak French and Spanish so I did understand all of that. I'm a good and feminine woman but that's ok if you don't believe it. And I'm not the one who wouldn't give YOU a's the other way around. I can see why so many on here have trouble with women...
  11. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Actually I never report. I can remember maybe 3 times in almost 3 years. I don't really believe in it because I think it's a little overly-moderated as it is. So no. You'd be wrong there.
  12. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Ella esta caliente por Latinoman. ahaha, very funny! yeah, ok. Anyway, bye guys. I'm bored with this nonsense. Hope you all continue to "grow" (What is it that's growing anyway? ) Ya'll are a trip. And don't forget bros before hoe's, right!:crackup: You can go back to your little...
  13. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    That's actually the only thing you've said that I can respect. Good for you.
  14. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: In your dreams, sweetie. Wow, this is a trip...too funny. No wonder some of you didn't last on LS. We'd chew you up and spit you out! ahaha
  15. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    don't worry about me INterceptor...look within. I'm not neglecting anyone. I'm sitting here on the couch with my H and we're watching TV and he keeps glancing at this nonsense and shaking his head...he got a particularly good laugh over your last post. As for my child he's been put to bed for...
  16. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    First of all, why would you say that? Secondly, why do you even care whether I do or don't. You have been pretty reasonable...not that he wasn't but look at how he starts off the post. THOSE were his true feelings I believe. His true self came out there and then he switched tones with the...
  17. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Why would I do that? Oh and I laughed at your comment earlier but neglected to acknowledge it. At least someone around here has a sense of humor!
  18. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Thank you Iqqui. I do appreciate that. Yeah, I'm sure not known to sugar coat anything which as I've said sometimes gets me in trouble at LS. :) INterceptor is probably a good guy and all I just don't relate to the new age mumbo jumbo. I live in the real world..not that he doesn't but I just...
  19. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Ok, this all made me laugh. I don't know anything about Kathy (WTF?) or Mature Forums or Genearl Forums. Don't know, don't care. I just picked a place to post and that's that. I don't care if you don't think I'm mature. Why would I care? I don't care if you look or don't look at my pic and I...
  20. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    I don't want to get used to him. He's a phony. I see through crap like that. That's why I've succeeded in getting everything I want out of life so far. It doesn't have to get ugly. I'm just calling him on his phoniness. He called me out on things too..whatever. Here, take a look at his...