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  1. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    Ok, now that's funny...and believable.:p I don't remember Wyldfire Keto but I don't think so. I think Lizzie is relatively new on there and is who she says she is. You weren't fooled with that fake avvy were you? You do know what she does for a living part-time don't you?
  2. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    I absolutely have a sense of humor. That's why I'm here.:crackup: If you knew me, you'd know that, man with the big penis...err I mean bigjohnson.
  3. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    Not true. I'm all about that kind of advice. I don't hand-hold. I tell it like it women AND men. Also, what's the big deal about one of your own exposing you. I mean if you're so sure and proud of your message, why worry about them knowing who you are? Kontroller, read further. It's...
  4. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    There's no "victory" and there's no loss. Why do you think you "won?" And what did you win? Some of us are open to some of your views? Are some of you open to some of our views? If so, everyone wins and gains. There are no losers. There's no battle. But I'll take the beer anyway!:up:
  5. H

    I feel the need to apologize.

    Wrong. Actually, it's the opposite. LS'ers feel that you were threatened by them. The fact that you went after LS shows how insecure you are in your position here. Why did you feel you had anything to prove over there? If you were so secure in your positions you wouldn't have felt the need to...
  6. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    Hahah, very funny. Nope I'm really very heterosexual. I just would rather not reveal my gender. What's the difference?
  7. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    Too bad! Another thread closed. What a shame as I wanted to respond to some of the great posts on there. I was actually impressed by a few. I'm surprised. I agree with many of you. As a former wimp who is no longer one, and hast gotten everything I want in life, I thought I had something to...
  8. H

    Just wanted to say hi!

    I'm here to give all the wimpy men advice on how to be a Real Man. I'm here and I'm at your service. I will not read the Bibles or whatever is on here. Take my advice or leave it. It's up to you. Hi Lishy!
  9. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    I actually agree with most of that. The age and 5 year thing is not set in stone though really. It's more of a general guideline. I guess everyone should remain open and not make such blanket statements. That's what I've learned.
  10. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    I'm as light as a feather. But enlighten some of us here. What exactly did you teach again?
  11. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    What are you talking about? I've said a million times already that I haven't stopped laughing since yesterday. Highly entertaining stuff. But I still don't think Real Men would do such a childish thing.
  12. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    Actually, it's no joke. It's sad really.:crackup:
  13. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    Must agree with you on the bolded part. Think of the Real Men you know. Would they honestly be involved in nonsense like this? Let's embrace our manhood. Too funny. Come on troops! We're going into battle! Let's invade the Pink site! :crackup:
  14. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    That was intelligent.:rolleyes:
  15. H

    women who flake on you on purpose..what's the best response?

    It works to make you look immature. It also works to tell her that you even give a shyt. Wow. You don't see that do you? A Real Man wouldn't even bother. It would show that he doesn't really care.
  16. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    Not at all. See above. Your fellow man, Nighthawk gets it. I'm neutral. No sex, no gender. Assume what you wish. It's fine with me. :)
  17. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    So we agree here. Yes, Real Women are/were wrong to be annoyed about how they're portrayed in the media. If they were Real Women they wouldn't give a rat's ass. They'd just be secure in who they are. And no. Children only need guidance from their parents as far as gender roles. Parents have...
  18. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    I have no clue what you're talking about with "getting" my reference. Never saw an episode of Friends in my life. Don't know what cologne you're referring to. You're a "chick?" Ok. Don't assume to know which sex I am though. I'm not in the mood to read your link now. I can only take this...
  19. H

    women who flake on you on purpose..what's the best response?

    Isn't that a little juvenile. Dude, it means she's just not into you. Get a clue. But yeah, she was rude. I'd ignore her otherwise you might come off as creepy.
  20. H

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    Tolerant? I thought you guys were so tolerant here. Since the Loveshack thread was closed as I was responding, I'll have to respond here. I'll correct you Hombre, there are very few members here who believe in beating their chests about what a MAN they are. But neither should men be ashamed...