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  1. R

    when u leave a VM and she don't call back

    <Subscription expired>
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    approaches on youtube?
  3. R

    what is IOI

    Here's a good list of some of most common acronyms you will see used here.
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    Size 16 makes it to the finals of Ms England

    With a baseball bat
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    Rook the Don Gone

    I know him! Hell, I've known him my entire life. We hang out together everyday. I gotten to know him so well, its like we are the same person. When I'm down, he picks me up. When I'm bored, he's the one that makes my life fun and entertaining. The only issue I have with Rook, is that...
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    Is this being a Don Juan?

    And you either have down syndrome, or you are a chick from LS posing as something you are not. You start a post, then every reply is $, or other utter nonsense. Go away, and stop PM'ing child How can i put this girl on ignore!
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    Is this being a Don Juan?

    Holy cow! I've been bamboozled.... you are a LS chick. GTFO! Seriously. You offer nothing here. You are a troll. You are dead to me. Go Away. If you think I'm just making this up... look up all her recent threads... and responses! On a side note... how can I put someone on ignore? Went...
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    Is this being a Don Juan?

    someone else want to take this one as their wing.... I don't have the energy. Look man. I wasn't trying to insult you by calling you a girl... just with so many new lovechicks (whatever) site coming over here, there are many people posing as what they want to be.. guy/girl hermaphrodites...
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    Is this being a Don Juan?

    Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogo Stick! I just went to look for that thread about "Can I get her back"... and it was started by you! HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA :moon:
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    Is this being a Don Juan?

    okay... so you view the term "sh!t test" as being something as being DEFINED. Re-read my last statement.
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    Is this being a Don Juan?

    Are you a chick? From that site I read about? How old are you? What I said... Yep... It's a sh!t test.... She just sh!tted on you. Are you gonna take it? do nothing? Respond with anger, hurt? The relationship was done well before a girl cheats on you... you were just too AFC to see it...
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    Is this being a Don Juan?

    Don Juans' are human. Of course we care. BUT, being DJ about a situation... you don't blow up.... you act mature. Being a DJ isn't about NOT caring.... it's about having you emotions in check. Being blindsided by a girl cheating on you is a great test to see if you are mature, mentally...
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    The games people play

    Go get her Mav! Damn, that is too funny :crackup:
  14. R

    shaking hands with women???

    And when she starts grinding on another guy... run to the bathroom before you start crying. No girl will respect you if they see you crying on the dance floor. Are you Fracking serious! The only time your should be using both hands.... SECOND BASE! and even then, I can think where my other...
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    shaking hands with women???

    While Jacob's and My approach to the "handshake" are totally different, note: We both try to make the handshake into something more.. We both use C+F while doing it. As I say... a handshake IS important, only because it is the first moment that you get to touch the girl. Whether you are...
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    Welcome to the board...... and the rest of your life. There is a lot of great material to read and LEARN at this site. Any questions... small, or large... feel free to ask away. Just remember, sometimes the truth hurts. And as this is the internet... well, 'nough said.
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    shaking hands with women???

    This thread reminded me of the times where a girl would go in for a handshake and I flipped it into a game of Thumb-War. Win or lose... you get to start kino... not just with the hand-game, but after... I let her beat me, then used C+F and would get playful kino in return. Or, if the girl...
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    DJ's Guide to Flaking

    I've never understood this either...
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    DJ's Guide to Flaking

    Truth is truth!