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  1. R

    Should I take the high road

    Sticking up for yourself is the High Road! I don't know what negative comments you are receiving, but damn! Remember you are a MAN, you are YOU. You don't take shift from anyone (well, if mom gives you shift, you better listen ;) ) Just the other night, I walked into a dive bar.. a cute...
  2. R

    Getting her back

    Agreed. If you are chasing her for the challenge... well, there are thousands of women willing to give you a challenge (and sex). Yet, I think you are chasing her because she validates your worth. You are being manipulated by her. You think "I got her back!", when in reality, she came back...
  3. R

    Gaming Asian Chicks.

    In a nutshell... You have been a member here for 2 years, yet you still have a "need" to post silly topics... "Gaming" Asian Chicks? Are you serious? They are still girls! There is no difference between how you act to them and say... "Gaming" White Chicks. The fact that you used the word...
  4. R

    Gaming Asian Chicks.

    Going by your posts and signature... are you anyones type? You don't seem like a DJ. Rather, you seem like an arrogant PUA, that doesn't respect anyone but yourself (and even that is questionable). Wish you the best in your adventures with life!
  5. R

    Gaming Asian Chicks.

    More of a request. Out of curiosity, how old are you?
  6. R

    Gaming Asian Chicks.

    I'd go for the last saying she mentions... Stop trolling
  7. R

    She thinks that I stalked her?

    This is why i hate texting, IMs, email, etc. Sarcasm and jokes can be misinterpreted all too easily. Since you didn't mention your relationship with this girl, I would read this as playful negging. Why? The winking asciii at the end and the fact that she ASKED Why you were (ie. Do you like...
  8. R

    So I find myself sitting at home, with no desire to go out.

    Stop playing World of warcrack I'm home on a friday night..... and i don't see the problem here. I CHOOSE to be home... why? I didn't want to go out! You are not a "loser" cause you didn't go out on a night when its "the night" to go out. I sit at home on a Tuesday, does that make me weird...
  9. R

    South Carolina

    I live in Mt. P. What types of venues are you interested in? Age? I'm just getting started with the techniques on this site, but as my friends are in LTRs or just AFCs, I'm looking for a wingman as well.
  10. R

    She Wants to be Friends Again!!

    ASK HER! DeedeeDee You only mention that you like this girl for sex. Fair, but be up front about that when you ask her what she wants from you. Honestly.... Grow a pair. You just want to go back to FBs... be a man and tell her that. She will not run away in horror, and (on the off chance...
  11. R

    To next...or not to next...hmmmmmm...

    Thats one way to see it... yes. You have already tipped your hand by showing her interest. She could just be a flirty girl that lives next door. She could also be interested in you. You have not established anything with her that proves she views you as more than a "cute" neighbor. The guy...