She Wants to be Friends Again!!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2003
Reaction score
The OC
Ok I'll keep this short.

I met a girl and we were FB's for a few years when all the sudden she stopped messing around with me. I called her out and she said she "just wanted to be friends". (seeing someone else) Well, I told her that I have plenty of friends, all guys, and that I couldn't be "just friends" with her. So, I stopped talking to her.

Now, 6 months later, she sends me a text saying "Will we ever be friends again?" I'm not sure how to reply to this and I'm curious what people have to say. If she wants to be FB's again I'm all for it. But, if it's just "friends" she wants then no effing way. How should I go about figuring out exactly what she wants?


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Industry said:
How should I go about figuring out exactly what she wants?

ASK HER! DeedeeDee

You only mention that you like this girl for sex. Fair, but be up front about that when you ask her what she wants from you.

Honestly.... Grow a pair. You just want to go back to FBs... be a man and tell her that. She will not run away in horror, and (on the off chance she does), oh well. What did you lose?


Just reread what you typed here....

You are more into this girl than you let on. If you want more from her...TELL HER!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
Industry said:
Ok I'll keep this short.

I met a girl and we were FB's for a few years when all the sudden she stopped messing around with me. I called her out and she said she "just wanted to be friends". (seeing someone else) Well, I told her that I have plenty of friends, all guys, and that I couldn't be "just friends" with her. So, I stopped talking to her.

Now, 6 months later, she sends me a text saying "Will we ever be friends again?" I'm not sure how to reply to this and I'm curious what people have to say. If she wants to be FB's again I'm all for it. But, if it's just "friends" she wants then no effing way. How should I go about figuring out exactly what she wants?
Well, the first thing to find out is if she is single. If not, then no...don't bother.

If she is, I'd go on the assumption that she wants to get into bed with you again.

6 months eh? Good for her. I'm on one month and its taking everything I've got not to contact him.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Well, the first thing to find out is if she is single. If not, then no...don't bother.

I disagree.

I'd go on the assumption that she wants to get into bed with you again.

I agree.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Well, the first thing to find out is if she is single. If not, then no...don't bother.

I disagree.

I'd go on the assumption that she wants to get into bed with you again.

I agree.
Well, the first thing to find out is if she is single. If not, then no...don't bother.

I agreed on the disagree, but I'd check if she just got out of a relationship first and needs some rebound sex. if she does, your a tool. Nothing wrong with that, if thats your cup of Tea. TOOL!