Is this being a Don Juan?


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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I have a friend at school who has been dating this chick for about 6 months now. Now he is a lte bloomer, was laid a couple times when he was 21 i don't even know if you can count them and now he has been nailing this chick full time. Here's the deal though. Yes she is hot and sexy but shes kind of a sceaming little cvnt. now the first few months they were together she was constantly in touch with her boyfriend from home. And she is a notorious flirt like bad. We sometimes have to push her off us.

Now she would go hom,e and be with her boyfriend then come back here and be with my friend. one time her boyfriend came here to see her and the entire weekend she was with him she was texting dirty **** to my boy. Now fast forward to today she tells my bud she is done with her boyfriend from home yet the are still in relationship status on faceboWhile he was on Spring Break she made him talk on the phone with him the whole time in mexico! he speant a thousand dollars.

She doesn't trust him for ****. I think its because she just knows how she is and thinks hes gonna pull the same crap. This is a kid thats realy only ever had sex with her. He went and saw her family for easter. People on campus say she is a tramp as well and tell me to warn him about her..

The other day I had dinner with him and I asked him how he felt about all this. Cause I know she pro9bably is still banging her ex and who knows who else. "He says I don't realy care she tells me she'd rather be with me then him. She is only on face book in relationship staus with him because she feels bad for him. How can I expect her to cut ties with him imediatly? shes always nailing me."

Now is he being a confident Don Juan with no insecurities? Or is he dumb and blinded by his first piece of ass and she is playing both sides of the fence making a fool out of him? he doesn't have anything else going on but a ton of school work and sports


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
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Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
Blinded. He's gonna come crashing down. She's probably doing the same to your friend, like what she did to her ex-BF. Get him outta there. She likes drama, and that's what is going to ensue. Just tell him to cut ties with her, and move on.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

but if you think about it he is handling the situation the way we are told to in the bible


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
He is handling it correctly with her. The problem is he's likely not handling it correctly with himself & his feelings.

I've got no problem with sexing a girl that has a b/f but I wouldn't make an emotional attachment like this guy likely is. Also, there's no point in talking to him, the power of the pvssy is much more than a man's voice. I would just tell him what you know about her and that you understand and respect his right to do what he wants and that you'll never mention it again until its over and that you'll say you told him so.

My point is don't let it come a point between your friendship.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Sex, yes. Emotional attachment and believing her bullshit, not so much.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
sosilky said:
I have a friend at school who has been dating this chick for about 6 months now. Now he is a lte bloomer, was laid a couple times when he was 21 i don't even know if you can count them and now he has been nailing this chick full time. Here's the deal though. Yes she is hot and sexy but shes kind of a sceaming little cvnt. now the first few months they were together she was constantly in touch with her boyfriend from home. And she is a notorious flirt like bad. We sometimes have to push her off us.

Now she would go hom,e and be with her boyfriend then come back here and be with my friend. one time her boyfriend came here to see her and the entire weekend she was with him she was texting dirty **** to my boy. Now fast forward to today she tells my bud she is done with her boyfriend from home yet the are still in relationship status on faceboWhile he was on Spring Break she made him talk on the phone with him the whole time in mexico! he speant a thousand dollars.

She doesn't trust him for ****. I think its because she just knows how she is and thinks hes gonna pull the same crap. This is a kid thats realy only ever had sex with her. He went and saw her family for easter. People on campus say she is a tramp as well and tell me to warn him about her..

The other day I had dinner with him and I asked him how he felt about all this. Cause I know she pro9bably is still banging her ex and who knows who else. "He says I don't realy care she tells me she'd rather be with me then him. She is only on face book in relationship staus with him because she feels bad for him. How can I expect her to cut ties with him imediatly? shes always nailing me."

Now is he being a confident Don Juan with no insecurities? Or is he dumb and blinded by his first piece of ass and she is playing both sides of the fence making a fool out of him? he doesn't have anything else going on but a ton of school work and sports
#1: Very rarely you will find a male under 30 being a "DJ" (as the true definition of a DJ). And it is almost impossible to find one under the age of 25. So, let's make that distinction very clear. Of course, that would not necessary make them "AFCs" either, although many are AFCs (so, for argument sake I could call them "DJ in Training").

#2: Your buddy is doing what makes HIM happy. It is his business and not your. The fact that you are way too concerned is making you a chump. You did what you needed to do...and that was talking to him once. It is up to him to listen or to ignore you.

#3: If he is in College...I certainly hope his focus is 100% school (sports is fine too). Because that is going to be the foundation to his career (which consequently be the foundation for his independence and DJism). Not saying that College is essencial to become a DJ...but if he choose that path (white collar work), then it is essencial in that case.

Is he dumb? Nope. He will be dumb if he was in a SERIOUS relationship with her and/or neglecting his studies. He knows she has another guy...but she enjoy phucking him more. He knows he has to focus on his studies. Heck...I wish I was in his shoes when I was in College (doing a girl without concern of a serious relationship while focusing on my studies...wait!!! I was doing exactly that!!!).


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Was it your buddy who spent the $1000 on Spring Break calling this girl or was it the other guy? If it was your buddy, he's definitely AFC! If not, he's fine.

As long as he has no emotional attachment to this girl and is not looking for a LTR, he's doing it right. Only an AFC would become emotionally attached to a girl with values like hers.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

he is emotionaly attached, he says that ge loves her and the reason he spent $1000 dollars on his phone bill is because he was in mexico on spring break staying at the hotel talking to her so she wouldn't think he was out with chicks.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
sosilky said:
he is emotionaly attached, he says that ge loves her and the reason he spent $1000 dollars on his phone bill is because he was in mexico on spring break staying at the hotel talking to her so she wouldn't think he was out with chicks.
Only an AFC would do that. Any reasonable girlfriend would understand that paying $1000 to keep in contact while on vacation is not reasonable.

She tested him and he lost, terribly.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
A man shouldn't stay on the phone longer than 10 minutes with any woman. Yes, your boy is AFC and not Don Juan. If he was, he'd see all the red flags and run for the next woman or multiple women.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
his relationship is stuffed and is destined to fail in the long run

tell him to have as much fun as he can with her, then leave.

if even being with her is still fun anymore


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah man, when you cheat on someone you then become paranoid that they're doing it back to you, that's how things work.

Please don't tell me it'd be a surprise if she was messing around behind his back the entire time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Effington said:
Yeah man, when you cheat on someone you then become paranoid that they're doing it back to you, that's how things work.

Please don't tell me it'd be a surprise if she was messing around behind his back the entire time.

yeah well if she is, the don juan thing to do is to not care right? he doesn't seem to care. but he is emotionaly involved. so is ignorance just bliss in this situation? is that afc or dj?


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
sosilky said:
yeah well if she is, the don juan thing to do is to not care right?
Don Juans' are human. Of course we care. BUT, being DJ about a situation... you don't blow up.... you act mature. Being a DJ isn't about NOT caring.... it's about having you emotions in check. Being blindsided by a girl cheating on you is a great test to see if you are mature, mentally balanced, and secure in yourself.

Being cheated on, while in a LTR, is the most extreme sh!t test a girl can give you.

Hence why I laugh at threads like.... "Can I get her back?"

Yes... you can. But why would you?


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Rook said:
Don Juans' are human. Of course we care. BUT, being DJ about a situation... you don't blow up.... you act mature. Being a DJ isn't about NOT caring.... it's about having you emotions in check. Being blindsided by a girl cheating on you is a great test to see if you are mature, mentally balanced, and secure in yourself.

Being cheated on, while in a LTR, is the most extreme sh!t test a girl can give you.

Hence why I laugh at threads like.... "Can I get her back?"

Yes... you can. But why would you?

are you actualy saying that a girl will cheat in you in a LTR to test how you will react? as if to say not reacting will somehow strengthen the relationship?

And since you believe you can get the ex back. just humor me by sharing how it is done.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
sosilky said:
are you actualy saying that a girl will cheat in you in a LTR to test how you will react? as if to say not reacting will somehow strengthen the relationship?

And since you believe you can get the ex back. just humor me by sharing how it is done.
Are you a chick? From that site I read about? How old are you?

What I said...

Being cheated on, while in a LTR, is the most extreme sh!t test a girl can give you.
Yep... It's a sh!t test.... She just sh!tted on you. Are you gonna take it? do nothing? Respond with anger, hurt? The relationship was done well before a girl cheats on you... you were just too AFC to see it. But how do you respond? That is the test. "is a great test to see if you are mature, mentally balanced, and secure in yourself." Has nothing to do with her.... this is about you!

And since you believe you can get the ex back. just humor me by sharing how it is done.
You apparently are having a problem with reading and comprehension. I never said that...

I said I LAUGH at people that make those threads.

Grow up girl!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Rook said:
Are you a chick? From that site I read about? How old are
Yep... It's a sh!t test.... She just sh!tted on you. Are you gonna take it? do nothing? Respond with anger, hurt? The relationship was done well before a girl cheats on you... you were just too AFC to see it. But how do you respond? That is the test.

Grow up girl!

I still don't understand this sh!t test why would she be testing your reaction by cheating on you if she considers the relationship over? why would she care what your reaction is?


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
okay... so you view the term "sh!t test" as being something as being DEFINED.

Re-read my last statement.
Yep... It's a sh!t test.... She just sh!tted on you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

throwing insults at me is not going to teach me anything. I'm not a troll, I'm not a girl. and your just being kind of a d!ck so I'm assuming yu have allot to learn too. ROOK! with your newbie 27 posts. so explain to me exactly what a sh!t test is or just don't respond. In the glossary of terms it is just another word for b!tch test wich girls use to test your reaction. like nagging. I'm sure cheating on you is hardly a sh!t test.